Keto Popcorn Snack Recipe

Keto popcorn is a low-carb alternative to traditional popcorn, which is typically high in carbohydrates. Instead of using corn kernels, you'll use a different base to create a keto-friendly snack. Here's a simple recipe for making keto popcorn:


  • 1/2 cup of coconut flakes (unsweetened)

  • 1/2 cup of almonds (sliced or slivered)

  • 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese (finely grated)

  • 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese (grated)

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil or melted coconut oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon of paprika

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C).

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the coconut flakes and sliced almonds. These will be the main components of your keto popcorn.

  • In a separate small bowl, mix together the grated cheddar cheese, grated Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. This will be your seasoning mixture.

  • Drizzle the olive oil or melted coconut oil over the coconut flakes and almonds. Toss them together until they're well-coated with the oil.

  • Sprinkle the seasoning mixture over the coconut and almond mixture. Make sure to evenly distribute the seasonings.

  • Spread the coated coconut flakes and almonds in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Ensure that they're not too crowded to allow for even baking.

  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 10-12 minutes or until the coconut and almonds turn golden brown. Keep a close eye on them to prevent burning, as the baking time may vary.

  • Remove the keto popcorn from the oven and let it cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes.

  • Once it has cooled slightly, you can break it into smaller pieces if desired, resembling popcorn.

Serve your keto popcorn as a crunchy, savory snack!

Feel free to adjust the seasonings to your taste preferences, and you can experiment with different spices and herbs to create unique flavors. This keto-friendly popcorn alternative is a great way to satisfy your cravings for a crunchy snack without the high carbohydrate content of traditional popcorn. Enjoy!

Here are the approximate macronutrient (macros) values for the keto popcorn snack recipe provided in a single serving (the values can vary depending on the exact quantities and brands of ingredients used):

  • Calories: 300-350 kcal

  • Fat: 28-32 grams

  • Protein: 6-8 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 6-8 grams

  • Dietary Fiber: 4-5 grams

  • Net Carbs (Total Carbs - Fiber): 2-3 grams

Is Bulletproof Coffee Healthy For You?

Bulletproof coffee is a beverage that typically consists of brewed coffee, grass-fed butter, and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. It gained popularity as part of the Bulletproof Diet - a high-fat, low-carbohydrate approach to nutrition. While some people enjoy the taste and potential benefits of bulletproof coffee, it's overall healthiness is a matter of debate and individual preference.

Proponents of bulletproof coffee claim that the combination of fats from butter and MCT oil can increase satiety, provide sustained energy, and enhance mental clarity. MCT oil is easily digested and rapidly converted into energy, and some studies suggest that it may have potential benefits for weight management and cognitive function.

However, it's important to consider the potential downsides of bulletproof coffee. First and foremost, it is a highly caloric beverage due to its high fat content. While consuming healthy fats in moderation can be part of a balanced diet, excessive consumption of bulletproof coffee could contribute to an excessive caloric intake, which may lead to weight gain if not compensated for elsewhere in the diet.

Additionally, bulletproof coffee may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain health conditions, such as liver or gallbladder issues, may need to be cautious with consuming large amounts of dietary fat. Moreover, if bulletproof coffee replaces a balanced breakfast or other nutritious meals, it could result in a nutrient deficiency.

In summary, bulletproof coffee can be enjoyed as an occasional treat or part of a well-rounded diet for individuals who tolerate and enjoy it. However, it's important to consider its high caloric content, individual health considerations, and overall dietary balance when deciding if it aligns with your personal health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Top Six Things Contributing to Constipation

There are many things that can contribute to constipation. It can be miserable especially if you have a history of it.

The most important thing is figuring out what is causing the problem. There are multiple causes but I have found through clinical experience the top things below. Here are simple starting steps so you can flow and not be backed up:

1. Are you drinking enough water? Water is essential ingredient to life and makes up most of your body. So if you're not consuming proper amounts of water then you need to to do that. It has a serious effect on major health issues in the body. One patient called me and said she was feeling lousy. She was on my tailored Nutrition program to cleanse her body. I asked her if she was drinking enough water. She said no. Her symptoms cleared up once she hydrated herself. You want to drink up to 96 ounces per day depending on your body weight. I recommend drinking a quart of water for every 50 lb of body weight. 

2. Are you having 4 cups of Vegetables measured raw per day? Here is a link to measuring vegies so you know how much you are having:

3. Fill in the blank, 2 of the most common nutrients lacking in our diet are: _______________________

Answer: Magnesium and Vitamin C. I have found these nutrients helpful for overall health and bowel movements.

  • The Magnesium Citrate version is best for constipation. Start with dosage on the back and increase 1 serving daily till bowel tolerance (soft stools/diarrhea), then back up to the prior dosage. Do this for both supplements.

  • Quality brands are essential for this. We use Designs for health, Buffered Vitamin C and MagCitrate Powder.

  • There are 2 general categories of Magnesium:

    • Ones that absorb into your bloodstream and ones that don’t.

    • Magcitrate does not absorb as well into the blood steam and therefore goes out your colon and into your toilet. That is why it loosens your bowels.

    • Trimag supreme is one of the best for absorbing into your bloodstream so it can go into your cells!. It comes in the day and night version. Night is for better sleep. You need these versions even more because every cell needs Magnesium to be healthy!

    • If you cant swallow use Epson salt foot or body bath or Magnegel (Designs for Health). Magnegel gets rubbed into the skin over cramps or for general health. It gets directly absorbed into the blood stream so it can get into your cells!

    • You can buy these at

      • You will need to form a account first and then you will need a practitioner code: “paulkwik”. Then you can place your order. Free shipping with orders of at least $49 :).

4. Are you Stressed on the toilet? If you are you won’t go. Stress = Bowel Constriction, Relaxation = Bowel opening up. Its like a kinking a water hose when you are stressed. Counteract stress with the following:

  • Deep breathing, drop those shoulders! You are not relaxed if your shoulders are up and ready for action.

  • Gargling with no liquid in your mouth. This stimulates the relaxation nerve (Vagus nerve) to relax your body. It is wierd but it works!

  • Side note: Sometimes putting a small stool underneath your feet can reposition your tailbone for easier elimination.

