Hormone Balancing With Seeds = ANTI HORMONAL CANCERS

Imbalanced Hormones Can Reek Havoc on Your Body. More info

Balancing your hormones is imperative for our culture of stress and the SAD (Sad American Diet). Great for PMS and post menapausal symptoms like hot flashes, hormonal depression, insomnia etc.

•  Follow the moon calendar as described below to alternate the seeds if you are post menopausal or if you are a man.

Seed Cycling is for Hormone Balance in the realms of naturopathic nutrition and herbal medicine. Seed cycling for hormone balance has been shown to be a helpful and natural approach for hormone balance in both men and women. The seed cycling protocol uses specific seeds during specific times of the month in order to balance estrogen and progesterone. A pumpkin-and-flaxseed combo during the first two weeks after the new moon (for men) or following menstruation (for women) helps detoxify the extra estrogen that occurs this time of the month. A sunflower-and-sesame combo used in the second half of the twenty-eight day cycle is rich in selenium, which promotes progesterone production.

Blue = sunflower – sesame

Red = Pumpkin – flax


Here’s how seed cycling works:

DAY 1 OF PERIOD to DAY 14:  Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (NEW MOON TO FULL MOON) 

  • Eat 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds and 1 tablespoon ground pumpkin seeds every day.  You can also add fish oil on Days 1 through 14 [1200mg per day of high quality Omega-3 rich fish oil (Dr. Paul recommends a blend of DHA and EPA, from Designs for Health called OmegaAvail Synergy 1/d (up to 150 lbs), 2/d (150 lbs +).   

DAY 15 to DAY 28: Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (FULL MOON TO NEW MOON)

  •  Eat 1 tablespoon ground sunflower seeds and 1 tablespoon ground sesame seeds every day. Dr. Paul recommends Gamma Linoleic Acid = GLA (2/d)  from Designs for Health  to further help balance fatty acids. 

The seeds can be ground in a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or food processor and added to cold foods like smoothies or salads, or mixed with water.  

If you have a powerful blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec, you can skip the Mortar and pestle and put the seeds whole. I recommend investing in 1 of these blenders. It's very versatile and saves you a lot of time!


Kwik, Easy, Laser like Health Strategies to Optimize and Energize You and Your Family

Line Up Your Life

Easy to Do Strategies to Relieve Suffering

At 59 yo, having done multiple strategies for my health, I can only do my best to minimize the ravages of aging. With our crazy, busy lifestyles, over the last 30 years in practice, I have discovered easy to implement optimization strategies to minimize pain, the suffering of disease & optimize energy and vitality!

Here are the recourses I encourage each of you to watch and read:


What’s Next After I’ve
Gone to So Many Doctors?

There is always Hope!!!!!!!

The first book on balancing the Vagus nerve is a powerful strategy but sometimes we need a little more experience and TLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed helping people go deeper with frustrating issues in their lives: unresolved suffering that have visits to many doctors, we have been able to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss any health concerns you have.

Top Six Things Contributing to Constipation

There are many things that can contribute to constipation. It can be miserable especially if you have a history of it.

The most important thing is figuring out what is causing the problem. There are multiple causes but I have found through clinical experience the top things below. Here are simple starting steps so you can flow and not be backed up:

1. Are you drinking enough water? Water is essential ingredient to life and makes up most of your body. So if you're not consuming proper amounts of water then you need to to do that. It has a serious effect on major health issues in the body. One patient called me and said she was feeling lousy. She was on my tailored Nutrition program to cleanse her body. I asked her if she was drinking enough water. She said no. Her symptoms cleared up once she hydrated herself. You want to drink up to 96 ounces per day depending on your body weight. I recommend drinking a quart of water for every 50 lb of body weight. 

2. Are you having 4 cups of Vegetables measured raw per day? Here is a link to measuring vegies so you know how much you are having:

3. Fill in the blank, 2 of the most common nutrients lacking in our diet are: _______________________

Answer: Magnesium and Vitamin C. I have found these nutrients helpful for overall health and bowel movements.

  • The Magnesium Citrate version is best for constipation. Start with dosage on the back and increase 1 serving daily till bowel tolerance (soft stools/diarrhea), then back up to the prior dosage. Do this for both supplements.

  • Quality brands are essential for this. We use Designs for health, Buffered Vitamin C and MagCitrate Powder.

  • There are 2 general categories of Magnesium:

    • Ones that absorb into your bloodstream and ones that don’t.

    • Magcitrate does not absorb as well into the blood steam and therefore goes out your colon and into your toilet. That is why it loosens your bowels.

    • Trimag supreme is one of the best for absorbing into your bloodstream so it can go into your cells!. It comes in the day and night version. Night is for better sleep. You need these versions even more because every cell needs Magnesium to be healthy!

    • If you cant swallow use Epson salt foot or body bath or Magnegel (Designs for Health). Magnegel gets rubbed into the skin over cramps or for general health. It gets directly absorbed into the blood stream so it can get into your cells!

    • You can buy these at designsforhealth.com.

      • You will need to form a account first and then you will need a practitioner code: “paulkwik”. Then you can place your order. Free shipping with orders of at least $49 :).

4. Are you Stressed on the toilet? If you are you won’t go. Stress = Bowel Constriction, Relaxation = Bowel opening up. Its like a kinking a water hose when you are stressed. Counteract stress with the following:

  • Deep breathing, drop those shoulders! You are not relaxed if your shoulders are up and ready for action.

  • Gargling with no liquid in your mouth. This stimulates the relaxation nerve (Vagus nerve) to relax your body. It is wierd but it works!

  • Side note: Sometimes putting a small stool underneath your feet can reposition your tailbone for easier elimination.

