Chlorine Dioxide or ASEA? For Athletes, Anti Aging, Or Pain Relief, ASEA is a Winner!

Chlorine dioxide natural treatments

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. It is a yellow-green gas at room temperature and is commonly used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. While chlorine dioxide has some industrial and water treatment applications, there is limited scientific evidence to support its use as a natural treatment for various health conditions.

It is essential to note that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other health authorities do not approve or recommend chlorine dioxide for medical use, and its ingestion can be harmful and even life-threatening. Some individuals promote the use of chlorine dioxide as a so-called "miracle cure" or alternative treatment for conditions such as autism, cancer, and infectious diseases like COVID-19. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and using chlorine dioxide in this way can have serious health consequences.

Chlorine dioxide can release harmful chlorine gas and other toxic byproducts when ingested or administered, leading to adverse reactions, including respiratory issues, gastrointestinal problems, and organ damage. In extreme cases, ingestion of chlorine dioxide has resulted in severe harm and fatalities.

Is it related to redox?

Yes, chlorine dioxide is related to redox chemistry. Redox (short for reduction-oxidation) reactions involve the transfer of electrons between chemical species. These reactions are vital for various chemical processes in nature, including the way living organisms extract energy from food.

In the case of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), it is a powerful oxidizing agent. During redox reactions involving chlorine dioxide, it undergoes reduction by accepting electrons from another chemical species. The ClO2 molecule is reduced to form chloride ions (Cl-) and oxygen molecules (O2):

ClO2 + 2e- → Cl- + O2

As an oxidizing agent, chlorine dioxide can break down or remove electrons from other substances. This property makes it effective as a disinfectant and bleaching agent, as it can disrupt the structures of microorganisms and break down organic matter.

In water treatment, chlorine dioxide is often used to disinfect drinking water and treat wastewater due to its strong oxidizing properties and ability to kill various pathogens. However, it is important to handle chlorine dioxide with caution, as it can be hazardous in high concentrations and is not suitable for use as a medical treatment or as a "natural remedy" for health conditions.

Is it related to ASEA products?

Yes, chlorine dioxide is related to ASEA products, but not in the way you might think. ASEA is a company that produces and markets a line of dietary supplements and personal care products. One of their main products is called ASEA Redox Supplement, and it claims to contain a patented formula of stable redox signaling molecules.

Redox signaling molecules are naturally occurring molecules in the body that play a crucial role in cellular communication and maintaining cellular health. These molecules are involved in various cellular processes, including the regulation of the immune system, cellular repair, and the response to oxidative stress.

ASEA claims that their product contains stable redox signaling molecules in a balanced, bioavailable form that can support and enhance the body's cellular function and overall well-being. However, the specific ingredients and composition of ASEA products have not been fully disclosed, because of its Proprietary nature.

Can chlorine dioxide be a redox signaling molecule?

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is not considered a redox signaling molecule in the context of human biology. Redox signaling molecules are typically endogenous (produced within the body) and play essential roles in cell signaling and communication. They involve the transfer of electrons between molecules, which helps regulate various cellular processes.

While chlorine dioxide is indeed involved in redox chemistry due to its ability to undergo reduction and oxidation reactions (gaining and losing electrons), it is not a naturally occurring molecule within the human body's signaling pathways. Instead, chlorine dioxide is an external chemical compound that is used for industrial purposes, water treatment, and other applications, as mentioned earlier.

Redox signaling molecules in the body, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), have a delicate and tightly regulated balance. They function as important signaling messengers that help maintain cellular health, control immune responses, and regulate various physiological processes. The imbalance of redox signaling can lead to oxidative stress and cellular damage, which is associated with various health issues.

In summary, while chlorine dioxide is related to redox chemistry due to its ability to undergo redox reactions, it is not a redox signaling molecule in the context of human biology. The role of redox signaling in the body involves specific endogenous molecules, and the use of external substances like chlorine dioxide for health purposes is not recommended and can be hazardous.

How important is innate redox signaling in the body?

Innate redox signaling is crucial for maintaining the overall health and proper functioning of the body. Redox signaling refers to the communication process that involves the transfer of electrons between molecules, particularly reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These molecules act as signaling messengers, regulating various cellular processes and playing a vital role in maintaining cellular homeostasis.

Here are some ways in which innate redox signaling is important in the body:

  • Cellular Communication: Redox signaling molecules facilitate communication between cells, allowing them to respond to their environment and adjust their activities accordingly. This helps coordinate various physiological processes and contributes to overall homeostasis.

  • Immune Function: Redox signaling is essential for immune responses, including the activation and regulation of immune cells. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species play a role in defending the body against pathogens and supporting the immune system's ability to fight infections.