5. Environmental Toxins

  • My observation is that every patient that has walked in for my Nutritional Consult has had too much heavy metals in their body. This can cause constipation. See ncbi reference above and do your own research as well. Toxic exposure is only getting worse as time goes on. Heavy metals, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, other pharmaceuticals & even radioactive uranium are in the water we drink and the food we eat. Please make sure that the water is purified either through a reverse osmosis or Berkey filtration system. If you are using bottled water, I recommend using Aquafina or Dasani water because I know that those are filtered with reverse osmosis. You can check other types of water by calling the company and asking if they use reverse osmosis. Personally, I use the Berkey filtration system which is 2 cents a gallon for the main filters and six cents a gallon for the fluoride/arsenic filters. I believe its the most effective at toxin removal while being the most cost-effective. Additionally, reverse osmosis takes away all the essential nutrients while the Berkey retains those. Minerals are in the same “family” as heavy metals, they all talk to each other and help “transport” heavy metals out of your body. Just search it up online and you'll see how critical minerals are for thousands of chemical reactions in your body as well.

  • Antibiotics in water and food. What is the most abundant in your body? Can you count to 37 trillion? That is how many body cells you have. What outnumbers the cells in your body? Can you count to 100 trillion? That is how many good bacteria are in your body. Your Digestive system hosts a majority of them. Antibiotics kill them! It's in food and water and can have residual effects today even though you had them many years prior!

    • What does the good bacteria family do?

      • It helps with Depression by producing seritonin, the feel good chemical (

      • Helps with constipation (

      • Helps with a Host of other things as well.

      • The Bottom line; Filter your water, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buy properly fed & treated animals which have been allowed to graze. If tight on budget, wash your fruits and vegetables with a cleanser as well as eat hormone and antibiotic free animal food sources.

  • Are you on prescription medications? Some are notorious for causing constipation. Here are 8 common ones

    • Nsaids for pain

    • Antihistamines like Benedryl and Zyrtec for Allergies

    • Tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil and Pamelor

    • Iron supplements

    • Urinary incontinence meds like: Ditropan and Detrol

    • Pain Opioid Meds

    • Hypertension meds

    • Nausea meds like Zofran

  • Talk to your Doctor as well as a Natural health practitioner about alternative options for your health. Your medical doctor will give you a drug because of a diagnosis based on your symptoms. If we can help you get rid of those symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about getting off some of those drugs.

6. Body Work

  • Body work would involve movement of the body at home and sometimes getting professional help, if needed. The body works by communication just like human beings need to communicate. Your body communicates through the brain and sends signals to the rest of the body to tell it what it should do and the body responds by telling a signal back to the brain using a feedback mechanism. Your vital organs communicate automatically through the autonomic nervous system which controls your stress and relaxation systems but it works through the conscious mind when your lifting something using muscles. Both of those require communication.

  • There's another set of communication pathways that happens on the skin surface called meridians ( . Acupressure without needles, which we do at our office, are ways to unblock short circuits of these communication pathways. I liken it to an orchestra singing a beautiful song and all the players are in perfect tune and harmony. These short circuits on the surface of the skin (meridians) or blockages of the actual nervous system (brain/spinal cord/nerves) can be helped with home treatment or if necessary, chiropractic care, or acupressure. This movement, song or dance, if you will, of your body through the nerves of the body and the meridians can be short circuited and cause your colon to be constipated.


    One of my most recent patients was referred to by another patient. He was pretty much at death's door. After starting with me, the doctors said it was a miracle that he was still alive. He had been admitted to the hospital for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was in a coma for one month and by the time he got here he was at 30% heart function, severely constipated and on narcotic drugs for pain, he wasn't getting any sleep, he had lost 30 lbs, and diagnosed with cancer and liver failure. To say the least, his life was miserable!

    We did the foundational lab tests on him, analyzed what he needed from the lab tests and started creating a new story for him! After he started my program, here is what happened in 1 month:

  • Heart function improved from 30% to 50%

  • Gained 20 lbs

  • Pain gone

  • Constipation gone

  • Thankful to me because he was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Sleep improved 20%

    Not everybody is is at death's door when they come in. I'm hoping that you'll talk to me much sooner than that! It'll be easier for me and especially for you so that you don’t needlessly suffer.


Please don’t grow weary in doing good for others and for yourself. It is important to be surrounded by loved ones as best as possible and find other companions to partner with you in this journey to uplift you and motivate you for prime results. This simple 3 phase program works if you follow it. Ideal Proteins genius has updated this system to make it even more effective and more delicious!

To book a consulting appointment for weight-loss with Dr. Paul, click here.

Vegetables, nuts, fruits

There is a batch of NEW FOODS being released frequently such as the popular Salted Caramel Chocolate Clusters, Konjac Spaghetti noodles, Thai Pork, and so much more! Click here to browse and/or purchase some of Ideal Protein’s old, but classy, and new foods from our Body Intelligent Center.

New Products Flyer-2021-01-12.jpg

Are You Willing to Do What it Takes to Beat Diabetes and Obesity?

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Diabetes is a growing epidemic problem. In 2016 a recent study showed that our life expectancy is actually declining in the United States. Heart disease was number one cause of mortality, cancer was the number two cause and they determined through this study that diabetes is the number 3 cause. It's startling that the American diabetic Association says one out of every two Americans is either pre-diabetic or has diabetes. You can do something about it! Start by learning! Start by being frustrated enough that you're willing to create a new chapter in your life! Watch these videos below to learn more.

Top Six Things Contributing to Constipation


There are many things that can contribute to constipation. It can be miserable especially if you have a history of it.

The most important thing is figuring out what is causing the problem. There are multiple causes but I have found through clinical experience the top things below. Here are simple starting steps so you can flow and not be backed up:

1. Are you drinking enough water? Water is essential ingredient to life and makes up most of your body. So if you're not consuming proper amounts of water then you need to to do that. It has a serious effect on major health issues in the body. One patient called me and said she was feeling lousy. She was on my tailored Nutrition program to cleanse her body. I asked her if she was drinking enough water. She said no. Her symptoms cleared up once she hydrated herself. You want to drink up to 96 ounces per day depending on your body weight. I recommend drinking a quart of water for every 50 lb of body weight. 

2. Are you having 4 cups of Vegetables measured raw per day? Here is a link to measuring vegies so you know how much you are having:

3. Fill in the blank, 2 of the most common nutrients lacking in our diet are: _______________________

Answer: Magnesium and Vitamin C. I have found these nutrients helpful for overall health and bowel movements. The Magnesium Citrate version is best for constipation. Start with dosage on the back and increase 1 serving daily till bowel tolerance (soft stools/diarrhea), then back up to the prior dosage. Do this for both supplements. Quality brands are essential for this. We use Designs for health, Stellar C and MagCitrate Powder.