5. Environmental Toxins https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2551954.

  • My observation is that every patient that has walked in for my Nutritional Consult has had too much heavy metals in their body. This can cause constipation. See ncbi reference above and do your own research as well. Toxic exposure is only getting worse as time goes on. Heavy metals, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, other pharmaceuticals & even radioactive uranium are in the water we drink and the food we eat. Please make sure that the water is purified either through a reverse osmosis or Berkey filtration system. If you are using bottled water, I recommend using Aquafina or Dasani water because I know that those are filtered with reverse osmosis. You can check other types of water by calling the company and asking if they use reverse osmosis. Personally, I use the Berkey filtration system which is 2 cents a gallon for the main filters and six cents a gallon for the fluoride/arsenic filters. I believe its the most effective at toxin removal while being the most cost-effective. Additionally, reverse osmosis takes away all the essential nutrients while the Berkey retains those. Minerals are in the same “family” as heavy metals, they all talk to each other and help “transport” heavy metals out of your body. Just search it up online and you'll see how critical minerals are for thousands of chemical reactions in your body as well.

  • Antibiotics in water and food. What is the most abundant in your body? Can you count to 37 trillion? That is how many body cells you have. What outnumbers the cells in your body? Can you count to 100 trillion? That is how many good bacteria are in your body. Your Digestive system hosts a majority of them. Antibiotics kill them! It's in food and water and can have residual effects today even though you had them many years prior!

    • What does the good bacteria family do?

      • It helps with Depression by producing seritonin, the feel good chemical (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393509/).

      • Helps with constipation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4951383/).

      • Helps with a Host of other things as well.

      • The Bottom line; Filter your water, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buy properly fed & treated animals which have been allowed to graze. If tight on budget, wash your fruits and vegetables with a cleanser as well as eat hormone and antibiotic free animal food sources.

  • Are you on prescription medications? Some are notorious for causing constipation. Here are 8 common ones

    • Nsaids for pain

    • Antihistamines like Benedryl and Zyrtec for Allergies

    • Tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil and Pamelor

    • Iron supplements

    • Urinary incontinence meds like: Ditropan and Detrol

    • Pain Opioid Meds

    • Hypertension meds

    • Nausea meds like Zofran

  • Talk to your Doctor as well as a Natural health practitioner about alternative options for your health. Your medical doctor will give you a drug because of a diagnosis based on your symptoms. If we can help you get rid of those symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about getting off some of those drugs.

6. Body Work

  • Body work would involve movement of the body at home and sometimes getting professional help, if needed. The body works by communication just like human beings need to communicate. Your body communicates through the brain and sends signals to the rest of the body to tell it what it should do and the body responds by telling a signal back to the brain using a feedback mechanism. Your vital organs communicate automatically through the autonomic nervous system which controls your stress and relaxation systems but it works through the conscious mind when your lifting something using muscles. Both of those require communication.

  • There's another set of communication pathways that happens on the skin surface called meridians (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25206574) . Acupressure without needles, which we do at our office, are ways to unblock short circuits of these communication pathways. I liken it to an orchestra singing a beautiful song and all the players are in perfect tune and harmony. These short circuits on the surface of the skin (meridians) or blockages of the actual nervous system (brain/spinal cord/nerves) can be helped with home treatment or if necessary, chiropractic care, or acupressure. This movement, song or dance, if you will, of your body through the nerves of the body and the meridians can be short circuited and cause your colon to be constipated.


    One of my most recent patients was referred to by another patient. He was pretty much at death's door. After starting with me, the doctors said it was a miracle that he was still alive. He had been admitted to the hospital for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was in a coma for one month and by the time he got here he was at 30% heart function, severely constipated and on narcotic drugs for pain, he wasn't getting any sleep, he had lost 30 lbs, and diagnosed with cancer and liver failure. To say the least, his life was miserable!

    We did the foundational lab tests on him, analyzed what he needed from the lab tests and started creating a new story for him! After he started my program, here is what happened in 1 month:

  • Heart function improved from 30% to 50%

  • Gained 20 lbs

  • Pain gone

  • Constipation gone

  • Thankful to me because he was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Sleep improved 20%

    Not everybody is is at death's door when they come in. I'm hoping that you'll talk to me much sooner than that! It'll be easier for me and especially for you so that you don’t needlessly suffer.

What are Your Genes Saying About You?


The Science of Precision Genetic Medicine



Key Benefits:

  • Unlike any other DNA test on the market, Genomic Insight ® uses the most advanced artificial intelligence to allow me to more effectively help you

  • Uses the latest medical-literature databases to achieve your desired health results.

  • Comprehensive:  GenomicInsight ®reports on over 3,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in one comprehensive functional DNA test. 

  • Provides information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. 

  • Efficacy of select pharmaceuticals can be tailored to your unique genetic make-up.




GenomicInsight® Evaluates Over 12 Key Areas of Health

Including but not limited to:

• Methylation

• Detoxification

• Cognition

• Inflammation

• Anti-Aging

• Endocrine

• Structural

• Energy/Metabolism

• Estrogen Genomics

• Androgen Genomics

• Cardiometabolic

• Gastrointestinal


DNA Testing for Health Optimization

Research has shown that while some SNP’s may be beneficial to patient health, others carry significant health risks. GenomicInsight ® equips you and your patients with the data analysis and knowledge needed to optimize health on an individual level. By taking into account each patient’s unique genomics, practitioners can be proactive in preventing illness before it begins, and even influence some diseases already in progress.


Understanding DNA Testing


What Are SNPs?

Although most of the genome is virtually identical from person to person, up to 9% of the genome can vary among individuals. This variation contributes to individual differences in both disease susceptibility and therapeutic responses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), are an important type of genomic variation.

SNPs only make up a tiny portion of the human genome (0.4%), but because the genome is so enormous, this equals over 12 million locations. The differences or variations at these SNP locations contribute to differentiating us and making us unique.

 The Power of Epigenetics

While genes and SNPs themselves are virtually unchangeable, their impact on health can be influenced. The influence of environmental, lifestyle, and nutritional factors is referred to as epigenetics. Genomic Insight ® DNA test results offer dynamic opportunities to alter genetic expression – proving that genes do not equal destiny.

Patients and clinicians can work together to implement lifestyle changes that can positively influence the impact of risk-carrying SNPs. These highly-personalized treatment interventions can improve patient outcomes and change lives.

DNA Testing Advances the Application of Precision Medicine

Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, a patient has of developing a specific health condition. When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the GenomicInsight ® panel identifies.

GenomicInsight ® provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a patient’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.

The Genomic Insight ® DNA test fosters meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients. Enjoy powerful clinician/patient bonds as you work together to optimize wellness.