  • Cellular Repair and Maintenance: Redox signaling helps in the repair and maintenance of cellular structures and DNA. It is involved in cellular regeneration and the removal of damaged molecules to ensure the proper functioning of cells.

  • Antioxidant Defense: Redox signaling is interconnected with the body's antioxidant defense system. Antioxidants help neutralize excessive ROS and RNS, preventing oxidative stress and damage to cells.

  • Energy Production: Redox signaling is implicated in energy production through cellular respiration and the generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency of cells.

  • Gene Expression: Redox signaling can influence gene expression, regulating the activity of specific genes that play critical roles in various physiological processes.

Disruptions in redox signaling can lead to oxidative stress, a state in which there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the body's ability to neutralize them. Oxidative stress has been linked to various health issues, including inflammation, aging, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

As a result, maintaining proper redox signaling is essential for overall health and disease prevention. It highlights the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle choices that support the body's natural antioxidant defense systems to optimize innate redox signaling and cellular health.

How can chlorine dioxide help with our health?

Chlorine dioxide is not recommended or approved for use in improving health or treating medical conditions. In fact, ingesting or using chlorine dioxide as a health treatment can be extremely dangerous and harmful to the human body.

Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidizing agent and is primarily used for industrial purposes, water treatment, and as a disinfectant. It has been used for water purification and sanitization due to its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. However, its use is strictly regulated and controlled in these applications to ensure safety.

The ingestion of chlorine dioxide can cause severe adverse reactions, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory issues, and organ damage. In extreme cases, it can lead to life-threatening conditions and death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other health authorities have issued warnings against the use of chlorine dioxide for medical or health-related purposes.

Unfortunately, there have been instances where individuals and groups have promoted chlorine dioxide as a so-called "miracle cure" or alternative treatment for various health conditions, including autism, cancer, and infectious diseases like COVID-19. However, these claims are not supported by scientific evidence and pose significant risks to people's health.

What is the theory behind chlorine dioxide helping our health?

There is no scientific evidence supporting the theory that chlorine dioxide can help improve health. In fact, the use of chlorine dioxide as a health treatment is strongly discouraged and can be hazardous.

Some individuals and groups have promoted chlorine dioxide as a so-called "miracle cure" or alternative treatment for various health conditions, including autism, cancer, and infectious diseases like COVID-19. However, these claims are not supported by credible scientific studies or approved by health authorities.

The theory behind using chlorine dioxide for health purposes is often based on the misconception that it can act as an "oxidative therapy" or an immune system booster. Chlorine dioxide is indeed a powerful oxidizing agent and can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. However, this property does not translate into health benefits for the human body.

In reality, ingesting chlorine dioxide is dangerous and can lead to severe health risks. It can cause gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems, organ damage, and in some cases, even death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other health agencies have issued warnings against the use of chlorine dioxide for medical or health-related purposes.

Final Thoughts

I don’t have any experience with Chlorine dioxide (CD) and there is definite potential harm if done wrong.  My preference instead of Chlorine dioxide is ASEA Redox Signaling Molecules which sets it apart from CD due to its Redox Signaling which is an innate message system in our body vs a toxic substance like CD.   That said,  Doctors I trust are using it. Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Tenpenny, Etc.  So it's worth looking deeper into.  

In the meantime, I would recommend you look into ASEA, which has proven safe and is more comprehensive.

If you have any health concerns or medical conditions, it is crucial to seek advice and treatment from qualified healthcare professionals who can provide safe and effective solutions for your specific needs.

Look at the above results and if you are interested,  don’t get it online, because I can help you get it wholesale. Just text me or contact me here.

Here is more info regarding ASEA: password is redox.

Body Rejuvenation Delicious Jello Recipe

Being in practice for 30 years, One common deficiency that a majority of my patients have is Protein deficiency which causes a myriad of diseases! Not only must you eat protein (minimum of half your body weight in grams of protein) but supplementing with extra is often recommended. Especially with conditions such as these: Indigestion, gluten sensitivity, acid reflux, aging, gall bladder/liver problems, SAD (Sad American Diet), Etc…


  • Re-Build Muscle — Whether you are Young or Seasoned

  • NSF Certified for Sport® 

  • Defeats Sarcopenia (Muscle Atrophy with Aging). Best with a exercise program to Double Body Strength

  • Supports Body Processes that need protein. Which is Every Cell of Your Body!

  • Decrease Fat

  • Energy production via activation of NRF-2 and PGC-1alpha.

  • Collagen for Skin, Hair, Nails

  • Tastes Great!