4. Are you Stressed on the toilet? If you are you won’t go. Stress = Bowel Constriction, Relaxation = Bowel opening up. Its like a kinking a water hose when you are stressed. Counteract stress with the following:

  • Deep breathing

  • Gargling with no liquid in your mouth. This stimulates the relaxation nerve (Vagus nerve) to relax your body. It is wierd but it works!

  • Side note: Sometimes putting a small stool underneath your feet can reposition your tailbone for easier elimination.

5. Environmental Toxins

  • My observation is that every patient that has walked in for my Nutritional Consult has had too much heavy metals in their body. This can cause constipation. See ncbi reference above and do your own research as well. Toxic exposure is only getting worse as time goes on. Heavy metals, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, other pharmaceuticals & even radioactive uranium are in the water we drink and the food we eat. Please make sure that the water is purified either through a reverse osmosis or Berkey filtration system. If you are using bottled water, I recommend using Aquafina or Dasani water because I know that those are filtered with reverse osmosis. You can check other types of water by calling the company and asking if they use reverse osmosis. Personally, I use the Berkey filtration system which is 2 cents a gallon for the main filters and six cents a gallon for the fluoride/arsenic filters. I believe its the most effective at toxin removal while being the most cost-effective. Additionally, reverse osmosis takes away all the essential nutrients while the Berkey retains those. Minerals are in the same “family” as heavy metals, they all talk to each other and help “transport” heavy metals out of your body. Just search it up online and you'll see how critical minerals are for thousands of chemical reactions in your body as well.

  • Antibiotics in water and food. What is the most abundant in your body? Can you count to 37 trillion? That is how many body cells you have. What outnumbers the cells in your body? Can you count to 100 trillion? That is how many good bacteria are in your body. Your Digestive system hosts a majority of them. Antibiotics kill them! It's in food and water and can have residual effects today even though you had them many years prior! What does the good bacteria family do?

  • Helps with Depression by producing seritonin, the feel good chemical (

  • Helps with constipation (

  • Host of other things as well.

The Bottom line; Filter your water, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buy properly fed & treated animals which have been allowed to graze. If tight on budget, wash your fruits and vegetables with a cleanser as well as eat hormone and antibiotic free animal food sources.

6. Body Work

  • Body work would involve movement of the body at home and sometimes getting professional help, if needed. The body works by communication just like human beings need to communicate. Your body communicates through the brain and sends signals to the rest of the body to tell it what it should do and the body responds by telling a signal back to the brain using a feedback mechanism. Your vital organs communicate automatically through the autonomic nervous system which controls your stress and relaxation systems but it works through the conscious mind when your lifting something using muscles. Both of those require communication.

  • There's another set of communication pathways that happens on the skin surface called meridians ( . Acupressure without needles, which we do at our office, are ways to unblock short circuits of these communication pathways. I liken it to an orchestra singing a beautiful song and all the players are in perfect tune and harmony. These short circuits on the surface of the skin (meridians) or blockages of the actual nervous system (brain/spinal cord/nerves) can be helped with home treatment or if necessary, chiropractic care, or acupressure. This movement, song or dance, if you will, of your body through the nerves of the body and the meridians can be short circuited and cause your colon to be constipated.


    One of my most recent patients was referred to by another patient. He was pretty much at death's door. After starting with me, the doctors said it was a miracle that he was still alive. He had been admitted to the hospital for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was in a coma for one month and by the time he got here he was at 30% heart function, severely constipated and on narcotic drugs for pain, he wasn't getting any sleep, he had lost 30 lbs, and diagnosed with cancer and liver failure. To say the least, his life was miserable!

    We did the foundational lab tests on him, analyzed what he needed from the lab tests and started creating a new story for him! After he started my program, here is what happened in 1 month:

  • Heart function improved from 30% to 50%

  • Gained 20 lbs

  • Pain gone

  • Constipation gone

  • Thankful to me because he was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Sleep improved 20%

    Not everybody is is at death's door when they come in. I'm hoping that you'll talk to me much sooner than that! It'll be easier for me and especially for you so that you don’t needlessly suffer.

    So those are the top things associated with constipation I hope you got benefit from this.

Diabetes and Obesity Busting Yummy Smoothies.

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We all live crazy, hectic lifestyles, and I always encourage to take some time to plan so that you can be more productive. But part of that planning involves some alone time.  I think this is foundational to life. Especially in busy Southern California. So how do you eat on a busy lifestyle? Recently, we have just re-done our kitchen and moved a washer and dryer to the garage and it's been crazy. One project after another with a non-functional kitchen, our master bedroom was leaking so we have to sleep in the next bedroom so there's a project there. So we all know what it feels like to be busy. So how do I eat when I'm busy and still beat things like diabetes and cancer. My famous saying:

“We spend all our life building wealth and then at the end of our life we lose our wealth due to lack of Health”

One of the tactics that I use when I'm busy is I have a nice high powered blender like Vitamix or Blendtec. I make a smoothie for breakfast and lunch. For those of you that like to chew, you will have to be a bit more imaginative. Chew your smoothies! This helps stimulate digestive juices. I mix these ingredients into a shake and it takes me less than 10 minutes including cleanup.

Weight Busting, Muscle maintaining, Yummy Chocolate Creamy Smoothie

 See List of ingredients at end:
Organic Costco Spinach Filled to the top of blender with spinach.

Liquid - 3 to 4 cups, it could be pure filtered water with reverse osmosis or a Berkey filter, or unsweetened almond, coconut or cashew nut milk. If you are the Ideal Protein program, use water.

A healthy protein powder that has a complete eight amino acid profile which rebuilds muscle. Because if you're trying to lose weight you will lose muscle and you need a complete protein to rebuild that muscle. Otherwise, at the end of the program you will lose muscle pounds and therefore your metabolism will slow down—>  yo yo dieting.

I called a company that sold protein foods and had a few questions for them, they answered all my questions except the last one, does your protein have the full 8 amino acids in it….still waiting for a response…close to year waiting. Please don’t use cheap quality protein where your muscles can deteriorate.

I use Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder that is from bone broth extract of organic grass-fed New Zealand grass fed beef which tastes great in vanilla or chocolate.

