Make Your Own Healthy and Inexpensive Almond Milk! + A Delicious and Healthy Smoothie Recipe

Watched a great recipe on Instagram…

  • 1 date or 1 tbsp Allulose (I, Dr. Paul, prefer dates unless you are on a strict, low-carb, diet)

  • 3 cups filtered water

  • Vanilla extract

  • 2 tbsp almond butter

  • BLEND WELL and VOILA! You're Done!

  • It's better if you have a powerful blender like Vitamix or Blendtec. Try it on your own and comment below if you have a different blender. These blenders are powerful enough to make it homogenous.

Chocolaty Coconut Delight

Tools Needed: Vitamix, Blendtec, or other powerful blender helps it be more homogenous (especially for dates and seeds).

2 servings


How Much Caffeine is Healthy for You?

The amount of caffeine that is considered healthy on a daily basis can vary depending on several factors, including individual sensitivity to caffeine, age, overall health, and any preexisting medical conditions. The general guideline for healthy caffeine consumption is to limit intake to no more than 400 milligrams (mg) per day for most healthy adults, which is roughly equivalent to four cups of brewed coffee or 10 cans of cola.

However, it's important to note that caffeine sensitivity can vary widely among individuals. Some people may experience adverse effects even with lower amounts of caffeine, while others may be more tolerant and able to consume larger quantities without any issues. Additionally, certain groups may be more sensitive to caffeine, such as pregnant women, individuals with certain medical conditions, and those taking certain medications.

It's always a good idea to listen to your body and be aware of any negative effects that caffeine consumption may have on your health, such as difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate, anxiety, or digestive issues. If you have concerns about your caffeine intake or its potential effects on your health, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Common Sense Action Steps

  1. Know your bodies responses: difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate, anxiety, or digestive issues.

  2. Choose high-quality, organic coffee: Look for coffee that is labeled as organic. Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides, which can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. I prefer green coffee (see below).

  3. Opt for whole beans and grind them yourself: Whole bean coffee tends to be fresher and more flavorful. Grinding the beans just before brewing helps preserve the coffee's natural oils and flavors. This can result in a better-tasting cup of coffee without the need for additives.

  4. Consider the roast level: Coffee beans can be roasted to different degrees, ranging from light to dark. While the choice of roast level is largely a matter of personal preference, it's worth noting that lighter roasts generally retain more of the coffee's natural antioxidants. Darker roasts may have a bolder flavor but can contain less caffeine and potentially higher levels of acrylamide, a compound formed during the roasting process.

  5. Watch out for flavored coffees: Flavored coffees often contain artificial additives and sweeteners that can increase the calorie content and may not be beneficial for your health. If you prefer flavored coffee, you can try adding natural flavorings like cinnamon or vanilla extract to your regular coffee.

  6. Be mindful of additives: Be cautious with adding excessive amounts of sugar, cream, or syrups to your coffee, as they can contribute to extra calories, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. If you enjoy a creamer, consider using alternatives like almond milk, oat milk, or coconut milk.

  7. Moderation is key: Remember that moderation is important. While coffee can have potential health benefits, consuming excessive amounts can lead to negative effects such as increased heart rate, insomnia, or digestive issues. Stick to recommended caffeine limits and pay attention to how your body responds to coffee.

  8. What are your Genes saying about you and how you react to coffee. Additionally, learn how to optimize your Health and Prevent Early Aging and Disease.

Other Related Topics of Interest:

Is Bulletproof Coffee Healthy For You?

Is Bulletproof Coffee Healthy For You?

Bulletproof coffee is a beverage that typically consists of brewed coffee, grass-fed butter, and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. It gained popularity as part of the Bulletproof Diet - a high-fat, low-carbohydrate approach to nutrition. While some people enjoy the taste and potential benefits of bulletproof coffee, it's overall healthiness is a matter of debate and individual preference.

Proponents of bulletproof coffee claim that the combination of fats from butter and MCT oil can increase satiety, provide sustained energy, and enhance mental clarity. MCT oil is easily digested and rapidly converted into energy, and some studies suggest that it may have potential benefits for weight management and cognitive function.

However, it's important to consider the potential downsides of bulletproof coffee. First and foremost, it is a highly caloric beverage due to its high fat content. While consuming healthy fats in moderation can be part of a balanced diet, excessive consumption of bulletproof coffee could contribute to an excessive caloric intake, which may lead to weight gain if not compensated for elsewhere in the diet.