7 scoops (Work up to 10 scoops if you want more flavor) of Thorne amino complex Berry flavor Or flavor of your choice, 28 g amino acids (other flavors: Lemon, Fruit punch, Orange)

Onecup of Unflavored Vital beef gelatin, 80 g collagen

70 Ounces (2 cartons of 33..8 fl oz) of coconut water or purified water if you are trying to lose weight

2 scoops Rx sugar (It Does Not Affect Diabetes or Weight Loss)


  1. Bring water to a simmer and slowly stir in Gelatin with Wire whip

2. Stir in Amino acids, Stir until all clumps are dissolved

3. Add 2 scoops Rx Sugar

4. Pour into Pyrex or other glass container and let cool in refrigerator.

5. Usually hardens within 2 to 3 hours

Nutrition: 4 tbl provides 10 grams power packed protein for every cell of your body. Enjoy!!!

Beating Insomnia

The Enemies to Your Sleep

Other things to Consider:

Waking up in the middle of the night can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Worry, stress, and anxiety can disturb your sleep pattern and lead to waking up during the night.

  2. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome can cause frequent awakenings.

  3. Environment: Factors such as noise, light, or an uncomfortable bed can disrupt your sleep.

  4. Lifestyle Choices: Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, or heavy meals close to bedtime can affect your sleep quality.

  5. Medications: Certain medications can interfere with sleep.

  6. Aging: As people age, they often experience changes in their sleep patterns, including lighter sleep and more frequent awakenings.

  7. Medical Conditions: Various health issues like chronic pain, acid reflux, or nighttime asthma can cause you to wake up.

  8. Needing to Use the Bathroom: This can be due to fluid intake before bed or underlying health issues.

  9. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menopause or pregnancy, can disrupt sleep.

  10. Sleep Schedule: Irregular sleep schedules or jet lag can cause disturbances in your normal sleep pattern.

It's important to note that occasional awakenings are normal, but if they're frequent and affecting your quality of life, it might be helpful to consult a healthcare professional. They can help identify the underlying cause and suggest appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes.

How precious is your sleep! There is where you Heal, Regenerate and Repair. Have you lost your sleep rhythm? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you a morning person or a night person? Your sleep will be better if you practice the principles below. It will help you switch your sleep-wake rhythm.

  2. Do you have more energy at night or in the morning? Answer should be the same as question 1.

  3. Did you do a saliva cortisol test? If yes, did it show more cortisol at night or in the morning? If you have high cortisol at night, practice the principles in the article below.

  4. Have you ever worked a graveyard any time in your life? Answer should be the same as question 3.

  5. When does your internal clock think you should be going to sleep? Answer should be the same as question 3.

The Importance of Healthy Daily Routines!

In the morning:

  • Open Your Windows and Let the Sun Enter your room

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Don’t let the name intimidate you. I like simple! The following is simple! Of course, you can go more intense if you want! Do this soon after you wake up (up to 20 min total work out). Love this! Do this 3x PER DAY, 15 Repititions each time.

During the day:

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (bbg’s) inside where I can't get natural light (using orange glasses).

  • Use F.lux during the day and Android's built-in blue-reducing filter.

  • Exercise as above doing HIIT. It is better to do it out in sun if you can but it is not imperative.

  • Get Some Sun

    • Huge, Huge, Huge. Get your Vitamin D! It helps prevent EVERY disease!

    • At high-noon, go out into the sun and get the Dminder App (download on the Google Play Store or App Store). The app will help you regarding when and how much time you need in the sun (based on how dark your skin is).

    • Go out as naked (socially acceptable) as possible, and without makeup.

    • Do this everyday or every other day, allowing time for your body to rest, produce aMSH (to increase melanocyte proliferation) and produce melanin on your skin - start slowly.

Before bed:

  • (Supplementation) Designs for Health products like Trimag night and PharmaGaba can help with the following: For those with tendency to have difficulty relaxing or have a racing mind. Call our office for details.

  • (Supplementation) Formula 303: For those with Body tension, Muscle pain, Knots in muscle.

  • (Supplementation) Magnesium. This is For Everybody! Our society has a Crazy Epidemic Amount of Magesium Deficiency. There are many types of Magnesium out there. Don’t waste your money on the wrong type! We have several types of Highly absorbable Magnesium. I recommend the ReMag Liquid Magnesium during the day. Follow instructions on the bottle. I found this to be the best absorbable Magnesium.

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (Ex. DEWALT Laser Level Enhancement Glasses, Red) after sunset. Put up Red Light Bulbs only to light up the home. Available at Home Depot.