You can also use Ideal Protein packets for extra flavor. But I want you to limit the amount of Splenda that you use. 

So now we've got the vegetables and the protein covered now you need the carbs covered if you're not trying to lose weight. You can add frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries, or other low glycemic fruits to your liking.  Google low glycemic foods and see what is best.  These foods have minimal havoc on your blood sugar levels. That's the carbs.

Now you have to add the good healthy fats and I think this is where most people fall short. Because they're scared of fat. If you take a look at all the ketogenic diets out there, there's a lot of research to back up healthy ketogenic diets for many diseases including epilepsy, seizures, Alzheimer's, and cancer. If you are on the Ideal protein program, fats are limited to 2 tsp a day of oil or 9 grams of fat daily.

I find our society falls short in the use of the oils. Either they fry vegetable oils that are not meant to be fried like vegetable oil or eat processed foods or they do home cooking with it. Anything that's in clear containers in the market with vegetable oil is already oxidized due to light and the way they process that oil with heat —> oxidizes oil (like rust to metal) and damages your arteries —> heart attacks, strokes, embolisms

I use “cold processed”, ultra high quality oils like Mixed Efas (anti-inflammatory) that tastes great and makes a creamy consistency.  Additionally, I only cook with oils and have high “smoke” points like, butter, ghee, tallow, duck fat, and coconut oil. Basically, almost all animal fats.  As long as you don’t combine a meal with high fats and high carbs you won’t get fat and get all the diseases of modern culture. Think of foods that plug up your arteries like donuts, french fries, pasta loaded with oil etc. Those are “artery clogging bombs”

Summary of anti-Stroke and Heart Attack smoothie

 *Strong blender like Vita-mix or Blendtec

 1. Spinach (organic from Costco) (fill to top of blender)

2. 2 to 4 cups liquid (water etc… see above). 2 cups per meal. 4 cups if making Breakfast and Lunch.

3. High quality, 8 amino acid, GMO free, organic, antibiotic free protein (20 grams/scoop). Ex. Pure paleo protein Chocolate or Vanilla powder $2.93/serving. I like chocolate better with the spinach. 1 scoop is 1 meal. Use 2 if preparing both Breakfast and Lunch

4. High quality oil (1 tbl).  Ex Mixed Efas, ($1.56 per serving) coconut oil (if you like the taste), even Kerry gold butter.  Avocados ($1.53/per small avocado at Costco -1/2 to 1, Use more oil if you are hungry before lunch time.

5. Enjoy!



The Top Two Things That I Do To Stay Healthy

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Everything in life seems to be pushing you downward in terms of health. Our environment, our friends, family are eating junk foods and are pressuring us to eat junk foods regularly. Hopefully you have good support at home and work where there's one person that's encouraging you to eat healthy and take your supplements. Here's how I do it.

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Neuropathy/Nerve Symptoms

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1. Metabolic Testing Baseline:

    • cancer

    • autoimmune

    • inflammatory

    • heavy metals

  • 2.  Lifestyle:

      • sedentary

      • sitting

      • pedometer

      • FitBit

      • swimming

      • whole body vibration

 ·        3.  Dietary

  • alcohol

  • caffeine

  • high glycemic grains

  • artificial sweeteners

  • balance of omega-3 fats (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega-9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados); avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.

  • olive oil, coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil at low heat.

  • high quality protein at every meal

  • Snack on vegetables, anti-inflammatory berries and small amounts of raw nuts, olives or avocado

  • PaleoBarsTM are also acceptable snacks for diabetics.

  • PaleoFiber®

  • healthy protein shakes


 ·        4.  Supplement Recommendations:

  • ·In addition to the core multivitamin/mineral Metabolic SynergyTM, 3 capsules two times per day:

  • ·PS 150 Brain Health (the ultimate Nerve) [1] 2 capsules per day

  • ·Acetyl-L-Carnitine (Memory [2] and Neuropathy) 2 capsules with breakfast and 1 with lunch (total of 3 per day)

  • · GLA 240[3] 1 softgel with breakfast, lunch and dinner (total of 3 per day)


  • 5.  Getting professional help

      • Cranial work

      • Chiropractic (Kineosio taping for Carpal tunnel, See below)

      • Acupressure

      • reflexology

[1] Ann Neurol. 1979 Mar;5(3):245-52.

[2] Diabetes Care. 2005 Jan;28(1):89-94.



Top 6 things to Take While in Ketosis (Losing Weight)

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Hello, I’m Dr. Paul and I’m here to guide you on your Ketosis Journey! Whether it be weight loss, fighting cancer, fighting autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus or multiple ailments, you will need to have a foundation for getting through and rebuilding your body back to health.  Ketosis can be a vital part of that. So let’s dive right in.

Number one are multivitamins(MV). Why do you need them? Mv’s rebuild the nutrients that are missing in your body. Why are they missing? Because there has been a hundred years of abusing our soil. Because of overpopulation, farms have been forced to overuse and abuse the soil so we can help meet the demands of the population. As a result, our foods are depleted of essential nutrients.

Obviously not all MV’s are created equal.  I’ve seen on Xray mv’s getting ready to come out the stool “whole”. It’s a complete waste of money! I've seen supplements that have a certain amount that says on the label but only have 50% of that substance in the actual bottle, some have 0%, that’s right, none of that nutrient was in the bottle.  That is why I always look for FDA/cGMP approved. I've seen supplements that haven't been tested for heavy metals which are extremely damaging to the body. Here's a link that you can go to to see how to pick the best supplements at a discounted cost. Multivitamins are your first link toward getting healthy through ketosis.

Number two are essential fatty acids(oils). Oils are an essential part of every cell of the body because the cells are made up of a fat membrane. Cells talk to each other via this fat membrane. As a result, when you don't have enough good oil, your body mis-communicates and suffers.  Top that off the bombardment of bad oils in our food supply. Bad oils are rampant and found mainly in fast foods and processed foods. You need to start reading labels. Most foods have canola oil or safflower oil or sunflower oil and worst yet, partially hydrogenated oils.  There's confusion on whether safflower and sunflower are healthy or not but put it this way, once they get oxidized, it’s like rust to the body. They become bad oils. It causes oxidation of cells which causes early destruction of cells, i.e. early aging. So oils protect our cell walls just like essential oils in all plants protect it from the Sun damage. In addition, there are a host of other functions including reduction of bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol.  Not only does good cholesterol help cause vibrant physical and sexual health, it's also instrumental in reducing inflammation transporting heavy metals out of the body.

