How I Reversed My Aging by 12 years
/Other Ways I Used to Reverse Aging:
Other Ways I Used to Reverse Aging:
How did the FDA change the science to make cell phones appear safe?
Please read this report to find out.
Devra Davis is cited several times as the source of the investigation.
Devra Lee Davis, Ph.D., MPH, is an epidemiologist and public health expert known for her research and advocacy work in the field of environmental health. She is the founder and president of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a nonprofit organization focused on researching and raising awareness about environmental health hazards, including exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and wireless devices.
Dr. Davis has an extensive background in academia and public service. She earned her Ph.D. in epidemiology from the University of Chicago and her Master of Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins University. Throughout her career, she has held various positions at prestigious institutions, including as a Visiting Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a Presidential Appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board under President Bill Clinton.
One of Dr. Davis's primary areas of concern is the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation and wireless technologies. She has conducted research and published extensively on this topic, advocating for precautionary measures to protect public health, especially regarding the use of mobile phones and wireless devices by children.
As the founder of Environmental Health Trust, Dr. Davis has been active in promoting public awareness and policy change related to environmental health issues. EHT aims to provide scientific information to the public, policymakers, and health professionals to help them make informed decisions about the potential risks of exposure to electromagnetic radiation and other environmental hazards.
Please note that information about individuals can change over time, and I recommend checking more recent sources for the latest updates on Dr. Devra Lee Davis and her work with Environmental Health Trust.
Key Benefits:
Unlike any other DNA test on the market, Genomic Insight ® uses the most advanced artificial intelligence to allow me to more effectively help you
Uses the latest medical-literature databases to achieve your desired health results.
Comprehensive: GenomicInsight ®reports on over 3,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in one comprehensive functional DNA test.
Provides information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk.
Efficacy of select pharmaceuticals can be tailored to your unique genetic make-up.
• Methylation
• Detoxification
• Cognition
• Inflammation
• Anti-Aging
• Endocrine
• Structural
• Energy/Metabolism
• Estrogen Genomics
• Androgen Genomics
• Cardiometabolic
• Gastrointestinal
Research has shown that while some SNP’s may be beneficial to patient health, others carry significant health risks. GenomicInsight ® equips you and your patients with the data analysis and knowledge needed to optimize health on an individual level. By taking into account each patient’s unique genomics, practitioners can be proactive in preventing illness before it begins, and even influence some diseases already in progress.
Although most of the genome is virtually identical from person to person, up to 9% of the genome can vary among individuals. This variation contributes to individual differences in both disease susceptibility and therapeutic responses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), are an important type of genomic variation.
SNPs only make up a tiny portion of the human genome (0.4%), but because the genome is so enormous, this equals over 12 million locations. The differences or variations at these SNP locations contribute to differentiating us and making us unique.
The Power of Epigenetics
While genes and SNPs themselves are virtually unchangeable, their impact on health can be influenced. The influence of environmental, lifestyle, and nutritional factors is referred to as epigenetics. Genomic Insight ® DNA test results offer dynamic opportunities to alter genetic expression – proving that genes do not equal destiny.
Patients and clinicians can work together to implement lifestyle changes that can positively influence the impact of risk-carrying SNPs. These highly-personalized treatment interventions can improve patient outcomes and change lives.
DNA Testing Advances the Application of Precision Medicine
Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, a patient has of developing a specific health condition. When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the GenomicInsight ® panel identifies.
GenomicInsight ® provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a patient’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.
The Genomic Insight ® DNA test fosters meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients. Enjoy powerful clinician/patient bonds as you work together to optimize wellness.
Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, “Role of Epigenetics in Biology and Human Diseases,” 2016, (accessed November 19, 2018).
What's up with aging?
It's not Botox my friends!
You're not 30 anymore, and what you took for granted in your younger years has been replaced by various aspects of change that you either see or feel as your physiology changes.
More importantly, is the need to ward off disease. No you are not exempt from this group, but you can take measures to enhance your health and provide your body with protective actions based upon your lifestyle behaviors and the science of an integrative approach to health care.
What should you be most concerned with?
While I could pick from an arsenal of tests based upon ones family history, current lifestyle habits and your individual complaints, there are some fundamental markers that must be examined in all of us, and these markers, known in medical science are termed biomarkers as they reflect our biology and what state they are in.
When you have your blood taken, each one of the tests prescribed represents a given biomarker. Of course it is the collective gathering of various biomarkers that allows us as doctors to understand the "bodies story", and what clinical actions to take to help you improve the quality of your health. But herein lies a critical issue. How your doctor was trained, thinks, and if he or she practices conventional medicine alone, or incorporates the emerging science of functional medicine, clinical nutrition and the role that epigenetic's plays in our lives can make all the difference.
What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine can be defined as both the way a doctor thinks (causation and mechanism based as opposed to symptom suppression or formulary based in many cases). Utilizes unique laboratory testing, as well as standard testing to help define your health issues; along with the use of natural medicines when applicable. Who said a pharmaceutical drug is the only way to treat an illness? Seriously think about this statement for a moment.
What is Epigenetic's?
Epigenetic's can be defined as all the things you bathe your cells in every day, (what surrounds our genes), such as your stress levels, what you eat, your weight, how much you exercise, the chemicals you are exposed to over time, etc.
One of the two most important biomarkers to keep a tight rein on, are your sugars, and inflammation.
A standard chemistry reports our glucose levels, but if we rely on this alone, it is not enough to tell the story. We must have a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and a fasting insulin level, as the HbA1c reflects where your sugars have averaged over 3 months.
Why is this so important?