  • Use F.lux at night and use Twilight (download on the Google Play Store) on your phone along with Android's built-in blue light reducing filter. To reduce blue light on Apple devices: go to Settings > Display & Brightness > toggle the Night Shift setting to Manually ON.

  • Limiting your exposure to light after sunset.

  • Take a Hot shower (You can wear your BBGs in the shower as well).

  • Watch the sunset.

  • Avoid electronic screens.

Kwik, Easy, Laser like Health Strategies to Optimize and Energize You and Your Family

Line Up Your Life

Easy to Do Strategies to Relieve Suffering

At 59 yo, having done multiple strategies for my health, I can only do my best to minimize the ravages of aging. With our crazy, busy lifestyles, over the last 30 years in practice, I have discovered easy to implement optimization strategies to minimize pain, the suffering of disease & optimize energy and vitality!

Here are the recourses I encourage each of you to watch and read:


What’s Next After I’ve
Gone to So Many Doctors?

There is always Hope!!!!!!!

The first book on balancing the Vagus nerve is a powerful strategy but sometimes we need a little more experience and TLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed helping people go deeper with frustrating issues in their lives: unresolved suffering that have visits to many doctors, we have been able to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss any health concerns you have.

What do former president Barack Obama, you and me have in common?

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We are all busy and need to be intentional about exercise. I'm 60 years and admittedly, lack of exercise is my greatest struggle. So, I developed what worked for me in the video and pix below. Do you know what the best exercise is? The ones you are going to do! Just move! It doesn't have to take too much extra time. For example, I run up 5 to 10 flights of stairs in 1 to 2 min every time I have to go to the bathroom at my office. Of course you are drinking your water right? If you don't you won't need to go urinate! If you don't use it, you _______ it! Lose!


We all know we need to move. Sitting is one of the worst things we can do except when resting. If you are like me, I will find ways to procrastinate exercise, I’ll make up excuses; “I’m too busy” “I don’t feel like it” “Takes too much time”. Well now I don’t have any excuses, I love this 4 minute exercise routine to help keep me young. I hope you do too!

How your Neck and Back Pain Can Come from tight Hamstrings

For as long as I can remember, since I've grown to have such long legs, my hamstrings have been tight! After examining a patient today, her symptoms were mid back and neck pain, but she also had tight hamstrings. So I showed her some stretches for the hamstrings. I believe it can make a big difference to the neck and back. It's all connected through meridians which are acupressure Pathways that are like electrical roads going up and down the body. When it's blocked in the hamstrings, and can be blocked and cause pain in the mid back and neck. So why don't you try these stretches out because some of the best stretches for my chronic hamstrings were some yoga poses. There are 100’s of ways to stretch. Do you know the ones that work the best? …. The ones you are going to do! Check it out Stretch #12! Its the one most effective for my hamstrings.

DIY Shoulder Pain Treatment

Found this great exercise for the shoulder. Especially if you have frozen shoulder or any other type of chronic pain and lack of motion. This is NOT for acute, traumatic shoulder injury.

Set yourself up on a comfortable firm bed by looking at the picture on this article on follow the directions on what to do.

As always foundational practices are critical for you in your journey of healing.

How to Relieve Neck Pain

Here is great neck routine I give to many of my patients.

I have treated a lot of neck pain over the last 30 years and developed the Body Intelligent Technique to help resolve it. These exercises along with Body Intelligent Body Technique using Arthosoothe works great the majority of the time. That along with foundational strategies goes a long way to not only relieve the neck pain but prevent it from coming back.

Kwik Way to Stay Fit!

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We all know we need to move. Sitting is one of the worst things we can do except when resting. If you are like me, I will find ways to procrastinate exercise, I’ll make up excuses; “I’m too busy” “I don’t feel like it” “Takes too much time”. Well now I don’t have any excuses, I love this 4 minute exercise routine to help keep me young. I hope you do too!

Diabetes and Obesity Busting Yummy Smoothies.

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We all live crazy, hectic lifestyles, and I always encourage to take some time to plan so that you can be more productive. But part of that planning involves some alone time.  I think this is foundational to life. Especially in busy Southern California. So how do you eat on a busy lifestyle? Recently, we have just re-done our kitchen and moved a washer and dryer to the garage and it's been crazy. One project after another with a non-functional kitchen, our master bedroom was leaking so we have to sleep in the next bedroom so there's a project there. So we all know what it feels like to be busy. So how do I eat when I'm busy and still beat things like diabetes and cancer. My famous saying:

“We spend all our life building wealth and then at the end of our life we lose our wealth due to lack of Health”

One of the tactics that I use when I'm busy is I have a nice high powered blender like Vitamix or Blendtec. I make a smoothie for breakfast and lunch. For those of you that like to chew, you will have to be a bit more imaginative. Chew your smoothies! This helps stimulate digestive juices. I mix these ingredients into a shake and it takes me less than 10 minutes including cleanup.