The next thing is electrolytes. What are electrolytes?  They are in water that has not been stripped of electrolytes which are basically essential minerals.  The ultimate consequence of continual deprivation of water/electrolytes is what? Yes death! Electrolytes performance numerous functions including, detoxification from heavy metals and you tend to lose more on a ketosis program like Ideal Protein.  The major electrolytes are calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium so we encourage sea salt. In the case of Ideal Protein, its 330 mg of potassium in just the Ideal sea salt that you sprinkle on your foods.

The next thing that we want to that are highly recommended is branched chain amino acids.  Why? Because that helps to rebuild the muscle that you lose on every weight loss program. Not all weight loss programs are created equal.  Some programs lose 50% muscle and that is scary. It’s terrible for your metabolism because it slows metabolism down. So you get a false sense of hope thinking, “Wow, I’ve lost weight!” But then at the end of program 50% of that you lost was muscle and your metabolism really slows down. So what happens when you get back to eating more carbs? Your body will go into yo-yo dieting. It'll just jump up with weight because your metabolism is completely wrecked. Therefore Branch chain amino acids helps to rebuild the muscle in order to keep the metabolism up.  Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger who is mainly muscle. When he is showcasing his body, he’s contracting those muscles. Is that easy to do? No, he's sweating up a storm because like all men, not only does he have a greater % muscle, compared to women, but he is a body builder. Therefore he will need more branch chain amino acids then you or me. So, they are essential in your weight loss program. I would even go another step to say they are essential when you get older as well because of muscle wasting when you get older. So the implications of Branch chain aminos are far reaching.

Fifth are enzymes.  Enzymes are critical for digesting food and digesting inflammation and infection in the food you eat.   Betaine HCL or hydrochloric acid are extracted from Beets. Thus the “Bet” in Betaine. Is your stomach acidic or alkaline?  It’s strongly acidic. Why is it acidic? It was designed to be extremely acidic to allow the body to digest the food and help make vitamin B12 from the intrinsic factor. No HCL means no Intrinsic factor → no Vitamin B12.  That’s not good! Tums and Prilosec suppress HCL production. Yes acid foods can cause unwanted symptoms for many people. I.e. Acid reflux. But the reason why is because you have too much lactic acid and deficient in hydrochloric acid.   Did you know that Betaine HCL was the first antibiotic before penicillin? Did you also know that you are given a certain amount to last throughout life?  If when you were younger, you ate a lot of processed foods, you will run out of HCL earlier in life which will cause things like acid reflux, indigestion, gallbladder problems and other digestive woes.  I know of 18 year olds losing their gall bladders because of junk foods. In a nutshell, hydrochloric acid rebuilds the stomach to help digest foods and fight inflammation and fight infection.

Last but not least are antioxidants.   I strongly recommend that for any program because as you're getting healthy, especially when you losing weight, your body's going to release extra “unwanted” fat from your body storage so you can lose weight.  Do you know what is stored in the fat? Toxins and extra hormones like estrogen. Estrogen builds fat in the body, can you picture a man with breasts from being overweight? Yes that is from excess estrogen! Well all that is going into the bloodstream when you are losing weight. That is also why it can change the menstrual cycles of women temporarily.  Because the bloodstream is so pure what is it going to do with all those toxins? How does it fight it off? Will toxins act like rust to metal. It damages cells. That is called oxidation. So the first thing the body wants to do is beat it with antioxidants. One of the antioxidants is called Ultra gamma E complex which is a powerful combination vitamin E product.

So those are the top 6 things that help your body to start getting healthier in your ketosis journey.  Please remember this and learn more here: If you are healthy, does it matter the name of the disease?

Top reasons why Bone Broth can be the Best Food on the Planet (7 min video)

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Why is bone broth so healthy? You have to ask that question in light of where you're getting the source from. Watch this video to understand if the animal protein you are eating is healthy. If you're an animal that is cooped up or forced with injections of antibiotics watch this video. If you're not allowed to roam and graze and eat from the land, you're probably not healthy as an animal. So watch this video and understand why bone broth can be an essential part of being healthy. Does it matter the name of the disease of your healthy?


Bones, preferably from organic, free range and/or grass fed animals.*

7 carrots, cut fine

1 small bunch of celery, cut fine

1/3 bunch of parsley, cut fine

Large handful of spinach, cut fine

1 large Vidalia onion, chopped

2 T Apple cider vinegar
salt/pepper, to taste

Cumin and/or Turmeric, to taste

Ginger: great for healing the digestive tract (ex. Diverticulitis, etc…)

Fill a big crock pot or stock pot ½ full of bones (chicken, turkey, beef and/or fish bones). If using beef bones, roast beforehand for 25 or 30 minutes at about 375 F and then use them to make a stock.

Add vegetables. Cover bones/vegetables with reverse osmosis OR Berkey water. Add a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with the cold water to help draw out the nutrients from the bones.  Put it on high heat to bring to a boil, then reduce to low heat so it doesn’t do much more than simmer. Add spices.

Skim off the “froth” as it arises. Continue to add water as it evaporates.

Allow around 4 hours for chicken stock and a minimum of 6 hours for other, tougher bones.  If you have time, let it boil for as much as 24 hours for chicken and 48 hrs for beef bones. This time allows the bones to turn to Gelatin which has amazing curative properties as well as makes it easier to digest. The more it cooks the more minerals you’ll leach from the bones and vegetables.  Store in refrigerator to use as needed.  Drink it warm. 

 *Ask your local butcher for a carcass of chicken or beef bones (many call them “dog bones” or “soup bones”). Many local grocery stores sell “soup bones”. You can also keep all the bones from the meat you eat during the week in the freezer until you’re ready to use them. 


Save Money and Increase Efficiency in Organizing Supplements


Watch this video to see how I organize my supplements


Do you think that the fruits and vegetables and other wholesome food we have today are the same as 100 years ago?

Are agricultural practices the same!

Do we rotate our crops?

Do ever give our soil a rest?

Do we load our crops with GMO and pesticides?

Are our soils rich with nutrients anymore?

If we have to eat 20 servings of vegetables to get the same nutrition as 5 servings back then, do you think it would be wise to supplement our foods with vitamins etc.?

