Beating Insomnia

The Enemies to Your Sleep

Other things to Consider:

Waking up in the middle of the night can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Worry, stress, and anxiety can disturb your sleep pattern and lead to waking up during the night.

  2. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome can cause frequent awakenings.

  3. Environment: Factors such as noise, light, or an uncomfortable bed can disrupt your sleep.

  4. Lifestyle Choices: Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, or heavy meals close to bedtime can affect your sleep quality.

  5. Medications: Certain medications can interfere with sleep.

  6. Aging: As people age, they often experience changes in their sleep patterns, including lighter sleep and more frequent awakenings.

  7. Medical Conditions: Various health issues like chronic pain, acid reflux, or nighttime asthma can cause you to wake up.

  8. Needing to Use the Bathroom: This can be due to fluid intake before bed or underlying health issues.

  9. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menopause or pregnancy, can disrupt sleep.

  10. Sleep Schedule: Irregular sleep schedules or jet lag can cause disturbances in your normal sleep pattern.

It's important to note that occasional awakenings are normal, but if they're frequent and affecting your quality of life, it might be helpful to consult a healthcare professional. They can help identify the underlying cause and suggest appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes.

How precious is your sleep! There is where you Heal, Regenerate and Repair. Have you lost your sleep rhythm? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you a morning person or a night person? Your sleep will be better if you practice the principles below. It will help you switch your sleep-wake rhythm.

  2. Do you have more energy at night or in the morning? Answer should be the same as question 1.

  3. Did you do a saliva cortisol test? If yes, did it show more cortisol at night or in the morning? If you have high cortisol at night, practice the principles in the article below.

  4. Have you ever worked a graveyard any time in your life? Answer should be the same as question 3.

  5. When does your internal clock think you should be going to sleep? Answer should be the same as question 3.

The Importance of Healthy Daily Routines!

In the morning:

  • Open Your Windows and Let the Sun Enter your room

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Don’t let the name intimidate you. I like simple! The following is simple! Of course, you can go more intense if you want! Do this soon after you wake up (up to 20 min total work out). Love this! Do this 3x PER DAY, 15 Repititions each time.

During the day:

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (bbg’s) inside where I can't get natural light (using orange glasses).

  • Use F.lux during the day and Android's built-in blue-reducing filter.

  • Exercise as above doing HIIT. It is better to do it out in sun if you can but it is not imperative.

  • Get Some Sun

    • Huge, Huge, Huge. Get your Vitamin D! It helps prevent EVERY disease!

    • At high-noon, go out into the sun and get the Dminder App (download on the Google Play Store or App Store). The app will help you regarding when and how much time you need in the sun (based on how dark your skin is).

    • Go out as naked (socially acceptable) as possible, and without makeup.

    • Do this everyday or every other day, allowing time for your body to rest, produce aMSH (to increase melanocyte proliferation) and produce melanin on your skin - start slowly.

Before bed:

  • (Supplementation) Designs for Health products like Trimag night and PharmaGaba can help with the following: For those with tendency to have difficulty relaxing or have a racing mind. Call our office for details.

  • (Supplementation) Formula 303: For those with Body tension, Muscle pain, Knots in muscle.

  • (Supplementation) Magnesium. This is For Everybody! Our society has a Crazy Epidemic Amount of Magesium Deficiency. There are many types of Magnesium out there. Don’t waste your money on the wrong type! We have several types of Highly absorbable Magnesium. I recommend the ReMag Liquid Magnesium during the day. Follow instructions on the bottle. I found this to be the best absorbable Magnesium.

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (Ex. DEWALT Laser Level Enhancement Glasses, Red) after sunset. Put up Red Light Bulbs only to light up the home. Available at Home Depot.

  • Use F.lux at night and use Twilight (download on the Google Play Store) on your phone along with Android's built-in blue light reducing filter. To reduce blue light on Apple devices: go to Settings > Display & Brightness > toggle the Night Shift setting to Manually ON.

  • Limiting your exposure to light after sunset.

  • Take a Hot shower (You can wear your BBGs in the shower as well).

  • Watch the sunset.

  • Avoid electronic screens.

Empowering & Destressing Your Body With and Without Hi Tech

Empowering &

Destressing Your Body

Benefits of Vagus Nerve Balancing


  • Step 1, Click on any conditions below that concern you and see the Abstract showing the results

  • Versatile for many Health Benefits (Click on each condition below to see the National Institute of Health Research)

  • 7 patents

  • FDA approved for migraines and other headaches

  • FDA approved for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  • FDA Emergency Use Authorization for Post Covid Breathing Issues

Gammacore Vagus Stimulator helped Marie’s Migraines! That is just the Tip of the Iceberg!