Additionally, bulletproof coffee may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain health conditions, such as liver or gallbladder issues, may need to be cautious with consuming large amounts of dietary fat. Moreover, if bulletproof coffee replaces a balanced breakfast or other nutritious meals, it could result in a nutrient deficiency.

In summary, bulletproof coffee can be enjoyed as an occasional treat or part of a well-rounded diet for individuals who tolerate and enjoy it. However, it's important to consider its high caloric content, individual health considerations, and overall dietary balance when deciding if it aligns with your personal health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Body Rejuvenation Delicious Jello Recipe

Being in practice for 30 years, One common deficiency that a majority of my patients have is Protein deficiency which causes a myriad of diseases! Not only must you eat protein (minimum of half your body weight in grams of protein) but supplementing with extra is often recommended. Especially with conditions such as these: Indigestion, gluten sensitivity, acid reflux, aging, gall bladder/liver problems, SAD (Sad American Diet), Etc…


  • Re-Build Muscle — Whether you are Young or Seasoned

  • NSF Certified for Sport® 

  • Defeats Sarcopenia (Muscle Atrophy with Aging). Best with a exercise program to Double Body Strength

  • Supports Body Processes that need protein. Which is Every Cell of Your Body!

  • Decrease Fat

  • Energy production via activation of NRF-2 and PGC-1alpha.

  • Collagen for Skin, Hair, Nails

  • Tastes Great!


7 scoops (Work up to 10 scoops if you want more flavor) of Thorne amino complex Berry flavor Or flavor of your choice, 28 g amino acids (other flavors: Lemon, Fruit punch, Orange)

Onecup of Unflavored Vital beef gelatin, 80 g collagen

70 Ounces (2 cartons of 33..8 fl oz) of coconut water or purified water if you are trying to lose weight

2 scoops Rx sugar (It Does Not Affect Diabetes or Weight Loss)


  1. Bring water to a simmer and slowly stir in Gelatin with Wire whip

2. Stir in Amino acids, Stir until all clumps are dissolved

3. Add 2 scoops Rx Sugar

4. Pour into Pyrex or other glass container and let cool in refrigerator.

5. Usually hardens within 2 to 3 hours

Nutrition: 4 tbl provides 10 grams power packed protein for every cell of your body. Enjoy!!!

Hormone Balancing With Seeds = ANTI HORMONAL CANCERS

Imbalanced Hormones Can Reek Havoc on Your Body. More info

Balancing your hormones is imperative for our culture of stress and the SAD (Sad American Diet). Great for PMS and post menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, hormonal depression, insomnia etc.

Follow the moon calendar as described below to alternate the seeds if you are post menopausal or if you are a man.

Seed Cycling is for Hormone Balance in the realms of naturopathic nutrition and herbal medicine. Seed cycling for hormone balance has been shown to be a helpful and natural approach for hormone balance in both men and women. The seed cycling protocol uses specific seeds during specific times of the month in order to balance estrogen and progesterone. A pumpkin-and-flaxseed combo during the first two weeks after the new moon (for men) or following menstruation (for women) helps detoxify the extra estrogen that occurs this time of the month. A sunflower-and-sesame combo used in the second half of the twenty-eight day cycle is rich in selenium, which promotes progesterone production.

Use the calendar shown above as a reference for which seeds you should be taking each day.

  • The blue dates = sunflower and sesame

  • The red dates = pumpkin and flax

Here’s how seed cycling works:

DAY 1 OF PERIOD to DAY 14:  Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (NEW MOON TO FULL MOON) 

  • Eat 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds and 1 tablespoon ground pumpkin seeds every day.

  • (Optional) Dr. Paul recommends adding fish oil on Days 1 through 14 [1200mg per day of high quality Omega-3 rich fish oil (Dr. Paul recommends a blend of DHA and EPA, from Designs for Health called OmegaAvail Synergy 1/d (up to 150 lbs), 2/d (150 lbs +).   

DAY 15 to DAY 28: Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (FULL MOON TO NEW MOON)

  • Eat 1 tablespoon ground sunflower seeds and 1 tablespoon ground sesame seeds every day.

  • (Optional) Dr. Paul recommends Gamma Linoleic Acid = GLA (2/d)  from Designs for Health to further help balance fatty acids. 

It’s recommended that the seeds are ground up so that the body can fully digest and consume all of their nutrients. They can be ground in a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or food processor and added to cold foods like smoothies or salads, or mixed with water.  