  1. Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, “Role of Epigenetics in Biology and Human Diseases,” 2016, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5075137/ (accessed November 19, 2018).

What do former president Barack Obama, you and me have in common?

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We are all busy and need to be intentional about exercise. I'm 60 years and admittedly, lack of exercise is my greatest struggle. So, I developed what worked for me in the video and pix below. Do you know what the best exercise is? The ones you are going to do! Just move! It doesn't have to take too much extra time. For example, I run up 5 to 10 flights of stairs in 1 to 2 min every time I have to go to the bathroom at my office. Of course you are drinking your water right? If you don't you won't need to go urinate! If you don't use it, you _______ it! Lose!


We all know we need to move. Sitting is one of the worst things we can do except when resting. If you are like me, I will find ways to procrastinate exercise, I’ll make up excuses; “I’m too busy” “I don’t feel like it” “Takes too much time”. Well now I don’t have any excuses, I love this 4 minute exercise routine to help keep me young. I hope you do too!

Not All Supplements Are Created Equal

There are 100's of products that people ask me about. I can't vouch for the quality of any other product except for the ones I have vetted.   Lower quality = lower results and potential  harm.    I stick to the brands I use because of quality, reduced toxicity and the resulting effectiveness on your health.   Feel free however to research quality on your own if you choose your own products: As long as they are the same quality and ingredients then you can use them but I can only coach you on the ones from our clinic because I don't have time to research other products.  

Watch this and learn more about how to protect yourself so that you can have optimum wellness, energy and vitality!

Lower quality supplements = lower results and potential  harm
— Dr. Paul Kwik

Emerson Ecologic’s on Supplement Quality: https://www.emersonecologics.com/blog/post/eqp-how-it-works

Foundational Steps towards Wellness

I can't overemphasize how important simple habits are to your sanity not to mention your health

I say these things to my patients very, very often because I want to ingrain it in their heads. I’ll say it again because it’s so important: I can’t overemphasize doing the things below to aid your healing journey. Many come in desperate in pain, with cancer or other disease, like allergies or autoimmune issues. How they got to my office is a story of deprivation often missing one or more components below. Your body will be operating at a deficit if you don’t do these things. Southern California is fast paced, full of demands and stress that will eat your health up unless you are intentional about being healthy. What are the simple, nuts and bolts daily activities to keep you energetic and vibrant?

Your daily energy to live comes from stored energy in the body. My whole goal with treatment is to charge up cells that are weak. Did you know that cancer cells have the lowest charge? Stress, nutritional deficiencies, Injuries, lack of sun, dehydration, lack of sleep, etc are dis-chargers. You are charged up after a treatment which normalizes body energy and therefore cleansing and nutrient absorption capabilities. What are the practical everyday healthy tools? For you, one thing may be more important than others especially if you're not getting one of these items regularly. So focus on those items that you need to work on the most.

S’s for Successful Health

  1. Sleep and rest at least seven to eight hours, preferably 8. If you don’t rest your don’t heal! I ask every one of my patients how they are sleeping and address the cause of their lack of sleep from the start.

  2. Shift away from Electro smog. This is most common cause of sleep issues. In our modern culture, we are so over exposed to electrical smog from Wi-Fi, cell phone, cordless phones Etc, that some authorities call it the greatest health threat of our day. It is critical that you ground yourself to the natural PEMF- pulse electromagnetic frequency of the earth. Go out in the sun. Walk Barefoot on the grass or sand. Touch a tree. Get PEMF at our office. Get your home remediated. Implement things to do now to reduce electro smog on your body.

  3. Supply and Stay Nourished & get Support from at least 1 other person that builds you up, particularly with regard to healthy eating. If they tend towards discouraging you, they may not be the best accountability partner. If necessary get, professional accountability at first if you are at your wits end. I encourage that if you have been diagnosed or or suspect cancer, heart disease, chronic pain or Autoimmune issues. Supplementation with high quality, non toxic supplements will probably be necessary. We use a Science based approach to measure what you need for vitamins, herbs, etc…

  4. Sift/Cleanse with pure water. Poorly filtered refrigerated water or God forbid, tap water is Nasty! If you knew what was in tap water, you would cringe. Drink 1/2 your body weight in oz. 96 oz maximum. More water if you are sweating a lot. I prefer Berkey water or Reverse Osmosis not only for effectiveness in purifying water but for cost savings as well.

  5. Sensitize yourself to your Body’s needs. Listen to your body get power naps if necessary. Fight Stress with quiet times and stress reduction techniques. Deep breathing or walks or…?

  6. Steps towards body movement are critical for not only oxygenation but also for rejuvenating and refreshing your body. It’s great to help maintain your bodies youthfulness. If time is your greatest hindrance, here is a great 4 min exercise to multiply your workouts.


6. Sanitize and support your body with Apple Cider vinegar and other fermented foods daily. Fermented food are powerful for your Gut community. Earth tooth paste is not only great for infections and pain on your on all areas of discomfort as well as scar tissue till it drys, the thicker the paste the more the detox. Please avoid sensitive areas like eyes.

7. Sanitize with Epsom salt bath for 30 minutes, full body if you can, but at least the hands and feet for 30 minutes each, I like using Magnagel which is Epson salt (magnesium) in a bottle. We are a culture depleted in our Magnesium do to poor agricultural methods and eating habits.

Why Am I Taking Supplements if I Don't Feel Any Different?

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Do you know if your supplements are helping you or not when you don't feel any different? Some patients are at the brink of death, have cancer or other disease when they are referred to my office and I'm so grateful when profound change happens naturally.   One medical doctor said to my patient "It's a miracle that you're still alive". Within 4 weeks, his quality of life increased dramatically because of simple changes I started to implement with him.  These were simple strategies that allowed his body to heal on its own. But what if you don’t have many symptoms?  I applaud you if you are living preventatively! If you are not being proactive,  I wanted to encourage you so that you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run.  Did you know that health issues are the number one cause of money bankruptcy (BK)?  It can ominously pervade into every pore of your life causing relationship and emotional BK as well.