In America currently 79 million people are pre diabetic, and 26 million are diabetic. Collectively this represents 105 million people with a sugar disorder, and we have approximately 300 million people in our country. The profundity of this fact, and the fall out of high sugars in the blood stream are directly related to significant increased rates of cardiovascular disease (Still the # 1 killer), cancers, Alzheimer's disease and other vascular disorders that cost you either the loss of life or the quality of it, that you were born to maintain.
The real truth is while we have all been taught to watch our cholesterol levels, and everyone has bought into this as the end all do all to prevent disease of our cardiovascular system, it is our sugars and inflammation that take center stage, not cholesterol that we need to put our focus on.
The science supporting this statement is actually overwhelming, but the pharmaceutical companies choose to continue to push statin drugs over this science because the cash cow it has produced is so amazing that until an equally profitable drug for sugar and inflammation can replace it, it's here to stay. I know this is a painful reality, but you can't look away from the truth!
So how do I know if my inflammation markers are up?
We all know when we have a painful swollen joint. It's red, hot and it hurts. That's not the inflammation I'm referring to. It is a chronic low grade inflammation that resides in your blood vessels and body that causes all the havoc over time.
There are 2 primary biomarkers we can assess easily on a blood test.
One is called C-reactive protein or CRP, the other is called Cardio CRP or sensitive CRP.
CRP alone is a general inflammation marker for your whole body; Cardio CRP is specific to inflammation in your blood vessels. If your cardio CRP is elevated, your risk of stroke or a heart attack is greatly increased.
While there are many factors that influence CRP's, a primary driver is insulin resistance or elevated sugars! This biomarker when elevated can actually cause the plaque in your blood vessels to break loose and throw a clot. So when you actually look at the mechanism behind this part of your physiology, you begin to understand its importance.
How do I know if these biomarkers are okay and if I'm healthy?
-One of the best ways to remain healthy is to take an interest and become more proactive about your health.
-Make sure to ask your doctor to run these critical tests I have outlined for you, if he or she has not already done so.
-If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you.
Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is still and will always be the elephant in the room. No pill, potion or lotion can ever take its place, despite your hopes for science to save you from a fundamental of life.-
If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you.
As we age, without exercise our body composition changes. We lose muscle mass, and its replaced with fatty tissue. This is without weight gain, so if you add weight gain to this equation, your body composition starts taking on a whole new picture, and it's not favorable! Over time this equates to a dreaded state we observe in many of our aging parents or the elderly, and if we could put one word to best describe it, it could be best stated as frailty.
Oh it's just fat, and I'm getting older. Isn't that just part of aging?
The truth is that, the awareness of your health is your responsibility to yourself.
If you want to reduce your propensity to disease, you need to be mindful of what your body requires to keep your Ferrari a well oiled machine.
The quality, quantity and types of food you eat daily is the fuel you feed that Ferrari.
As the old adage goes- "Garbage in garbage out".
The science on diet, lifestyle and disease prevention is not coming. It's here, and always has been. The food industry is driven by profits, not your health. Keep reading quality information such as the recently published study on the Mediterranean diet.
So successful were the results of this Meta analysis study, proving its cardiovascular health benefits that even the American Heart Association's diet now must acknowledge its recommendations were wrong. (In high probability it will just adopt these new guidelines, but who cares as long as people are taught to eat foods that actually promote health and longevity).
Take fish oils daily, eat nuts seeds and legumes. Consume more lean proteins like fish and increase your use of olive oil.
Increase salads, vegetables and fruits, especially berries and DO NOT EAT A LOW FAT DIET! The theory on low fat diets has unequivocally been proven wrong. It is the types of fat that we consume, that makes all the difference.
Low fat diets promote high carbohydrate intake, and this directly drives insulin resistance and diabetes. The American epidemic of obesity has in part been driven by disseminating the wrong information, despite its good intentions.
I would also urge you to make sure your Vitamin D status is optimal as well, so your doctor needs to run this chemistry every 6 months.
Optimal vitamin D levels are associated with healthy bone density, lowered inflammation, improved immune surveillance and cancer reduction, as well as lowered mortality rates across the board in the elderly.
While the reference range is 30-100, the institute for functional medicine advises a level of 50-80 for optimal wellness, and I concur completely. Most patients require 2000-4000 iu. Vitamin D3 per day to attain this goal. The institute of medicine in my opinion is way off the mark with its recommendations of 600 iu. of vitamin D a day when the literature clearly favors higher levels for optimal health.
Eat healthy, stay active; maintain a flexible spine and healthy nervous system through chiropractic care and exercise. Have a great physical every year with a cutting edge doctor, and instead of fearing what your doctor may tell you, based upon lifestyle habits that you know are not conducive to good health- impress your doctor by showing him or her that you took proactive measures in your own hands, and be proud of your personal accomplishments.
Credit to this article goes to Dr. Loren Marks, New York, NY.
Dr. Paul is a Chiropractor and has enjoyed an active practice in Orange County, California since 1993 and he is grateful to have helped many people throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties obtain the relief and health they desire. He has a family practice ranging from newborns to the elderly; treating a variety of symptoms ranging from runny noses, digestive disturbances and endocrine imbalances as well as migraine headaches, neck/low back and extremity pain.
Dr Kwik specializes in Gentle, Non force Chiropractic care (Active Release Technique and Acupressure for Pain and Stress Reduction) and Specific Bio Electric Reflex testing (Nutritional Reflex Assessment) to analyze the body’s nutritional and structural imbalances so that the root cause of a problem can be identified. Many come to Dr. Paul after treatments with other practitioners have failed.
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