How To Strengthen Your Back and Prevent Back Pain

I found this article done by Thomas Michaud, DC on Dynamic Chiropractic and thought it would help you.

Pay attention to my highlights.

Final Thoughts:

  • Low back pain is very common and there are multiple different causes for it.

  • There are 3 primary causes: Physical trauma, Nutrition Imbalances, and even Emotional stresses can contribute.

  • This article is on the Physical component, primarily the weakness of the back.

  • I found this article simple and can be easily implemented in your daily routine.

  • As with any exercise, Consistency and Repetition is key. But first, do a home assessment using these guidelines to see if your back is weak.

  • We are here to help if you want a thorough assessment.

How your Neck and Back Pain Can Come from tight Hamstrings

For as long as I can remember, since I've grown to have such long legs, my hamstrings have been tight! After examining a patient today, her symptoms were mid back and neck pain, but she also had tight hamstrings. So I showed her some stretches for the hamstrings. I believe it can make a big difference to the neck and back. It's all connected through meridians which are acupressure Pathways that are like electrical roads going up and down the body. When it's blocked in the hamstrings, and can be blocked and cause pain in the mid back and neck. So why don't you try these stretches out because some of the best stretches for my chronic hamstrings were some yoga poses. There are 100’s of ways to stretch. Do you know the ones that work the best? …. The ones you are going to do! Check it out Stretch #12! Its the one most effective for my hamstrings.

DIY Shoulder Pain Treatment

Found this great exercise for the shoulder. Especially if you have frozen shoulder or any other type of chronic pain and lack of motion. This is NOT for acute, traumatic shoulder injury.

Set yourself up on a comfortable firm bed by looking at the picture on this article on follow the directions on what to do.

As always foundational practices are critical for you in your journey of healing.

Is Your Sciatic Pain a Pain in the Butt?

Some Sciatic pain literally is from the gluteal/butt region originating from the piriformis muscle.

Common causes are inflammation from the following possibilities:   

1.  Acute injury

2.  One Leg is shorter than the other

3.  Foot problem (flat feet, forefoot varus (where the neutral position of the forefoot is inverted)

4. Other:

  • Abdominal infections

  • localized infections

  • Toxic overload from:   heavy metals, processed foods,  antibiotics, environmental toxins, etc

The first 3 above may respond to stretching, the last one would probably require a holistic approach and come in to our clinic to find the root cause.

Here is more detailed information and stretches you can do:

Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and not intended to replace a qualified assessment from a health care professional.   WARNING:  DO NOT DO THESE EXERCISES IF IT CAUSES MORE PAIN.