Dr. Paul’s Conviction Regarding Vagus Nerve Stimulation

“I’m Grateful for God Showing Me Profound Ways to Help My Patients”

Being in practice for almost 30 years now, I have been praying for Health solutions that are affordable that produce the most profound results. I believe this Vagus Nerve technology is one such treatment. It’s easy to do, efficient and covers a whole host of issues producing Results on your Body.

You can do these Vagus Nerve Stretches without a machine for Free but its more Efficient with the Handheld stimulator.

Potential benefits:

Purpose: The vagus nerve is a crucial part of the autonomic nervous system that plays a role in regulating various bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and stress response. Stimulating the vagus nerve can have a calming and relaxing effect on the body and mind.

Here are some vagus nerve exercises that are commonly recommended:

  1. Deep Breathing: Slow, diaphragmatic breathing is one of the simplest ways to stimulate the vagus nerve. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Aim for a 5-7 second inhalation and a 5-7 second exhalation. Repeat this for a few minutes.

  2. Humming: Humming can stimulate the vagus nerve because it involves the muscles in the back of your throat that are connected to the vagus nerve. Simply hum a tune or the sound "Om" for a few minutes.

  3. Gargling: Gargling with warm saltwater or plain water can activate the vagus nerve. Gargle for about 30 seconds to a minute several times a day.

  4. Singing and Chanting: Singing, especially deep and resonant singing, can engage the vagus nerve. Chanting or singing in a group can also be socially and emotionally beneficial. I love Singing to God, for He is Amazing!

  5. Cold Exposure: Exposure to cold, such as splashing your face with cold water or taking a cold shower, can activate the vagus nerve's response to stress. Start with a brief exposure and gradually increase the duration if you're not accustomed to cold therapy.

  6. Laughter: Laughter is a natural way to stimulate the vagus nerve. Watch a funny video, read jokes, or engage in activities that make you laugh.

  7. Quiet Times: God knows how we get easily distracted. I like Me time with God. He is my Source of Ultimate love, peace and healing. Including Him in all our activities is His desire because He Loves to hang out with You and me. Why not get His Boundless Love, and His unlimited knowledge, understanding, wisdom & counsel (Is 11:2)? He thinks about you and me all the time and His thoughts of you are Greater than the sands of the sea! (Ps 139). When you Seek Him as Your Primary source of Connection and Intimacy, He’ll take care of all your needs! (Mt 6:33)

  8. Intermittent Fasting: Some research suggests that intermittent fasting can enhance vagal tone. However, if you are considering fasting, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

  9. Probiotics: Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through probiotics may indirectly affect vagal tone because there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain through the vagus nerve.

It's important to note that while these exercises may help stimulate the vagus nerve and promote relaxation, they should not replace medical treatment or advice for specific medical conditions. If you have a medical condition or concerns about your health, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting vagus nerve exercises or any new wellness practices.

You can research it out yourself by googling “Vagus Nerve Stimulation and ____________(condition)”. I have done some of that work for you below by clicking on each condition below. More to come….

Conditions that Vagus Nerve Treatment Help:


    1) Modulation of the Anti-Inflammatory Response

    2) Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Chronic Inflammation




    The parasympathetic system, and primarily the vagus nerve, informs the brain about multiple signals and returns the body to homeostasis. Recent studies have shown that vagal nerve activity independently predicts prognosis in cancer. Here, we take this one step further and show that when vagal nerve activity is high, cancer stage no longer predicts tumor burden. We examined whether vagal nerve activity, indexed by Heart Rate Variability (HRV) (We can measure this at my office, moderated the effects of initial tumor stage on tumor burden at followup. Patients' HRVs were derived from ECGs near diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC) and in prostate cancer (PC) patients. Outcomes included the tumor markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) at 12 months for CRC and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) at 6 months for PC. As would be expected, initially advanced tumor stages of CRC or PC predicted higher tumor marker levels at follow-up than did early stages. However, this occurred only in patients with low, not high, vagal activity (HRV). Furthermore, in patients with advanced tumor stage at diagnosis, high HRV predicted lower tumor marker levels than did low HRV, in both cancers. Estimating a cancer patient's prognosis by determining his tumor stage needs to also consider the vagal nerve activity. This activity is easily measurable, and it determines in which subjects the tumor stage is prognostic. Importantly, higher vagal activity may even protect against the adverse effects of advanced cancer stage. These findings, observed in two distinct cancers, support the hypothesized neuroimmunomodulatory effects of vagal nerve activity on tumors.


VNS ... identified as a potential therapy for cardiovascular disorders, ... cardiac arrest, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke
— Quote Source

 “VNS paired with experience has been successful in effectively ameliorating animal models of chronic tinnitus, stroke, and posttraumatic stress disorder.”

