Diabetes and Obesity Busting Yummy Smoothies.

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We all live crazy, hectic lifestyles, and I always encourage to take some time to plan so that you can be more productive. But part of that planning involves some alone time.  I think this is foundational to life. Especially in busy Southern California. So how do you eat on a busy lifestyle? Recently, we have just re-done our kitchen and moved a washer and dryer to the garage and it's been crazy. One project after another with a non-functional kitchen, our master bedroom was leaking so we have to sleep in the next bedroom so there's a project there. So we all know what it feels like to be busy. So how do I eat when I'm busy and still beat things like diabetes and cancer. My famous saying:

“We spend all our life building wealth and then at the end of our life we lose our wealth due to lack of Health”

One of the tactics that I use when I'm busy is I have a nice high powered blender like Vitamix or Blendtec. I make a smoothie for breakfast and lunch. For those of you that like to chew, you will have to be a bit more imaginative. Chew your smoothies! This helps stimulate digestive juices. I mix these ingredients into a shake and it takes me less than 10 minutes including cleanup.

Weight Busting, Muscle maintaining, Yummy Chocolate Creamy Smoothie

 See List of ingredients at end:
Organic Costco Spinach Filled to the top of blender with spinach.

Liquid - 3 to 4 cups, it could be pure filtered water with reverse osmosis or a Berkey filter, or unsweetened almond, coconut or cashew nut milk. If you are the Ideal Protein program, use water.

A healthy protein powder that has a complete eight amino acid profile which rebuilds muscle. Because if you're trying to lose weight you will lose muscle and you need a complete protein to rebuild that muscle. Otherwise, at the end of the program you will lose muscle pounds and therefore your metabolism will slow down—>  yo yo dieting.

I called a company that sold protein foods and had a few questions for them, they answered all my questions except the last one, does your protein have the full 8 amino acids in it….still waiting for a response…close to year waiting. Please don’t use cheap quality protein where your muscles can deteriorate.

I use Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder that is from bone broth extract of organic grass-fed New Zealand grass fed beef which tastes great in vanilla or chocolate.

You can also use Ideal Protein packets for extra flavor. But I want you to limit the amount of Splenda that you use. 

So now we've got the vegetables and the protein covered now you need the carbs covered if you're not trying to lose weight. You can add frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries, or other low glycemic fruits to your liking.  Google low glycemic foods and see what is best.  These foods have minimal havoc on your blood sugar levels. That's the carbs.

Now you have to add the good healthy fats and I think this is where most people fall short. Because they're scared of fat. If you take a look at all the ketogenic diets out there, there's a lot of research to back up healthy ketogenic diets for many diseases including epilepsy, seizures, Alzheimer's, and cancer. If you are on the Ideal protein program, fats are limited to 2 tsp a day of oil or 9 grams of fat daily.

I find our society falls short in the use of the oils. Either they fry vegetable oils that are not meant to be fried like vegetable oil or eat processed foods or they do home cooking with it. Anything that's in clear containers in the market with vegetable oil is already oxidized due to light and the way they process that oil with heat —> oxidizes oil (like rust to metal) and damages your arteries —> heart attacks, strokes, embolisms

I use “cold processed”, ultra high quality oils like Mixed Efas (anti-inflammatory) that tastes great and makes a creamy consistency.  Additionally, I only cook with oils and have high “smoke” points like, butter, ghee, tallow, duck fat, and coconut oil. Basically, almost all animal fats.  As long as you don’t combine a meal with high fats and high carbs you won’t get fat and get all the diseases of modern culture. Think of foods that plug up your arteries like donuts, french fries, pasta loaded with oil etc. Those are “artery clogging bombs”

Summary of anti-Stroke and Heart Attack smoothie

 *Strong blender like Vita-mix or Blendtec

 1. Spinach (organic from Costco) (fill to top of blender)

2. 2 to 4 cups liquid (water etc… see above). 2 cups per meal. 4 cups if making Breakfast and Lunch.

3. High quality, 8 amino acid, GMO free, organic, antibiotic free protein (20 grams/scoop). Ex. Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder $2.93/serving. I like chocolate better with the spinach. 1 scoop is 1 meal. Use 2 if preparing both Breakfast and Lunch

4. High quality oil (1 tbl).  Ex Mixed Efas, ($1.56 per serving) coconut oil (if you like the taste), even Kerry gold butter.  Avocados ($1.53/per small avocado at Costco -1/2 to 1, Use more oil if you are hungry before lunch time.

5. Enjoy!



Waging war against obesity at $18/lb.

What will it cost you per lb to lose your weight?

We stopped counting the 4000 plus pounds we lost at our clinic but still praise our dieters for their commitment to themselves and beating diabetes, obesity and a poor self image.

CBS news compared the costs of major weight loss programs and we compared it to Ideal protein.   Please click here to see the comparison.  How does $18/lb sound?  Click here to see the results?

Get started today shedding those pounds!