How your Neck and Back Pain Can Come from tight Hamstrings

For as long as I can remember, since I've grown to have such long legs, my hamstrings have been tight! After examining a patient today, her symptoms were mid back and neck pain, but she also had tight hamstrings. So I showed her some stretches for the hamstrings. I believe it can make a big difference to the neck and back. It's all connected through meridians which are acupressure Pathways that are like electrical roads going up and down the body. When it's blocked in the hamstrings, and can be blocked and cause pain in the mid back and neck. So why don't you try these stretches out because some of the best stretches for my chronic hamstrings were some yoga poses. There are 100’s of ways to stretch. Do you know the ones that work the best? …. The ones you are going to do! Check it out Stretch #12! Its the one most effective for my hamstrings.