Balance Your Vagus Nerve, Increase Vitality, Reduce Disease

“Importantly, higher vagal activity may even protect against the adverse effects of advanced cancer stage”


The parasympathetic system, and primarily the vagus nerve, informs the brain about multiple signals and returns the body to homeostasis. Recent studies have shown that vagal nerve activity independently predicts prognosis in cancer. Here, we take this one step further and show that when vagal nerve activity is high, cancer stage no longer predicts tumor burden. We examined whether vagal nerve activity, indexed by Heart Rate Variability (HRV) (We can measure this at my office), moderated the effects of initial tumor stage on tumor burden at followup. Patients' HRVs were derived from ECGs near diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC) and in prostate cancer (PC) patients. Outcomes included the tumor markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) at 12 months for CRC and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) at 6 months for PC. As would be expected, initially advanced tumor stages of CRC or PC predicted higher tumor marker levels at follow-up than did early stages. However, this occurred only in patients with low, not high, vagal activity (HRV). Furthermore, in patients with advanced tumor stage at diagnosis, high HRV predicted lower tumor marker levels than did low HRV, in both cancers. Estimating a cancer patient's prognosis by determining his tumor stage needs to also consider the vagal nerve activity. This activity is easily measurable, and it determines in which subjects the tumor stage is prognostic. Importantly, higher vagal activity may even protect against the adverse effects of advanced cancer stage. These findings, observed in two distinct cancers, support the hypothesized neuroimmunomodulatory effects of vagal nerve activity on tumors.

More info on other powerful Health benifits

Kwik, Easy, Laser like Health Strategies to Optimize and Energize You and Your Family

Line Up Your Life

Easy to Do Strategies to Relieve Suffering

At 59 yo, having done multiple strategies for my health, I can only do my best to minimize the ravages of aging. With our crazy, busy lifestyles, over the last 30 years in practice, I have discovered easy to implement optimization strategies to minimize pain, the suffering of disease & optimize energy and vitality!

Here are the recourses I encourage each of you to watch and read:


What’s Next After I’ve
Gone to So Many Doctors?

There is always Hope!!!!!!!

The first book on balancing the Vagus nerve is a powerful strategy but sometimes we need a little more experience and TLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed helping people go deeper with frustrating issues in their lives: unresolved suffering that have visits to many doctors, we have been able to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss any health concerns you have.

What are Your Genes Saying About You?


The Science of Precision Genetic Medicine



Key Benefits:

  • Unlike any other DNA test on the market, Genomic Insight ® uses the most advanced artificial intelligence to allow me to more effectively help you

  • Uses the latest medical-literature databases to achieve your desired health results.

  • Comprehensive:  GenomicInsight ®reports on over 3,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in one comprehensive functional DNA test. 

  • Provides information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. 

  • Efficacy of select pharmaceuticals can be tailored to your unique genetic make-up.




GenomicInsight® Evaluates Over 12 Key Areas of Health

Including but not limited to:

• Methylation

• Detoxification

• Cognition

• Inflammation

• Anti-Aging

• Endocrine

• Structural

• Energy/Metabolism

• Estrogen Genomics

• Androgen Genomics

• Cardiometabolic

• Gastrointestinal


DNA Testing for Health Optimization

Research has shown that while some SNP’s may be beneficial to patient health, others carry significant health risks. GenomicInsight ® equips you and your patients with the data analysis and knowledge needed to optimize health on an individual level. By taking into account each patient’s unique genomics, practitioners can be proactive in preventing illness before it begins, and even influence some diseases already in progress.


Understanding DNA Testing


What Are SNPs?

Although most of the genome is virtually identical from person to person, up to 9% of the genome can vary among individuals. This variation contributes to individual differences in both disease susceptibility and therapeutic responses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), are an important type of genomic variation.

SNPs only make up a tiny portion of the human genome (0.4%), but because the genome is so enormous, this equals over 12 million locations. The differences or variations at these SNP locations contribute to differentiating us and making us unique.

 The Power of Epigenetics

While genes and SNPs themselves are virtually unchangeable, their impact on health can be influenced. The influence of environmental, lifestyle, and nutritional factors is referred to as epigenetics. Genomic Insight ® DNA test results offer dynamic opportunities to alter genetic expression – proving that genes do not equal destiny.

Patients and clinicians can work together to implement lifestyle changes that can positively influence the impact of risk-carrying SNPs. These highly-personalized treatment interventions can improve patient outcomes and change lives.

DNA Testing Advances the Application of Precision Medicine

Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, a patient has of developing a specific health condition. When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the GenomicInsight ® panel identifies.

GenomicInsight ® provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a patient’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.

The Genomic Insight ® DNA test fosters meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients. Enjoy powerful clinician/patient bonds as you work together to optimize wellness.


  1. Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, “Role of Epigenetics in Biology and Human Diseases,” 2016, (accessed November 19, 2018).