I think a resounding yes!

Autoimmune disease like Hashimotos, which has recently creeped into my health, Lupus, MS, Adhd, autism, allergies, asthma are all increasing!

All that to say, I’m on this health journey with you and yes I take a lot of supplements based on pre and post lab testing to know which ones I need to be on as well as the ones I don’t need anymore. Yes, it’s a lot at first but as you get healthier, you need less and less. See the video above to get insights to make it easier for you.

Are Your Supplements Causing More Harm than Good?

Questions to ask Before Buying Supplements?

  1. Will they work for your problem or if you have bought them already, is it solving your health issue?

  2. Have your supplements been tested and proven successful as evidenced with scientific lab tests?

  3. Has your supplements been used in real life clinical experience from many doctors with 100’s of total years combined experience?

  4. Are they cGMP certified?

    FDA is becoming more stringent with supplement companies.  Those companies that don't abide, will close up shop!  GMP Certification (Good manufacturing Practices) was started in 2007.  GMP is the minimum that you should look for in a supplement.  It’s important to understand that GMP certification by itself may not ensure that the vitamin or mineral supplement you take will provide the benefits you’ve seen or heard advertised. But it can help to make sure that you are getting what you pay for in the bottle, and that it’s been handled in a manner that attempts to ensure your safety.    A study was done by Consumer labs ( did a study on Valerian for 10 companies.   5 had the amount of Valerian it said on the label.  5 did not.   One had Zero Valerian!  Getting what it says on the label is where GMP is critical.

  5. Are they providing Certificates to disclose any harmful ingredients have been checked for?

    In a dedicated effort to secure  the superior quality and purity of our quality professional lines, raw materials and finished product lab documentation retention is a must to prove the standards required prior to giving them to our patients. In the interest of full transparency, all independent lab Certificates of Analysis are available upon request.

    The following is from one of our vendors that we trust:  Designs for Health:

    Certificates of Analysis & Raw Material Testing

    Our raw material vendors are measured against criteria designed to quantify the stringent quality parameters we insist upon. We purchase our raw materials only from those vendors who are able to meet our exacting requirements.

    Designs for Health maintains the following documentation requirements for raw materials:

    Certificates of Analysis (C of As) : Every lot must be accompanied by comprehensive vendor-supplied documentation of the material's identity, potency, and purity.

    Independent Laboratory Analysis: Providing an extra measure of quality assurance, all raw materials used in the manufacture of Designs for Health products are monitored for potential contaminants and tested for the marker compound quantities as defined on our label. Numerous analytical testing processes are employed, as applicable, including HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), to name a few.

    Finished Product Testing

    Our quality control process does not end with C of As and raw material testing. As an additional line of assurance, each and every Designs for Health product is analyzed for finished product content to confirm that the manufacturing process has resulted in a finished product that meets label claims.

Will Acne Ever Rule the World?

I'm sure it feels that way for some kids. I had my share of mild acne when I was younger and I have divots on my head to prove it.  Experience with my patients and children tells me that you can beat acne, as long as they do what I tell them to do. 

What is the cause of acne?  That's the million-dollar question. 
I believe there are  multiple reasons for this. Stress and Diet are pieces of the puzzle not to mention all the additional chemicals and toxic exposure in our environment that is more unprecedented today than ever before.

Action steps to take with Acne:

• Keep skin clean with safe and healthy skincare products free of hormone-disrupting ingredients and pore-clogging petroleum

• Change pillowcases often to avoid ongoing exposure to dirt and excess oils

• Try to limit hand to face contact to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs; carry Silvercillin spray to disinfect hands and surfaces

• Decrease flare-ups by countering stress with adequate sleep and relaxation

• Encourage elimination of toxins through sweating by exercising or using a far infrared sauna

Dietary Tips and Caveats:

• Limit or avoid dairy products, white flour, and sugar-laden foods and beverages

• Eat healthy high quality proteins including dairy-free protein shakes, such as PurePaleo Chocolate or Vanilla protein made from bone broth and delicious.

• Drink plenty of water to facilitate elimination of wastes.  1 quart per 50 lb body weight.  Pure Berkey filtered water or Reverse Osmosis water.

• Eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, ground flax seeds, chia seeds and raw nuts

• Eat a phytonutrient-rich diet of unprocessed whole foods, abundant in vegetables and fruits (preferably organic) that contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E

• Support blood sugar balance by avoiding foods that spike blood sugar such as high-sugar snacks and beverages (includes sodas and fruit juices); refined carbohydrates, and high fructose corn syrup; avoid excess sugar to prevent accumulation of the toxic by-product, acetaldehyde

Supplement Recommendations:  Strongly recommend blood work to test for dosing below and other Nutrients that may be needed. 

AcnutrolTM capsules 6 capsules per day

Hylands ClearAc as directed on label

Probiotic SynergyTM Probiospheres 1 sphere per day with breakfast

OmegAvailTM Synergy 2 softgels per day with meals

Optional, if needed: Hi-Po Emulsi-D3 liquid 1 drop per day or 1 ADK per day.   Strongly recommend blood work to test for Vitamin D dosing.  


Miraculous Shifts in Your Health Can Be Yours!


Does it make sense that if you're healthy that your body will be able to beat disease? I have seen this in my cancer patients, autoimmune patients, migraine patients, fibromyalgia patients, obese patients, diabetic patients, multiple sclerosis patients Etc. These patients are beating their disease by getting healthy following a science-based approach.

Whether you're 5 or 95 years old, your body was made to heal given the right internal body environment! But we can't see what's inside because we don't have X-ray vision. Using a science based approach, we can put our Superman X-ray eyes on and see what's going inside the body.

Science-based nutrition™, is a comprehensive analysis of your body's imbalances, by using blood testing for nutritional deficiencies as well as hair and urine analysis to determine mineral balance/heavy metals toxins.

Your body is wonderfully made! Like an orchestra that is in perfect pitch and tune, your body should sing a pleasant harmony. Ideally, the body synchronizes with essential nutrients, minerals & vitamins that produces a beautiful song of Health!

I have been using a evidence based, results driven approach with my patients for the past 10 years. In my drive to see better results with my patients, I'm always researching and am grateful to add a rich arsenal to my practice using Science Based Nutrition™.  Dr. Van Merkel developed this system and I'm thoroughly enjoying helping and giving hope to patients with cancer, MS, autoimmune and other conditions with this system.