 “Did you know that your liver and your pancreas have to fail about 90% before you have symptoms? “

If you are like me, my temptation is too procrastinate about my health. Why?  Because I feel "fine".  Did you know that your liver and your pancreas have to fail about 90% before you have symptoms? Have you heard or know of anyone suddenly dying or being diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer? One 48 year old women was diagnosed with 8-10 years to live even with chemo and radiation.  She educated herself and elected to take the “Science based Nutrition” approach. 12 years later, she is living vibrantly with complete cancer remission without chemo, radiation or surgery.

I would say that at least 90% of my patients are shocked with the amount of pills that I take, it's not a random thing that I do and I don't search the internet for which supplements I need to take, I use a science-based approach, analyzing blood, urine and hair to see what nutrients I need. So what do I feel when I take all the supplements? Sometimes nothing.  But then I reap results over time.  It's like if you plant a seed, does it become mature over night? No! It takes time for that plant, fruit or vegetable to grow into something beautiful that you can enjoy. Yes, if you have symptoms, you usually start feeling better if you persist! It could just be 2 weeks for some and months for some if they have severe imbalances

What is the difference between a medical approach vs a more comprehensive approach to health? 

If you take a look at the a medical approach to solving a disease, they say that these drugs treat the disease whether it would be cancer, heart disease or whatever, but does it really cure it? Before I did this work, my mom thought she had remission from breast cancer.   Remission, in the medical definition is no evidence of disease.  Classically, someone is in 100% remission if the disease does not come back in 5 years.   Well, my mom died 4 years after they said she was cured of the cancer.  It spread throughout her body and I watched her die in front of me from the cancer. I’m really sad I did not know how to help her get healthy back then. 

When I take a comprehensive approach, it’s not to treat a disease.  It’s to stack the favor in my odds by getting healthy. Questions I usually pose to my patients:

Q. Can you be healthy and have disease at the same time?

Q. Can you have cancer destroying your body and be healthy at the same time?

That doesn't make sense does it? I believe a healthy body fights cancer well! We've seen stage 4 cancer turn around by helping people get healthier.

“The reductionist approach is the “standard of care” in the medical field”

As an example of the reductionist philosophy, you go to your medical doctor for a symptom.  The doctor tells you need this drug. You swallow it and it gives you an immediate effect. The reductionist mindset only thinks about reducing the symptoms rather than address the cause of the symptoms.  Drugs have immediate profound effects to force your body to do something but also have collateral damage on your body. Every drug has negative side effects. So while I think its okay to take it for an acute emergency situation, I believe it's the wrong approach to dealing with a chronic health issue. Please make sure to analyze the cost/benefit ratio when deciding on any treatment. The reductionist approach is the “standard of care” in the medical field.

On the other hand, taking a “comprehensive” view of your body is much different then the “reductionist” approach.  Analyzing all the aspects that contribute to health are essential to tipping the odds of health to your side.  This involves factors like diet, lifestyle, environmental and even emotional well being.  It strives to balance your body with the goal of not only minimizing symptoms but preventing disease.

There is a barrage of information on the internet and it can be confusing.  I love using a simple, evidence based approach by looking deeper for causes that show up much sooner in blood, hair and urine analysis (ex for toxic heavy metals).  Once we know the root issues, we guide you through a comprehensive plan to get you healthy, and then retest periodically to check for progress.  This process has worked with hundreds of doctors who have helped thousands of patients over 30 years.  Confusion is eliminated.

“Remember, growing a beautiful flower, tree or healthy body for that matter takes time.  Persistence, discipline and following my recommendations will reap its rewards over your seasons of life”

Please don’t Procrastinate

I hope that you don’t have to go to a funeral or suffer unnecessarily with a disease to start getting healthy now.  I'm here to give you perspective. I see patients every day that gives me perspective everyday. This helps me to stay motivated and on track. I've also suffered with prior health issues that make me motivated as well. What's going to make you motivated? Is my coaching enough? You are ultimately the one that decides and I believe it starts with education. I have many articles on drkwik.com/blog to help you get started. Did you know that most of the people that follow a comprehensive approach are more educated? This is kind of dramatic but I think it brings home the point.  When I’m old, I don't want to have Alzheimer’s and forget my children or have them change my diapers while I’m drooling on my bed. I want to be active and alive, enjoying my kids and grandkids.  Is that possible? I believe it is.


Case Study on Beating Breast Cancer

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Case Study

In Just 2 weeks:

  • Tumor marker dropped 106.9 points

  • Patient refused Chemo & Radiation therapy due to outstanding results

  • Blood pressure shows improvement

  • Update: CA 27.29 has dropped to 19.5

Contact us now to get a get a free 15 min phone Consult to show you how.

*This case report showcases a real patient’s results using the Science Based Nutrition™ system of analysis, which takes into account hundreds of numeric data and their roles, combinations and inter-relationships as related to disease diagnosis. This patient is/was under the care of Dr. Van D. Merkle, creator and founder of Science Based Nutrition™, Inc. and is meant to serve as an example of results achieved using Science Based Nutrition™. Contact Dr. Paul Kwik to provide you with information on the Science Based Nutrition™ approach. Results will vary based on patient ability/willingness to follow the recommended nutritional protocols, among many other factors. Any suggested nutritional advice or dietary advice is not intended as a primary treatment and/or therapy for any disease or particular bodily symptom. Nutritional counseling, vitamin recommendations, nutritional advice, and the adjunctive schedule of nutrition is provided solely to upgrade the quality of foods in the patient’s diet in order to supply good nutrition supporting the physiological and biomechanical process of the human body.

Homeopathic remedies

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Hi, I am Dr. Paul and I was exposed to homeopathic medicine through a technique called field control therapy. I started taking The Graduate course a few years ago because of the testimonials that I was hearing using this technique and how it changed people's lives. It's basically causative Homeopathy. You can read it more about how a Nobel Prize Scientist validates Homeopathy.

How to Take a Homeopathic Remedy

Step By Step Guide:

Step 1

HIT THE BOTTOM OF BOTTLE FIRMLY ON HEEL OF HAND 5X TO allow Electrons in each remedy to work better producing better results.