If you have a powerful blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec, you can skip the Mortar and pestle and put the seeds whole. I recommend investing in 1 of these blenders. It's very versatile and saves you a lot of time!



Please don’t grow weary in doing good for others and for yourself. It is important to be surrounded by loved ones as best as possible and find other companions to partner with you in this journey to uplift you and motivate you for prime results. This simple 3 phase program works if you follow it. Ideal Proteins genius has updated this system to make it even more effective and more delicious!

To book a consulting appointment for weight-loss with Dr. Paul, click here.

Vegetables, nuts, fruits

There is a batch of NEW FOODS being released frequently such as the popular Salted Caramel Chocolate Clusters, Konjac Spaghetti noodles, Thai Pork, and so much more! Click here to browse and/or purchase some of Ideal Protein’s old, but classy, and new foods from our Body Intelligent Center.

New Products Flyer-2021-01-12.jpg

Dressing From a White House Chef

In my experimentation with dressings from Nourishing Traditions, I have thoroughly enjoyed this concoction. As I was talking to a patient who was for many years the top managing chef for the White House, she said that she picked up this recipe from an international chef- don't quote me on the international, all I know is that he was well known. She couldn't really ask for the recipe, because that's a faupat, but she did observe very carefully and experimented with her own concoction at home. She finally got the right delectable flavor! I feel that it is basically this dressing that I have been experimenting with. My kids lick there plates!

Remember this is a basic foundational dressing. From here you can add to your hearts desire! I love garlic so I add garlic a lot. I love dried red peppers etc. Additionally, I usually add premier research pink salt that is not toxic with heavy metal nickle which many sea salts are burdened with. Call the manufacturer of the sea salt to make sure they don't use a toxic nickel filter to sift out the sea salt. Many do!

Makes about 1.5 cups

2 teaspoon Dijon-type mustard, smooth or grainy
4 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoon raw wine vinegar
2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon expeller-expressed flax oil. I use mixed EFAS from biotics research. It is a great anti-inflammatory oil. It has a slight nutty taste and is great for salads and for this dressing.

Dip a fork into the jar of mustard and transfer about 1 teaspoon to a small bowl. Add vinegar and mix around. Add olive oil in a thin stream, stirring all the while with the fork, until oil is well mixed or emulsified. Add flax oil/mixed EFAS and enjoy! I make extra and store it.

In a rush?  Put it all together in a large mason jar.  Use a immersion blender and done!

Note for Ideal Protein People:   2/3rds of each tablespoon of this is oil.  That is about 2 tsp of oil which is the amount required by Ideal protein.   Bottom line:   1 tbl of this dressing per day.   

Yummy Healing Blueberry Smoothie


  1. 1 cup unsweetened organic gmo-free almond milk or coconut milk.

  2. One-quarter avocado

  3. one half cup frozen organic blueberries, I get mine at Costco.

  4. Several Drops  berry stevia to taste. I use Sweet Drops from Sweet Leaf

  5. High quality, gmo free, organic protein powder for healing, 1 scoop.  I use Pure Paleo Vanilla from Designs for Health, (available from my office).  

  6. Biodophilis FOS (1/4 tsp measured or as directed by Dr. Paul)

  7. 1 tsp Organic Coconut oil (I get mine at Costco).  Can remit if don't like flavor.

  8. Optional, I put supplements in there including the following, 

  9. Osteo B+ for detoxifying heavy metals (available from my office (Biotics).  

  10. Mg zyme (at night preferred for relaxing and detoxifying and improving sleep. (available from my office (Biotics).  

  11. Vitality C great for overall health and detoxifying. (available from my office).Note must have high powered blender to liquify supplements in tablet form. (I use vitamix)

  12. 1/2 tsp Premier Greens powder as a  multivitamin (available from my office)

  13. Add water if too thick to get to desired thickness.              

  14.  Serves 1 person

Great healthy french fry recipe

Celery Root French Fries - Super Bowl Recipe

Serves one person

1 celery root, cut French fry style
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
½ tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. grape seed oil
½ tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven at 450F, place the fries on a baking sheet and sprinkle seasonings on top, mix well. Place in oven for approximately 30 minutes in the oven, turning half way through. Once the fries are well cooked, drizzle with oil.

Ready to serve!

