Painful UTIs and What To Do About Them!


Lifestyle Recommendations: 

• Stay well-hydrated to facilitate the flushing out of bacteria from the urinary system.

• Urinate at the moment of urging; do not delay as it may increase the risk of bacterial overgrowth.

• Urinate and wash before and after sexual intercourse.  

• Practice good personal hygiene and cleanse genitalia daily. 

• Women should abstain from the use of douches, hygiene sprays, and scented powders. Instead use pure, unscented soap and water. 

• Wear cotton underwear; avoid underwear of silk, polyester, and other lighter material.  

• Avoid wearing thongs and tight-fitting pants/underwear on a regular basis.  

• Avoid sitting for long periods of time; take a break and move/walk after a couple of hours. 

Dietary Tips and Caveats: 

• Avoid all sugars - like high fructose corn syrup and white flour products. As well as refined, high-glycemic, carbohydrates, including cereals and pasta. 

• Drink plenty of filtered water. 

• Avoid dehydrating beverages such as alcohol, caffeinated coffees, and soft drinks. 

• Drink 3-4 glasses per day of unsweetened cranberry juice mixed with water if under 40 years of age (women over 40 may experience bladder irritation from cranberry juice). 

• Get a balance of omega-3 fats (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega-9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, and avocados). 

Supplement Recommendations (Designs for Health): 

  • Homeopathic: E. Coli is the common culprit. Our office has this Remedy to specifically target E. Coli.

  • Probiophage DF™: 1- 2 capsules per day with breakfast

  • UT Synergy™: 2 capsules, 3-4 times per day at the onset of symptoms

  • Silvercillin™ Liquid: 1 TBSP, 2 times per day

For Severe Acute Infections:

As part of a maintenance dose in recurrent UTIs:

  • UT Intensive™ Chewables (D mannose and Cranberry): 1 chewable per day along with UT Synergy™

    **If significantly elevated temperature, flank pain, and/or severe burning on urination develop, or if infection persists past several days, a full medical evaluation should be performed and antibiotic therapy considered.

Other Natural Remedies (If you want to purchase these on your own):

*Remember: High Quality Supplements = Greater Results! Don’t skimp on getting the cheapest supplement. You get what you pay for!

  • Cranberry Extract: Cranberry supplements or cranberry juice are often mentioned as a potential preventative measure for UTIs. Some studies suggest that cranberry may help reduce the risk of recurrent UTIs by preventing bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining.

  • D-Mannose: D-Mannose is a type of sugar found in cranberries and other fruits. Some people use it as a supplement to help prevent or alleviate UTIs. It is believed to work by preventing bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining.

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut and urinary tract. Some research suggests that certain probiotic strains may be useful in preventing UTIs.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C may help acidify the urine, making it less favorable for the growth of bacteria. It's not a direct treatment for UTIs but can potentially support urinary tract health.

  • Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is sometimes used in herbal remedies for urinary tract health. It is believed to have diuretic properties and may help flush bacteria out of the urinary tract.

  • Garlic: Garlic is known for its potential antibacterial properties and immune system support. Some people use garlic supplements as a natural remedy, but more research is needed to establish its effectiveness for UTIs.

  • Kimchi: Kimchi has a ton of immune-fighting properties. It’s an acquired taste! Be prepared to have a potential garlic smell! Painful UTIs can be harmful to kidneys so you will do what it takes!

Beating Insomnia

The Enemies to Your Sleep

Other things to Consider:

Waking up in the middle of the night can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Worry, stress, and anxiety can disturb your sleep pattern and lead to waking up during the night.

  2. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome can cause frequent awakenings.

  3. Environment: Factors such as noise, light, or an uncomfortable bed can disrupt your sleep.

  4. Lifestyle Choices: Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, or heavy meals close to bedtime can affect your sleep quality.

  5. Medications: Certain medications can interfere with sleep.

  6. Aging: As people age, they often experience changes in their sleep patterns, including lighter sleep and more frequent awakenings.

  7. Medical Conditions: Various health issues like chronic pain, acid reflux, or nighttime asthma can cause you to wake up.

  8. Needing to Use the Bathroom: This can be due to fluid intake before bed or underlying health issues.

  9. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menopause or pregnancy, can disrupt sleep.

  10. Sleep Schedule: Irregular sleep schedules or jet lag can cause disturbances in your normal sleep pattern.

It's important to note that occasional awakenings are normal, but if they're frequent and affecting your quality of life, it might be helpful to consult a healthcare professional. They can help identify the underlying cause and suggest appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes.

How precious is your sleep! There is where you Heal, Regenerate and Repair. Have you lost your sleep rhythm? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you a morning person or a night person? Your sleep will be better if you practice the principles below. It will help you switch your sleep-wake rhythm.

  2. Do you have more energy at night or in the morning? Answer should be the same as question 1.

  3. Did you do a saliva cortisol test? If yes, did it show more cortisol at night or in the morning? If you have high cortisol at night, practice the principles in the article below.

  4. Have you ever worked a graveyard any time in your life? Answer should be the same as question 3.

  5. When does your internal clock think you should be going to sleep? Answer should be the same as question 3.

The Importance of Healthy Daily Routines!

In the morning:

  • Open Your Windows and Let the Sun Enter your room

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Don’t let the name intimidate you. I like simple! The following is simple! Of course, you can go more intense if you want! Do this soon after you wake up (up to 20 min total work out). Love this! Do this 3x PER DAY, 15 Repititions each time.

During the day:

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (bbg’s) inside where I can't get natural light (using orange glasses).

  • Use F.lux during the day and Android's built-in blue-reducing filter.

  • Exercise as above doing HIIT. It is better to do it out in sun if you can but it is not imperative.

  • Get Some Sun

    • Huge, Huge, Huge. Get your Vitamin D! It helps prevent EVERY disease!

    • At high-noon, go out into the sun and get the Dminder App (download on the Google Play Store or App Store). The app will help you regarding when and how much time you need in the sun (based on how dark your skin is).

    • Go out as naked (socially acceptable) as possible, and without makeup.

    • Do this everyday or every other day, allowing time for your body to rest, produce aMSH (to increase melanocyte proliferation) and produce melanin on your skin - start slowly.

Before bed:

  • (Supplementation) Designs for Health products like Trimag night and PharmaGaba can help with the following: For those with tendency to have difficulty relaxing or have a racing mind. Call our office for details.

  • (Supplementation) Formula 303: For those with Body tension, Muscle pain, Knots in muscle.

  • (Supplementation) Magnesium. This is For Everybody! Our society has a Crazy Epidemic Amount of Magesium Deficiency. There are many types of Magnesium out there. Don’t waste your money on the wrong type! We have several types of Highly absorbable Magnesium. I recommend the ReMag Liquid Magnesium during the day. Follow instructions on the bottle. I found this to be the best absorbable Magnesium.

  • Wear Blue-light blocking glasses (Ex. DEWALT Laser Level Enhancement Glasses, Red) after sunset. Put up Red Light Bulbs only to light up the home. Available at Home Depot.

  • Use F.lux at night and use Twilight (download on the Google Play Store) on your phone along with Android's built-in blue light reducing filter. To reduce blue light on Apple devices: go to Settings > Display & Brightness > toggle the Night Shift setting to Manually ON.

  • Limiting your exposure to light after sunset.

  • Take a Hot shower (You can wear your BBGs in the shower as well).

  • Watch the sunset.

  • Avoid electronic screens.