Step 2

Vial Instructions: Put ONLY 1 droplet under tongue & wait 5 minutes before/after droplet to put anything in mouth. Follow Dr. Paul’s instructions on when to do this. *Important* DO NOT TOUCH THE DROPPER TO YOUR MOUTH or you will CONTAMINATE it!

Step 3

Body Intelligent homeopathic remedies come protected from EMF’s. Otherwise, KEEP VIALS AWAY FROM ANY APPLIANCES/WIRELESS DEVICES (CELL, BLUETOOTH) UNLESS REMEDIATED with Device chip or Better ZZZ. If unprotected from EMF’s, store in a LINEN CLOSET OR middle of dining table usually works.


Remedies contain: Berkey Filtered Water with specific remedies tailored for specific conditions at specific potencies.

Are Your Supplements Causing More Harm than Good?

Questions to ask Before Buying Supplements?

  1. Will they work for your problem or if you have bought them already, is it solving your health issue?

  2. Have your supplements been tested and proven successful as evidenced with scientific lab tests?

  3. Has your supplements been used in real life clinical experience from many doctors with 100’s of total years combined experience?

  4. Are they cGMP certified?

    FDA is becoming more stringent with supplement companies.  Those companies that don't abide, will close up shop!  GMP Certification (Good manufacturing Practices) was started in 2007.  GMP is the minimum that you should look for in a supplement.  It’s important to understand that GMP certification by itself may not ensure that the vitamin or mineral supplement you take will provide the benefits you’ve seen or heard advertised. But it can help to make sure that you are getting what you pay for in the bottle, and that it’s been handled in a manner that attempts to ensure your safety.    A study was done by Consumer labs (www.consumerlab.com) did a study on Valerian for 10 companies.   5 had the amount of Valerian it said on the label.  5 did not.   One had Zero Valerian!  Getting what it says on the label is where GMP is critical.

  5. Are they providing Certificates to disclose any harmful ingredients have been checked for?

    In a dedicated effort to secure  the superior quality and purity of our quality professional lines, raw materials and finished product lab documentation retention is a must to prove the standards required prior to giving them to our patients. In the interest of full transparency, all independent lab Certificates of Analysis are available upon request.

    The following is from one of our vendors that we trust:  Designs for Health:

    Certificates of Analysis & Raw Material Testing

    Our raw material vendors are measured against criteria designed to quantify the stringent quality parameters we insist upon. We purchase our raw materials only from those vendors who are able to meet our exacting requirements.

    Designs for Health maintains the following documentation requirements for raw materials:

    Certificates of Analysis (C of As) : Every lot must be accompanied by comprehensive vendor-supplied documentation of the material's identity, potency, and purity.

    Independent Laboratory Analysis: Providing an extra measure of quality assurance, all raw materials used in the manufacture of Designs for Health products are monitored for potential contaminants and tested for the marker compound quantities as defined on our label. Numerous analytical testing processes are employed, as applicable, including HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), to name a few.

    Finished Product Testing

    Our quality control process does not end with C of As and raw material testing. As an additional line of assurance, each and every Designs for Health product is analyzed for finished product content to confirm that the manufacturing process has resulted in a finished product that meets label claims.

Will Acne Ever Rule the World?

I'm sure it feels that way for some kids. I had my share of mild acne when I was younger and I have divots on my head to prove it.  Experience with my patients and children tells me that you can beat acne, as long as they do what I tell them to do. 

What is the cause of acne?  That's the million-dollar question. 
I believe there are  multiple reasons for this. Stress and Diet are pieces of the puzzle not to mention all the additional chemicals and toxic exposure in our environment that is more unprecedented today than ever before.

Action steps to take with Acne:

• Keep skin clean with safe and healthy skincare products free of hormone-disrupting ingredients and pore-clogging petroleum

• Change pillowcases often to avoid ongoing exposure to dirt and excess oils

• Try to limit hand to face contact to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs; carry Silvercillin spray to disinfect hands and surfaces

• Decrease flare-ups by countering stress with adequate sleep and relaxation

• Encourage elimination of toxins through sweating by exercising or using a far infrared sauna

Dietary Tips and Caveats:

• Limit or avoid dairy products, white flour, and sugar-laden foods and beverages

• Eat healthy high quality proteins including dairy-free protein shakes, such as PurePaleo Chocolate or Vanilla protein made from bone broth and delicious.

• Drink plenty of water to facilitate elimination of wastes.  1 quart per 50 lb body weight.  Pure Berkey filtered water or Reverse Osmosis water.

• Eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, ground flax seeds, chia seeds and raw nuts

• Eat a phytonutrient-rich diet of unprocessed whole foods, abundant in vegetables and fruits (preferably organic) that contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E

• Support blood sugar balance by avoiding foods that spike blood sugar such as high-sugar snacks and beverages (includes sodas and fruit juices); refined carbohydrates, and high fructose corn syrup; avoid excess sugar to prevent accumulation of the toxic by-product, acetaldehyde

Supplement Recommendations:  Strongly recommend blood work to test for dosing below and other Nutrients that may be needed. 

AcnutrolTM capsules 6 capsules per day

Hylands ClearAc as directed on label

Probiotic SynergyTM Probiospheres 1 sphere per day with breakfast

OmegAvailTM Synergy 2 softgels per day with meals

Optional, if needed: Hi-Po Emulsi-D3 liquid 1 drop per day or 1 ADK per day.   Strongly recommend blood work to test for Vitamin D dosing.  


Miraculous Shifts in Your Health Can Be Yours!


Does it make sense that if you're healthy that your body will be able to beat disease? I have seen this in my cancer patients, autoimmune patients, migraine patients, fibromyalgia patients, obese patients, diabetic patients, multiple sclerosis patients Etc. These patients are beating their disease by getting healthy following a science-based approach.

Whether you're 5 or 95 years old, your body was made to heal given the right internal body environment! But we can't see what's inside because we don't have X-ray vision. Using a science based approach, we can put our Superman X-ray eyes on and see what's going inside the body.

Science-based nutrition™, is a comprehensive analysis of your body's imbalances, by using blood testing for nutritional deficiencies as well as hair and urine analysis to determine mineral balance/heavy metals toxins.