How to lose weight with a Reese's peanut butter smoothie

I am always concerned about false claims. So I want to put a caveat on this because you can't lose weight if you already are eating well and just started doing a smoothie like this in the morning. If you are eating well, other issues may be involved like thyroid, infection, adrenal stress, etc. But for the majority of people that over eat, research has shown that a meal replacement will help you to lose weight and or maintain. My experience with patients that lost close to 5000 lbs (as of April 2015) at our clinic is this:  Replace breakfast and lunch with smoothies or meal replacements and add 1 more protein snack (15 to 20 grams protein).  Doing a ideal protein meal replacement  or a smoothie like the one below to replace breakfast and lunch along with a sensible regular dinner with protein and vegetables is key.  You must have at least 6 glasses of water and 4 cups of vegies as well (measured uncooked).  Please do your research as doing a program like ideal protein at home requires specific supplementation to offset lost nutrients and it is normally medically supervised by a ideal protein clinic.

That being said, this smoothie actually came by accident. I have been putting pink salt in my morning smoothie every morning to get more trace minerals. I start however with 32 oz of water with Premier pink salt so I can get all my hydration in the morning.  One day, I put way too much salt in a glass of water. Instead of using the small pores of the salt bottle, it was the large opening where you put a teaspoon in so there went half the  bottle into the water.  Argh!  Well, I said.  I can save it.  I just let it soak in water in the frig. I didn't want to waste it so I actually have been putting a quarter cup in my smoothie every morning, well it made it taste mildly salty. Which I kind of liked actually.  Well, this morning I made this smoothie and it tasted like Reeses peanut buttercup! I asked Alivia to try it too and she goes "yeah!".

So here's the ingredients:

  • 5 cups water

  • 1 tablespoon rice bran that has antioxidants and multivitamins (optional) it is a superfood made by

  • Pure paleo protein chocolate flavor (Designs for health) 1 scoop and a half (use 2 if not using gamactopro below

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 cup frozen organic blueberries or mixed berries (Costco),

  • 1/2 tsp premier sea salt pink salt (or to taste)

  • 1 tablespoon Biotics mixed efa

  • 1 tbsp Smart Balance natural creamy peanut butter non GMO,

  • 1 scoop GamactaPro from Biotics (great for muscle and exercise recovery)

  • This feeds my family of 5.  2 adults 3 children ages 9 to 14.


There you go enjoy!

Quick, impromptu Salad Dressing a Winner!

We had our third Daniel Plan/biblical foundations for health workshop and we made a healthy shake and dressing.   I forgot the lemon so I just made it up.   

I put it on organic spinach and let everybody try it.   YUMMY! One person said, "I'm going to make that one tonight when I get home".  It was already after 9 pm.  I just barely taste tested it and after everybody ate it, there was no more, so I had some at home as well.

Personally,  I don't like vegetables by themselves, especially raw cruciferous veggies like broccoli.  I sometimes force myself to eat it because its so healthy.  On the other hand, I have learned to almost make any veggie taste awesome, or for that matter, almost any food.  Recipes down below!

Secret tips:

I was sharing with a patient how to make a winning salad dressing.  She worked at the white house for years as the head chef.  She said that they got to hang out for several times with a world renowned chef.   Because it is not kosher to ask for the recipe, she just observed. After I told her my recipe,  her discoveries with this chef revealed a similar dressing.  See below for recipe.

My kids lick this off their plate because it's so good.  

Here is the foundational ingredients that you can build world class dressing with:

1 tsp dijon mustard smooth or grainy 2 tbsp plus 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp mixed efas (from my office) or expeller expressed flax oil. This is the base recipe. I replaced the raw wine vinegar with the apple cider vinegar. I triple the amounts so I can have enough for family of 5 to last longer. Add herbs, garlic or anything else to your hearts desire. Enjoy!

Here is the one I made in the Daniel Class:

Serves 10 people plus.

  1. 1/2 cup good quality extra virgin Olive oil.   Click here for good brands.

  2. 1/2 cup Mixed efa (Biotics brand carried at my office),  More info.

  3. 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar

  4. 3 cloves minced garlic cloves

  5. 2-3 tsp Premier Pink Sea Salt

  6. 1 tbl Dijon Mustard

  7. Enjoy!!!!


Here are materials to make dressing easier:  Immersion blender and Lemon extractor, both inexpensive to buy.

Here are convenient healthy foods we get a Costco that require less prep time.  Just add to smoothie or make a salad with it.  