Weight Busting, Muscle maintaining, Yummy Chocolate Creamy Smoothie

 See List of ingredients at end:
Organic Costco Spinach Filled to the top of blender with spinach.

Liquid - 3 to 4 cups, it could be pure filtered water with reverse osmosis or a Berkey filter, or unsweetened almond, coconut or cashew nut milk. If you are the Ideal Protein program, use water.

A healthy protein powder that has a complete eight amino acid profile which rebuilds muscle. Because if you're trying to lose weight you will lose muscle and you need a complete protein to rebuild that muscle. Otherwise, at the end of the program you will lose muscle pounds and therefore your metabolism will slow down—>  yo yo dieting.

I called a company that sold protein foods and had a few questions for them, they answered all my questions except the last one, does your protein have the full 8 amino acids in it….still waiting for a response…close to year waiting. Please don’t use cheap quality protein where your muscles can deteriorate.

I use Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder that is from bone broth extract of organic grass-fed New Zealand grass fed beef which tastes great in vanilla or chocolate.

You can also use Ideal Protein packets for extra flavor. But I want you to limit the amount of Splenda that you use. 

So now we've got the vegetables and the protein covered now you need the carbs covered if you're not trying to lose weight. You can add frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries, or other low glycemic fruits to your liking.  Google low glycemic foods and see what is best.  These foods have minimal havoc on your blood sugar levels. That's the carbs.

Now you have to add the good healthy fats and I think this is where most people fall short. Because they're scared of fat. If you take a look at all the ketogenic diets out there, there's a lot of research to back up healthy ketogenic diets for many diseases including epilepsy, seizures, Alzheimer's, and cancer. If you are on the Ideal protein program, fats are limited to 2 tsp a day of oil or 9 grams of fat daily.

I find our society falls short in the use of the oils. Either they fry vegetable oils that are not meant to be fried like vegetable oil or eat processed foods or they do home cooking with it. Anything that's in clear containers in the market with vegetable oil is already oxidized due to light and the way they process that oil with heat —> oxidizes oil (like rust to metal) and damages your arteries —> heart attacks, strokes, embolisms

I use “cold processed”, ultra high quality oils like Mixed Efas (anti-inflammatory) that tastes great and makes a creamy consistency.  Additionally, I only cook with oils and have high “smoke” points like, butter, ghee, tallow, duck fat, and coconut oil. Basically, almost all animal fats.  As long as you don’t combine a meal with high fats and high carbs you won’t get fat and get all the diseases of modern culture. Think of foods that plug up your arteries like donuts, french fries, pasta loaded with oil etc. Those are “artery clogging bombs”

Summary of anti-Stroke and Heart Attack smoothie

 *Strong blender like Vita-mix or Blendtec

 1. Spinach (organic from Costco) (fill to top of blender)

2. 2 to 4 cups liquid (water etc… see above). 2 cups per meal. 4 cups if making Breakfast and Lunch.

3. High quality, 8 amino acid, GMO free, organic, antibiotic free protein (20 grams/scoop). Ex. Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder $2.93/serving. I like chocolate better with the spinach. 1 scoop is 1 meal. Use 2 if preparing both Breakfast and Lunch

4. High quality oil (1 tbl).  Ex Mixed Efas, ($1.56 per serving) coconut oil (if you like the taste), even Kerry gold butter.  Avocados ($1.53/per small avocado at Costco -1/2 to 1, Use more oil if you are hungry before lunch time.

5. Enjoy!



Is Your Sciatic Pain a Pain in the Butt?

Some Sciatic pain literally is from the gluteal/butt region originating from the piriformis muscle.

Common causes are inflammation from the following possibilities:   

1.  Acute injury

2.  One Leg is shorter than the other

3.  Foot problem (flat feet, forefoot varus (where the neutral position of the forefoot is inverted)

4. Other:

  • Abdominal infections

  • localized infections

  • Toxic overload from:   heavy metals, processed foods,  antibiotics, environmental toxins, etc

The first 3 above may respond to stretching, the last one would probably require a holistic approach and come in to our clinic to find the root cause.

Here is more detailed information and stretches you can do:

Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and not intended to replace a qualified assessment from a health care professional.   WARNING:  DO NOT DO THESE EXERCISES IF IT CAUSES MORE PAIN.