Your body is wonderfully made! Like an orchestra that is in perfect pitch and tune, your body should sing a pleasant harmony. Ideally, the body synchronizes with essential nutrients, minerals & vitamins that produces a beautiful song of Health!

I have been using a evidence based, results driven approach with my patients for the past 10 years. In my drive to see better results with my patients, I'm always researching and am grateful to add a rich arsenal to my practice using Science Based Nutrition™.  Dr. Van Merkel developed this system and I'm thoroughly enjoying helping and giving hope to patients with cancer, MS, autoimmune and other conditions with this system.

Imagine your body talking to you.  What would it say?  Would it say "I have atrial fibrillation, migraines or cancer"? Whether it is shouting out with a group of symptoms or no symptoms at all really is a mute point when it comes to health.  How many people do you know that don't have symptoms the day before they get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer or other disease? Conversely, most of my patients came in here at their wits end with miserable symptoms. What is the bottom line? Symptoms or no symptoms, neither determines how healthy you are.

The body does not care the name of the disease, it just cares about getting healthy.

We don't treat the disease. We treat the whole YOU! In fact, does it matter the name of the disease when your healthy?  

Feel free to peruse these case studies which:

  • Utilize objective testing to measure progress.

  • Consist of 100% drug free solutions.


Case Study-Coming soon

In Just 2 months:

  • More energy

  • Anxiety and stress reduced

  • Walked one day for the first time in years without a cane

  • Lost 20 lbs

  • More hopeful

Alzheimers Disease

Case Study

In Just 4 months:

  • Memory improving

  • Anxiety and stress reduced

  • Able to concentrate

  • Sense of humor returning

  • No longer depressed

  • More animated

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Case Study

In Just 3 months:

  • Right knee completely healed

  • Increased energy

  • Off all medications

  • No joint pain or stiffness

  • Grew 2 inches and gaines 10lbs

Anxiety & Poor Concentration

Case Study

In just 2 months:

  • Night sweats nearly gone

  • Increased energy

  • Excessive hunger under control

  • No depression symptoms

  • Off all 5 medications

Breast Cancer

Case Study

In Just 2 weeks:

  • Tumor marker dropped 106.9 points

  • Patient refused Chemo & Radiation therapy due to outstanding results

  • Blood pressure shows improvement

  • Update: CA 27.29 has dropped to 19.5!

Crohn’s Disease

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Digestion under control

  • No nausea

  • Fingernails are healthy and strong

  • Dermatitis gone

  • Increased energy

Chronic Skin Rash

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Triglycerides dropped 88 pts

  • Cholesterol dropped 43 pts

  • Vitamin D levels optimal!

  • Better Energy/Stamina

  • Glucose dropped 13 pts

Kidney Cancer

Case Study

In just 6 months:

  • No longer needs inhaler

  • Tumor has nearly stabilized

  • 56 year old patient felt as good as he did at age 30

Liver Cancer

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Cancer marker PLUNGED from 4,163 to 128

  • Patient can sleep through the night

  • Off 2 medications

  • Multiple Liver Pulmonary Nodules gone

  • No growth in other nodules

  • Reached a healthy weight

Lung Cancer

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Triglycerides down from 227 to 151

  • Immune system strong

  • Cancer markers steady

  • Glucose level down from 113 to 99

  • Chronic cough virtually gone

Menopause & Insomnia

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Night sweats gone

  • Weight stabilized

  • Hives gone

  • Stopped taking Xanax

In just 9 months:

  • Anxious feelings dissipated

  • Appetite returning

  • Blood pressure back to normal

  • Hot flashes significantly improved

  • Shakiness subsided

  • Off all medications

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Case Study

In just 2 months:

  • Off all medications

  • Infections cleared

  • No more pus-like discharge

  • No more boils

Multiple Sclerosis

Case Study

In just 5 months:

  • Can walk up/down stairs

  • More independent

  • Off all medications

  • Vision improving

  • Able to walk on toes

  • Increased energy

Parkinsons Disease

Case Study

In just 4 months:

  • No shaking

  • More energy

  • Can go jogging

  • Less stuttering

  • Started preaching again

  • Emotions under control


Case Study

After parasite cleanse:

  • Fever gone

  • Hormone problems resolved

  • Off all medications

  • No sensitivity to light

PSA/High Cholesterol

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • Lost 22 lbs

  • Off Cholesterol Medication

  • Decreased/Stable PSA

  • Blood Pressure Improved

Rosacea, Chronic Fatigue & Poor Digestion

Case Study

In just 4.5 months:

  • Rosacea gone

  • Better digestion

  • Memory and concentration improving

  • Increased energy

  • Diarrhea subsided

  • Anxiety significantly reduced

Viral Warts

Case Study

In just 3 months:

  • All warts gone

  • Lost 45lbs

  • Increase in energy

Why is there a Prop 65 Warning Label on this product?

This is a frivolous warning label from California Proposition 65.  My family and I take products with this label because its safe.  Please read below.

1. Proposition 65 is a California law that requires a warning on any products containing qualifying
levels of over 800 substances, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and even Vitamin A at certain
2. The reason some of our products contain this warning is due to the presence of lead above .5 mcg
per recommended daily dose or per serving. This affects less than 15% of our products.
NOTE: The highest per serving lead level found in any Designs for Health product is less than
you might find in a 4 oz. serving of lettuce.

3. We use the purest ingredients available, but lead is everywhere in our environment and is
impossible to avoid in many natural, plant-based ingredients. That’s because lead is found in the
soil where the plants are grown and, therefore, it is present in virtually all plant-based foods.

Examples of lead content of common foods as reported by U.S. FDA
(These foods would require a Prop 65 warning if they were dietary supplements)
Median Highest found
Food mcg/serving mcg/serving
Lettuce, leaf, raw 0.57 1.59 4 oz. serving
Spinach, fresh/frozen, boiled 1.47 7.03 4 oz. serving
Bread, cracked wheat 0.68 2.38 6 oz. serving
Sweet potatoes, fresh, baked 1.59 7.26 4 oz. serving
Fruit juice blend (100% juice) 0.85 2.38 6 oz. serving
Data from US Food & Drug Administration
Total Diet Study - Market Baskets 2006-1 through 2008-4; Market Baskets 1991-3 through 2005-4
The fact is – most foods found in the produce section of the grocery store, along with many other
healthy foods such as nuts, fish, wine, and many others – would require a Prop 65 warning label if the
law was uniformly enforced.

