Detoxification Protocol
/What to do if I feel worse after Dr. Paul’s Protocols?
Note*: This Detox Protocol works well if you’re detoxifying following any treatment! Not just post-remediation.
○ Increased fatigue
o Headaches
o Diarrhea
o Trouble Sleeping
o Feeling Flu-Like Symptoms or feeling “yucky” in general
“Detox Support Protocol”
NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT: If you feel worse immediately following Treatment with Dr. Paul or EMF remediation of your home or office, know that this is not super uncommon. It is temporary, and it’s likely a sign of your body improving itself. In the case of EMF Remediation, when a huge stress (like EMF’s) is removed, your body may have tons more energy which it may decide to use to flush out old toxins. About 15 to 20% of those who remediate EMF’s may “detox” at first (which is a great sign of good things happening). This is also true of any Dr. Paul’s treaments. If you would like to make the process gentler, shorter, or would like to avoid detox symptoms altogether, read below. Also FYI any treatment/products do not cause a detox but with more energy your body might decide to “improve” or to dump old toxins from itself. In the worst case scenario, if you experience yucky detox symptoms, follow instructions below:
DETOXING IS TEMPORARY: The most common positive effects of Dr. Paul’s treatment or EMF Remediation are: more energy, less fatigue, sleeping better, feeling calmer, better focus, or head pains disappearing. But if you are the opposite (at first) know that these symptoms won’t last long and are temporary. A detox can last hours, days, or on slim occasions even weeks. (Those with more serious Immune System Imbalances or those who are remediating a very bad EMF environment are more likely to detox for a bit and might consider doing both #1 and #2 below.)
ANALOGY FOR UNDERSTANDING: For better understanding, imagine a person very suddenly goes from smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day to zero. That person is likely to be hacking up toxic phlegm and dumping toxins out of their body. Quitting EMF’s is theorized to be very similar to that analogy. Our products REALLY WORK which is why many do experience a detox. The detox itself isn’t a bad sign, it is more a sign that you “had” issues in the past not the present (much like quitting smoking for example).
Support your Detox organs with nutrition:
For EMF products, simply take the products off (unplug them, etc). Then, reintroduce each product one at a time to ease the detox process. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for further guidance! However, for a more effective approach, we highly recommend options 2 through 4 below.
First drink a lot of filtered water!!! Then support Gallbladder, Liver, Kidneys, and Lymphs…
Get lots of rest! Read your body and know when it is time to take a break and rest to fuel and re-energize your body.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar – for Gallbladder, Liver, & Kidney Support (take for 4 to 12 weeks). Often the most important of these three! This has helped many greatly! Drink in water: 3 Tbsp ACV per 16oz of water. Start with 2 to 4 Tbsp per day and slowly add each day to work up to 10 Tbsp/day for a 120lb person (or 12 Tbsp/day for a 175lb person, 14 Tbsp/day for 250lb+ person). Be consistent and don’t skip days!
Bromelain Quercitin Complex — for biological toxin support (Bromelain is a great Proteolytic Enzyme for example). Take MANY per day, if needed, between meals (not with food)…6 to 15+ caps/day depending on the severity of symptoms. For Lymes or Auto-Immune clients, it may be best with much higher numbers in the beginning, then taper down every 3 days.
Medi Clay – for non-biological toxin support (Medi Clay FX by Premier Research Labs is a great one) – we recommend 1 to 3 per meal, which can be taken with or without food. Charcoal also works instead... check with a Nutritionist or Practitioner to see what’s best for you.
EMF SOLUTIONS’ CLIENT DISCLAIMER: If you do experience symptoms above, don’t hesitate to call your EMF Solutions’ rep or to call EMF Solutions directly for advice! EMF remediation does not “cure” anything. We do not claim that it treats any medical conditions at all. We are not doctors or practitioners. The nutrition suggested is basic food (like the vinegar and digestive enzymes). We recommend you check with a nutritionist, practitioner, or doctor before taking anything at all. If you have allergies to any of the foods or simple nutrients, we suggest you consult your medical doctor.