Foundational Steps towards Wellness

I can't overemphasize how important simple habits are to your sanity not to mention your health

I say these things to my patients very, very often because I want to ingrain it in their heads. I’ll say it again because it’s so important: I can’t overemphasize doing the things below to aid your healing journey. Many come in desperate in pain, with cancer or other disease, like allergies or autoimmune issues. How they got to my office is a story of deprivation often missing one or more components below. Your body will be operating at a deficit if you don’t do these things. Southern California is fast paced, full of demands and stress that will eat your health up unless you are intentional about being healthy. What are the simple, nuts and bolts daily activities to keep you energetic and vibrant?

Your daily energy to live comes from stored energy in the body. My whole goal with treatment is to charge up cells that are weak. Did you know that cancer cells have the lowest charge? Stress, nutritional deficiencies, Injuries, lack of sun, dehydration, lack of sleep, etc are dis-chargers. You are charged up after a treatment which normalizes body energy and therefore cleansing and nutrient absorption capabilities. What are the practical everyday healthy tools? For you, one thing may be more important than others especially if you're not getting one of these items regularly. So focus on those items that you need to work on the most.

S’s for Successful Health

  1. Sleep and rest at least seven to eight hours, preferably 8. If you don’t rest your don’t heal! I ask every one of my patients how they are sleeping and address the cause of their lack of sleep from the start.

  2. Shift away from Electro smog. This is most common cause of sleep issues. In our modern culture, we are so over exposed to electrical smog from Wi-Fi, cell phone, cordless phones Etc, that some authorities call it the greatest health threat of our day. It is critical that you ground yourself to the natural PEMF- pulse electromagnetic frequency of the earth. Go out in the sun. Walk Barefoot on the grass or sand. Touch a tree. Get PEMF at our office. Get your home remediated. Implement things to do now to reduce electro smog on your body.

  3. Supply and Stay Nourished & get Support from at least 1 other person that builds you up, particularly with regard to healthy eating. If they tend towards discouraging you, they may not be the best accountability partner. If necessary get, professional accountability at first if you are at your wits end. I encourage that if you have been diagnosed or or suspect cancer, heart disease, chronic pain or Autoimmune issues. Supplementation with high quality, non toxic supplements will probably be necessary. We use a Science based approach to measure what you need for vitamins, herbs, etc…

  4. Sift/Cleanse with pure water. Poorly filtered refrigerated water or God forbid, tap water is Nasty! If you knew what was in tap water, you would cringe. Drink 1/2 your body weight in oz. 96 oz maximum. More water if you are sweating a lot. I prefer Berkey water or Reverse Osmosis not only for effectiveness in purifying water but for cost savings as well.

  5. Sensitize yourself to your Body’s needs. Listen to your body get power naps if necessary. Fight Stress with quiet times and stress reduction techniques. Deep breathing or walks or…?

  6. Steps towards body movement are critical for not only oxygenation but also for rejuvenating and refreshing your body. It’s great to help maintain your bodies youthfulness. If time is your greatest hindrance, here is a great 4 min exercise to multiply your workouts.


6. Sanitize and support your body with Apple Cider vinegar and other fermented foods daily. Fermented food are powerful for your Gut community. Earth tooth paste is not only great for infections and pain on your on all areas of discomfort as well as scar tissue till it drys, the thicker the paste the more the detox. Please avoid sensitive areas like eyes.

7. Sanitize with Epsom salt bath for 30 minutes, full body if you can, but at least the hands and feet for 30 minutes each, I like using Magnagel which is Epson salt (magnesium) in a bottle. We are a culture depleted in our Magnesium do to poor agricultural methods and eating habits.