Imagine your body talking to you.  What would it say?  Would it say "I have atrial fibrillation, migraines or cancer"? Whether it is shouting out with a group of symptoms or no symptoms at all really is a mute point when it comes to health.  How many people do you know that don't have symptoms the day before they get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer or other disease? Conversely, most of my patients came in here at their wits end with miserable symptoms. What is the bottom line? Symptoms or no symptoms, neither determines how healthy you are.

The body does not care the name of the disease, it just cares about getting healthy.

We don't treat the disease. We treat the whole YOU! In fact, does it matter the name of the disease when your healthy?  

Feel free to peruse these case studies which:

  • Utilize objective testing to measure progress.

  • Consist of 100% drug free solutions.


Case Study-Coming soon

In Just 2 months:

  • More energy

  • Anxiety and stress reduced

  • Walked one day for the first time in years without a cane

  • Lost 20 lbs

  • More hopeful

Alzheimers Disease

Case Study

In Just 4 months:

  • Memory improving

  • Anxiety and stress reduced

  • Able to concentrate

  • Sense of humor returning

  • No longer depressed

  • More animated

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Case Study

In Just 3 months:

  • Right knee completely healed

  • Increased energy

  • Off all medications

  • No joint pain or stiffness

  • Grew 2 inches and gaines 10lbs

Anxiety & Poor Concentration

Case Study

In just 2 months:

  • Night sweats nearly gone

  • Increased energy

  • Excessive hunger under control

  • No depression symptoms

  • Off all 5 medications

Breast Cancer

Case Study

In Just 2 weeks:

  • Tumor marker dropped 106.9 points

  • Patient refused Chemo & Radiation therapy due to outstanding results

  • Blood pressure shows improvement

  • Update: CA 27.29 has dropped to 19.5!

Crohn’s Disease

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Digestion under control

  • No nausea

  • Fingernails are healthy and strong

  • Dermatitis gone

  • Increased energy

Chronic Skin Rash

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Triglycerides dropped 88 pts

  • Cholesterol dropped 43 pts

  • Vitamin D levels optimal!

  • Better Energy/Stamina

  • Glucose dropped 13 pts

Kidney Cancer

Case Study

In just 6 months:

  • No longer needs inhaler

  • Tumor has nearly stabilized

  • 56 year old patient felt as good as he did at age 30

Liver Cancer

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Cancer marker PLUNGED from 4,163 to 128

  • Patient can sleep through the night

  • Off 2 medications

  • Multiple Liver Pulmonary Nodules gone

  • No growth in other nodules

  • Reached a healthy weight

Lung Cancer

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Triglycerides down from 227 to 151

  • Immune system strong

  • Cancer markers steady

  • Glucose level down from 113 to 99

  • Chronic cough virtually gone

Menopause & Insomnia

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Night sweats gone

  • Weight stabilized

  • Hives gone

  • Stopped taking Xanax

In just 9 months:

  • Anxious feelings dissipated

  • Appetite returning

  • Blood pressure back to normal

  • Hot flashes significantly improved

  • Shakiness subsided

  • Off all medications

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Case Study

In just 2 months:

  • Off all medications

  • Infections cleared

  • No more pus-like discharge

  • No more boils

Multiple Sclerosis

Case Study

In just 5 months:

  • Can walk up/down stairs

  • More independent

  • Off all medications

  • Vision improving

  • Able to walk on toes

  • Increased energy

Parkinsons Disease

Case Study

In just 4 months:

  • No shaking

  • More energy

  • Can go jogging

  • Less stuttering

  • Started preaching again

  • Emotions under control


Case Study

After parasite cleanse:

  • Fever gone

  • Hormone problems resolved

  • Off all medications

  • No sensitivity to light

PSA/High Cholesterol

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Lost 22 lbs

  • Off Cholesterol Medication

  • Decreased/Stable PSA

  • Blood Pressure Improved

Rosacea, Chronic Fatigue & Poor Digestion

Case Study

In just 4.5 months:

  • Rosacea gone

  • Better digestion

  • Memory and concentration improving

  • Increased energy

  • Diarrhea subsided

  • Anxiety significantly reduced

Viral Warts

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • All warts gone

  • Lost 45lbs

  • Increase in energy

Dressing From a White House Chef

In my experimentation with dressings from Nourishing Traditions, I have thoroughly enjoyed this concoction. As I was talking to a patient who was for many years the top managing chef for the White House, she said that she picked up this recipe from an international chef- don't quote me on the international, all I know is that he was well known. She couldn't really ask for the recipe, because that's a faupat, but she did observe very carefully and experimented with her own concoction at home. She finally got the right delectable flavor! I feel that it is basically this dressing that I have been experimenting with. My kids lick there plates!

Remember this is a basic foundational dressing. From here you can add to your hearts desire! I love garlic so I add garlic a lot. I love dried red peppers etc. Additionally, I usually add premier research pink salt that is not toxic with heavy metal nickle which many sea salts are burdened with. Call the manufacturer of the sea salt to make sure they don't use a toxic nickel filter to sift out the sea salt. Many do!

Makes about 1.5 cups

2 teaspoon Dijon-type mustard, smooth or grainy
4 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoon raw wine vinegar
2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon expeller-expressed flax oil. I use mixed EFAS from biotics research. It is a great anti-inflammatory oil. It has a slight nutty taste and is great for salads and for this dressing.

Dip a fork into the jar of mustard and transfer about 1 teaspoon to a small bowl. Add vinegar and mix around. Add olive oil in a thin stream, stirring all the while with the fork, until oil is well mixed or emulsified. Add flax oil/mixed EFAS and enjoy! I make extra and store it.

In a rush?  Put it all together in a large mason jar.  Use a immersion blender and done!

Note for Ideal Protein People:   2/3rds of each tablespoon of this is oil.  That is about 2 tsp of oil which is the amount required by Ideal protein.   Bottom line:   1 tbl of this dressing per day.   

Yummy Healing Blueberry Smoothie


  1. 1 cup unsweetened organic gmo-free almond milk or coconut milk.

  2. One-quarter avocado

  3. one half cup frozen organic blueberries, I get mine at Costco.

  4. Several Drops  berry stevia to taste. I use Sweet Drops from Sweet Leaf

  5. High quality, gmo free, organic protein powder for healing, 1 scoop.  I use Pure Paleo Vanilla from Designs for Health, (available from my office).  