Does a Prop 65 warning mean the product is unsafe?

1. No. As the State of California’s own Proposition 65 website states, “A Proposition 65 warning
does not necessarily mean a product is in violation of any product-safety standards or
2. The FDA’s Recommended Safe and Tolerable Daily Diet Lead Intake for adults is 75 mcg. 
• This is 150 times the amount that requires a Prop 65 warning, and yet is considered safe by
the U.S. FDA
3. The FDA has established 750 mcg as the amount of lead that is known to cause health problems.
• This is 1,500 times the amount that requires a Prop 65 warning
An Industry-Wide Issue
This issue affects all companies that make nutritional supplements. The fact that some companies
selling in California are not adding warning labels to their products does not mean their products are
free of lead. Some companies may not be aware of the law; some have apparently chosen not to
; still others have been sued or are currently in litigation with the state of California regarding
their failure to comply with the law. 
Since consumers have the right to be informed, and even practitioners are subject to the law and
subject to fines for failure to comply, DFH has chosen to add warning labels to any affected products, 
thereby informing consumers and protecting all parties involved. 

980    South    St.    Suffield,    CT    06078    n Phone    (800)    847-8302    n Fax    (860)    627-0661    www.designsforhealth.com

Great healthy french fry recipe

Celery Root French Fries - Super Bowl Recipe

Serves one person

1 celery root, cut French fry style
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
½ tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. grape seed oil
½ tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven at 450F, place the fries on a baking sheet and sprinkle seasonings on top, mix well. Place in oven for approximately 30 minutes in the oven, turning half way through. Once the fries are well cooked, drizzle with oil.

Ready to serve!

Quick, impromptu Salad Dressing a Winner!

We had our third Daniel Plan/biblical foundations for health workshop and we made a healthy shake and dressing.   I forgot the lemon so I just made it up.   

I put it on organic spinach and let everybody try it.   YUMMY! One person said, "I'm going to make that one tonight when I get home".  It was already after 9 pm.  I just barely taste tested it and after everybody ate it, there was no more, so I had some at home as well.

Personally,  I don't like vegetables by themselves, especially raw cruciferous veggies like broccoli.  I sometimes force myself to eat it because its so healthy.  On the other hand, I have learned to almost make any veggie taste awesome, or for that matter, almost any food.  Recipes down below!

Secret tips:

I was sharing with a patient how to make a winning salad dressing.  She worked at the white house for years as the head chef.  She said that they got to hang out for several times with a world renowned chef.   Because it is not kosher to ask for the recipe, she just observed. After I told her my recipe,  her discoveries with this chef revealed a similar dressing.  See below for recipe.

My kids lick this off their plate because it's so good.  

Here is the foundational ingredients that you can build world class dressing with:

1 tsp dijon mustard smooth or grainy 2 tbsp plus 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp mixed efas (from my office) or expeller expressed flax oil. This is the base recipe. I replaced the raw wine vinegar with the apple cider vinegar. I triple the amounts so I can have enough for family of 5 to last longer. Add herbs, garlic or anything else to your hearts desire. Enjoy!

Here is the one I made in the Daniel Class:

Serves 10 people plus.

  1. 1/2 cup good quality extra virgin Olive oil.   Click here for good brands.

  2. 1/2 cup Mixed efa (Biotics brand carried at my office),  More info.

  3. 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar

  4. 3 cloves minced garlic cloves

  5. 2-3 tsp Premier Pink Sea Salt

  6. 1 tbl Dijon Mustard

  7. Enjoy!!!!


Here are materials to make dressing easier:  Immersion blender and Lemon extractor, both inexpensive to buy.

Here are convenient healthy foods we get a Costco that require less prep time.  Just add to smoothie or make a salad with it.  


Yes I put coconut oil directly in my smoothies!   Great for taste, anti-infection & even weight loss! 1 to 3 tbl per day per adult person.

 I use these mason jars for storage of all liquid items, like the above salad dressing and use it for my daily power drink.   Its a 32 oz size.  Get a bunch at any Walmart, etc.

I use this Grass fed butter because its healthy and tastes great!  Put over  vegies with Premier Pink Salt above. Yummy!

Tip:   Grass fed butter has tons better fats for you!  More info.

Carbs, Carbs, Carbs!    The woe of modern man.  Here are some healthy carbs at Costco, assuming you are not crazy gluten sensitive.  No gluten but still may inflame you if you are freaked by gluten.  Otherwise, its ok.  

Tip: Make sure that grains or starches are no more than 25% of your plate!

Yummy Paleo Recipe

paleo salad 1.jpg

If you're like me we don't have time to make good meals. I love healthy meals that are quick and easy! In the morning I start with a healthy vitamix shake that takes me 15 minutes for my whole family. For lunch this was an easy, fast paleo organic salad with yummy dressing and fermented foods for a healthy happy Flora population in your digestive system! I have found that gut health from proper bacterial an yeast colonies are critical to our health and happiness! I am happy and satisfied from this scrumptious meal.


4 cups organic mixed greens from taylor farms
2 tbl mediterranean garlic sauce. Click here for Recipe.
1 cup fermented foods including green peppers, fish, mushrooms. Thanks mom from Korea that help make these foods!
1 cup cucumbers

If you don't feel like eating sometimes or your tummy is not happy, Click here to see if you are toxic.

What's up with aging?

What's up with aging?

It's not Botox my friends!

You're not 30 anymore, and what you took for granted in your younger years has been replaced by various aspects of change that you either see or feel as your physiology changes.

More importantly, is the need to ward off disease. No you are not exempt from this group, but you can take measures to enhance your health and provide your body with protective actions based upon your lifestyle behaviors and the science of an integrative approach to health care.


What should you be most concerned with?

While I could pick from an arsenal of tests based upon ones family history, current lifestyle habits and your individual complaints, there are some fundamental markers that must be examined in all of us, and these markers, known in medical science are termed biomarkers as they reflect our biology and what state they are in.