Yes I put coconut oil directly in my smoothies!   Great for taste, anti-infection & even weight loss! 1 to 3 tbl per day per adult person.

 I use these mason jars for storage of all liquid items, like the above salad dressing and use it for my daily power drink.   Its a 32 oz size.  Get a bunch at any Walmart, etc.

I use this Grass fed butter because its healthy and tastes great!  Put over  vegies with Premier Pink Salt above. Yummy!

Tip:   Grass fed butter has tons better fats for you!  More info.

Carbs, Carbs, Carbs!    The woe of modern man.  Here are some healthy carbs at Costco, assuming you are not crazy gluten sensitive.  No gluten but still may inflame you if you are freaked by gluten.  Otherwise, its ok.  

Tip: Make sure that grains or starches are no more than 25% of your plate!

Waging war against obesity at $18/lb.

What will it cost you per lb to lose your weight?

We stopped counting the 4000 plus pounds we lost at our clinic but still praise our dieters for their commitment to themselves and beating diabetes, obesity and a poor self image.

CBS news compared the costs of major weight loss programs and we compared it to Ideal protein.   Please click here to see the comparison.  How does $18/lb sound?  Click here to see the results?

Get started today shedding those pounds!

Yummy Paleo Recipe

paleo salad 1.jpg

If you're like me we don't have time to make good meals. I love healthy meals that are quick and easy! In the morning I start with a healthy vitamix shake that takes me 15 minutes for my whole family. For lunch this was an easy, fast paleo organic salad with yummy dressing and fermented foods for a healthy happy Flora population in your digestive system! I have found that gut health from proper bacterial an yeast colonies are critical to our health and happiness! I am happy and satisfied from this scrumptious meal.


4 cups organic mixed greens from taylor farms
2 tbl mediterranean garlic sauce. Click here for Recipe.
1 cup fermented foods including green peppers, fish, mushrooms. Thanks mom from Korea that help make these foods!
1 cup cucumbers

If you don't feel like eating sometimes or your tummy is not happy, Click here to see if you are toxic.

My kids lick this dressing off of their plate!

Lebanese garlic sauce

I love this sauce! The only complication with this is that once you refrigerate it, it gets hard because of the coconut oil that I use, but it still tastes great! Just let it melt on your plate and use it on whatever you want. It won't stay emulsified like it does in the restaurant, since I'm using healthy coconut oil to replace the vegetable oil, I don't think it can stay emulsified because of the melting at higher temperatures. The other way using rancid vegetable oil which is really unhealthy for you, helps it to stay in emulsified form. I typically use it with salads or you name it! I like it with organic corn chips gmo free with a special Kimchi my mom-in-law makes. Or with vegetables and with chicken.Be creative!


Historically you had to use a mortar and pestle, and it took 30-40 minutes to do this recipe. I want to save you time so this is my 15 minute version. The best way to do this is with a immersion blender. The ones that you stick inside a glass and just blend. I use the same 32 oz mason jar over and over again because garlic kills all the bugs:   viruses, parasites, fungus/mold, bacteria.   


Here is the recipe:

1 cup extra-virgin olive oil in tin container with expiration date (you can increase this amount if you want less solidifying from the coconut oil going in and out of refrigerator.

1 cup expeller pressed coconut oil (no flavor) (Less if you use more olive oil),  both oils = 2 cups total

1 bulb garlic

1 tbl Premier research Sea salt (processed without Nickel heavy metal that is toxic to your body)

1 cup Lemon juice


Chop garlic into small pieces,  put all into 32 oz mason jar,  use immersion blender and blend for 2 minutes,  ENJOY!  (I like with vegetables, chicken, salads, organic baked corn chips)

Please comment on how it went?

Congratulations, we're almost at 3000 lbs lost!

We are so proud of our Ideal Protein dieters who have lost over 2900 pounds and 2200 inches off their bodies! All this achieved while improving health and feeling great at the same time.   The dieter who reaches the 3000th lb lost, will receive a free box of Ideal Protein food.  The hard work and commitment to your health is paying off - Keep it up!

Fermented Vegetables

​When I Dr. Paul married my wife I was introduced to Kimchi.   Kimchi is definitely an acquired taste.  I really enjoy Kimchi now. I noticed she never got sick.   This stuff is great for the immune system.  Kimchi is from Korea, but other cultures do fermented/cultured vegetables too:  Germany being one of them, Sauekraut.   Please comment if you have any great recipes and your experience with this.  See below for how to make it yourself.