  6. Biodophilis FOS (1/4 tsp measured or as directed by Dr. Paul)

  7. 1 tsp Organic Coconut oil (I get mine at Costco).  Can remit if don't like flavor.

  8. Optional, I put supplements in there including the following, 

  9. Osteo B+ for detoxifying heavy metals (available from my office (Biotics).  

  10. Mg zyme (at night preferred for relaxing and detoxifying and improving sleep. (available from my office (Biotics).  

  11. Vitality C great for overall health and detoxifying. (available from my office).Note must have high powered blender to liquify supplements in tablet form. (I use vitamix)

  12. 1/2 tsp Premier Greens powder as a  multivitamin (available from my office)

  13. Add water if too thick to get to desired thickness.              

  14.  Serves 1 person

Great healthy french fry recipe

Celery Root French Fries - Super Bowl Recipe

Serves one person

1 celery root, cut French fry style
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
½ tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. grape seed oil
½ tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven at 450F, place the fries on a baking sheet and sprinkle seasonings on top, mix well. Place in oven for approximately 30 minutes in the oven, turning half way through. Once the fries are well cooked, drizzle with oil.

Ready to serve!

How to lose weight with a Reese's peanut butter smoothie

I am always concerned about false claims. So I want to put a caveat on this because you can't lose weight if you already are eating well and just started doing a smoothie like this in the morning. If you are eating well, other issues may be involved like thyroid, infection, adrenal stress, etc. But for the majority of people that over eat, research has shown that a meal replacement will help you to lose weight and or maintain. My experience with patients that lost close to 5000 lbs (as of April 2015) at our clinic is this:  Replace breakfast and lunch with smoothies or meal replacements and add 1 more protein snack (15 to 20 grams protein).  Doing a ideal protein meal replacement  or a smoothie like the one below to replace breakfast and lunch along with a sensible regular dinner with protein and vegetables is key.  You must have at least 6 glasses of water and 4 cups of vegies as well (measured uncooked).  Please do your research as doing a program like ideal protein at home requires specific supplementation to offset lost nutrients and it is normally medically supervised by a ideal protein clinic.

That being said, this smoothie actually came by accident. I have been putting pink salt in my morning smoothie every morning to get more trace minerals. I start however with 32 oz of water with Premier pink salt so I can get all my hydration in the morning.  One day, I put way too much salt in a glass of water. Instead of using the small pores of the salt bottle, it was the large opening where you put a teaspoon in so there went half the  bottle into the water.  Argh!  Well, I said.  I can save it.  I just let it soak in water in the frig. I didn't want to waste it so I actually have been putting a quarter cup in my smoothie every morning, well it made it taste mildly salty. Which I kind of liked actually.  Well, this morning I made this smoothie and it tasted like Reeses peanut buttercup! I asked Alivia to try it too and she goes "yeah!".

So here's the ingredients:

  • 5 cups water

  • 1 tablespoon rice bran that has antioxidants and multivitamins (optional) it is a superfood made by

  • Pure paleo protein chocolate flavor (Designs for health) 1 scoop and a half (use 2 if not using gamactopro below

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 cup frozen organic blueberries or mixed berries (Costco),

  • 1/2 tsp premier sea salt pink salt (or to taste)

  • 1 tablespoon Biotics mixed efa

  • 1 tbsp Smart Balance natural creamy peanut butter non GMO,

  • 1 scoop GamactaPro from Biotics (great for muscle and exercise recovery)

  • This feeds my family of 5.  2 adults 3 children ages 9 to 14.


There you go enjoy!

Quick, impromptu Salad Dressing a Winner!

We had our third Daniel Plan/biblical foundations for health workshop and we made a healthy shake and dressing.   I forgot the lemon so I just made it up.   

I put it on organic spinach and let everybody try it.   YUMMY! One person said, "I'm going to make that one tonight when I get home".  It was already after 9 pm.  I just barely taste tested it and after everybody ate it, there was no more, so I had some at home as well.

Personally,  I don't like vegetables by themselves, especially raw cruciferous veggies like broccoli.  I sometimes force myself to eat it because its so healthy.  On the other hand, I have learned to almost make any veggie taste awesome, or for that matter, almost any food.  Recipes down below!

Secret tips:

I was sharing with a patient how to make a winning salad dressing.  She worked at the white house for years as the head chef.  She said that they got to hang out for several times with a world renowned chef.   Because it is not kosher to ask for the recipe, she just observed. After I told her my recipe,  her discoveries with this chef revealed a similar dressing.  See below for recipe.

My kids lick this off their plate because it's so good.  

Here is the foundational ingredients that you can build world class dressing with:

1 tsp dijon mustard smooth or grainy 2 tbsp plus 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp mixed efas (from my office) or expeller expressed flax oil. This is the base recipe. I replaced the raw wine vinegar with the apple cider vinegar. I triple the amounts so I can have enough for family of 5 to last longer. Add herbs, garlic or anything else to your hearts desire. Enjoy!

Here is the one I made in the Daniel Class:

Serves 10 people plus.

  1. 1/2 cup good quality extra virgin Olive oil.   Click here for good brands.

  2. 1/2 cup Mixed efa (Biotics brand carried at my office),  More info.

  3. 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar

  4. 3 cloves minced garlic cloves

  5. 2-3 tsp Premier Pink Sea Salt

  6. 1 tbl Dijon Mustard

  7. Enjoy!!!!


Here are materials to make dressing easier:  Immersion blender and Lemon extractor, both inexpensive to buy.

Here are convenient healthy foods we get a Costco that require less prep time.  Just add to smoothie or make a salad with it.  


Yes I put coconut oil directly in my smoothies!   Great for taste, anti-infection & even weight loss! 1 to 3 tbl per day per adult person.

 I use these mason jars for storage of all liquid items, like the above salad dressing and use it for my daily power drink.   Its a 32 oz size.  Get a bunch at any Walmart, etc.

I use this Grass fed butter because its healthy and tastes great!  Put over  vegies with Premier Pink Salt above. Yummy!

Tip:   Grass fed butter has tons better fats for you!  More info.

Carbs, Carbs, Carbs!    The woe of modern man.  Here are some healthy carbs at Costco, assuming you are not crazy gluten sensitive.  No gluten but still may inflame you if you are freaked by gluten.  Otherwise, its ok.  

Tip: Make sure that grains or starches are no more than 25% of your plate!