When you have your blood taken, each one of the tests prescribed represents a given biomarker. Of course it is the collective gathering of various biomarkers that allows us as doctors to understand the "bodies story", and what clinical actions to take to help you improve the quality of your health. But herein lies a critical issue. How your doctor was trained, thinks, and if he or she practices conventional medicine alone, or incorporates the emerging science of functional medicine, clinical nutrition and the role that epigenetic's plays in our lives can make all the difference.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine can be defined as both the way a doctor thinks (causation and mechanism based as opposed to symptom suppression or formulary based in many cases). Utilizes unique laboratory testing, as well as standard testing to help define your health issues; along with the use of natural medicines when applicable. Who said a pharmaceutical drug is the only way to treat an illness? Seriously think about this statement for a moment.

What is Epigenetic's?

Epigenetic's can be defined as all the things you bathe your cells in every day, (what surrounds our genes), such as your stress levels, what you eat, your weight, how much you exercise, the chemicals you are exposed to over time, etc.

One of the two most important biomarkers to keep a tight rein on, are your sugars, and inflammation.

A standard chemistry reports our glucose levels, but if we rely on this alone, it is not enough to tell the story. We must have a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and a fasting insulin level, as the HbA1c reflects where your sugars have averaged over 3 months.

Why is this so important?

In America currently 79 million people are pre diabetic, and 26 million are diabetic. Collectively this represents 105 million people with a sugar disorder, and we have approximately 300 million people in our country.  The profundity of this fact, and the fall out of high sugars in the blood stream are directly related to significant increased rates of cardiovascular disease (Still the # 1 killer), cancers, Alzheimer's disease and other vascular disorders that cost you either the loss of life or the quality of it, that you were born to maintain.

The real truth is while we have all been taught to watch our cholesterol levels, and everyone has bought into this as the end all do all to prevent disease of our cardiovascular system, it is our sugars and inflammation that take center stage, not cholesterol that we need to put our focus on.

The science supporting this statement is actually overwhelming, but the pharmaceutical companies choose to continue to push statin drugs over this science because the cash cow it has produced is so amazing that until an equally profitable drug for sugar and inflammation can replace it, it's here to stay. I know this is a painful reality, but you can't look away from the truth!

So how do I know if my inflammation markers are up?

We all know when we have a painful swollen joint. It's red, hot and it hurts.  That's not the inflammation I'm referring to. It is a chronic low grade inflammation that resides in your blood vessels and body that causes all the havoc over time.

There are 2 primary biomarkers we can assess easily on a blood test.

One is called C-reactive protein or CRP, the other is called Cardio CRP or sensitive CRP. 

CRP alone is a general inflammation marker for your whole body; Cardio CRP is specific to inflammation in your blood vessels. If your cardio CRP is elevated, your risk of stroke or a heart attack is greatly increased.

While there are many factors that influence CRP's, a primary driver is insulin resistance or elevated sugars! This biomarker when elevated can actually cause the plaque in your blood vessels to break loose and throw a clot. So when you actually look at the mechanism behind this part of your physiology, you begin to understand its importance.

How do I know if these biomarkers are okay and if I'm healthy?

-One of the best ways to remain healthy is to take an interest and become more proactive about your health.

-Make sure to ask your doctor to run these critical tests I have outlined for you, if he or she has not already done so. 

-If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you. 

Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is still and will always be the elephant in the room. No pill, potion or lotion can ever take its place, despite your hopes for science to save you from a fundamental of life.-

If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you.  

As we age, without exercise our body composition changes. We lose muscle mass, and its replaced with fatty tissue. This is without weight gain, so if you add weight gain to this equation, your body composition starts taking on a whole new picture, and it's not favorable!  Over time this equates to a dreaded state we observe in many of our aging parents or the elderly, and if we could put one word to best describe it, it could be best stated as frailty. 

Oh it's just fat, and I'm getting older. Isn't that just part of aging?


The truth is that, the awareness of your health is your responsibility to yourself.

If you want to reduce your propensity to disease, you need to be mindful of what your body requires to keep your Ferrari a well oiled machine.

The quality, quantity and types of food you eat daily is the fuel you feed that Ferrari.

As the old adage goes- "Garbage in garbage out".

The science on diet, lifestyle and disease prevention is not coming. It's here, and always has been. The food industry is driven by profits, not your health. Keep reading quality information such as the recently published study on the Mediterranean diet.

So successful were the results of this Meta analysis study, proving its cardiovascular health benefits that even the American Heart Association's diet now must acknowledge its recommendations were wrong. (In high probability it will just adopt these new guidelines, but who cares as long as people are taught to eat foods that actually promote health and longevity).

Take fish oils daily, eat nuts seeds and legumes. Consume more lean proteins like fish and increase your use of olive oil.

Increase salads, vegetables and fruits, especially berries and DO NOT EAT A LOW FAT DIET! The theory on low fat diets has unequivocally been proven wrong. It is the types of fat that we consume, that makes all the difference.

Low fat diets promote high carbohydrate intake, and this directly drives insulin resistance and diabetes. The American epidemic of obesity has in part been driven by disseminating the wrong information, despite its good intentions.

I would also urge you to make sure your Vitamin D status is optimal as well, so your doctor needs to run this chemistry every 6 months.

Optimal vitamin D levels are associated with healthy bone density, lowered inflammation, improved immune surveillance and cancer reduction, as well as lowered mortality rates across the board in the elderly.

While the reference range is 30-100, the institute for functional medicine advises a level of 50-80 for optimal wellness, and I concur completely.  Most patients require 2000-4000 iu. Vitamin D3 per day to attain this goal. The institute of medicine in my opinion is way off the mark with its recommendations of 600 iu. of vitamin D a day when the literature clearly favors higher levels for optimal health.

Eat healthy, stay active; maintain a flexible spine and healthy nervous system through chiropractic care and exercise.  Have a great physical every year with a cutting edge doctor, and instead of fearing what your doctor may tell you, based upon lifestyle habits that you know are not conducive to good health- impress your doctor by showing him or her that you took proactive measures in your own hands, and be proud of your personal accomplishments.

​Credit to this article goes to Dr. Loren Marks,  New York, NY.