Why Am I Taking Supplements if I Don't Feel Any Different?

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Do you know if your supplements are helping you or not when you don't feel any different? Some patients are at the brink of death, have cancer or other disease when they are referred to my office and I'm so grateful when profound change happens naturally.   One medical doctor said to my patient "It's a miracle that you're still alive". Within 4 weeks, his quality of life increased dramatically because of simple changes I started to implement with him.  These were simple strategies that allowed his body to heal on its own. But what if you don’t have many symptoms?  I applaud you if you are living preventatively! If you are not being proactive,  I wanted to encourage you so that you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run.  Did you know that health issues are the number one cause of money bankruptcy (BK)?  It can ominously pervade into every pore of your life causing relationship and emotional BK as well.

 “Did you know that your liver and your pancreas have to fail about 90% before you have symptoms? “

If you are like me, my temptation is too procrastinate about my health. Why?  Because I feel "fine".  Did you know that your liver and your pancreas have to fail about 90% before you have symptoms? Have you heard or know of anyone suddenly dying or being diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer? One 48 year old women was diagnosed with 8-10 years to live even with chemo and radiation.  She educated herself and elected to take the “Science based Nutrition” approach. 12 years later, she is living vibrantly with complete cancer remission without chemo, radiation or surgery.

I would say that at least 90% of my patients are shocked with the amount of pills that I take, it's not a random thing that I do and I don't search the internet for which supplements I need to take, I use a science-based approach, analyzing blood, urine and hair to see what nutrients I need. So what do I feel when I take all the supplements? Sometimes nothing.  But then I reap results over time.  It's like if you plant a seed, does it become mature over night? No! It takes time for that plant, fruit or vegetable to grow into something beautiful that you can enjoy. Yes, if you have symptoms, you usually start feeling better if you persist! It could just be 2 weeks for some and months for some if they have severe imbalances

What is the difference between a medical approach vs a more comprehensive approach to health? 

If you take a look at the a medical approach to solving a disease, they say that these drugs treat the disease whether it would be cancer, heart disease or whatever, but does it really cure it? Before I did this work, my mom thought she had remission from breast cancer.   Remission, in the medical definition is no evidence of disease.  Classically, someone is in 100% remission if the disease does not come back in 5 years.   Well, my mom died 4 years after they said she was cured of the cancer.  It spread throughout her body and I watched her die in front of me from the cancer. I’m really sad I did not know how to help her get healthy back then. 

When I take a comprehensive approach, it’s not to treat a disease.  It’s to stack the favor in my odds by getting healthy. Questions I usually pose to my patients:

Q. Can you be healthy and have disease at the same time?

Q. Can you have cancer destroying your body and be healthy at the same time?

That doesn't make sense does it? I believe a healthy body fights cancer well! We've seen stage 4 cancer turn around by helping people get healthier.

“The reductionist approach is the “standard of care” in the medical field”

As an example of the reductionist philosophy, you go to your medical doctor for a symptom.  The doctor tells you need this drug. You swallow it and it gives you an immediate effect. The reductionist mindset only thinks about reducing the symptoms rather than address the cause of the symptoms.  Drugs have immediate profound effects to force your body to do something but also have collateral damage on your body. Every drug has negative side effects. So while I think its okay to take it for an acute emergency situation, I believe it's the wrong approach to dealing with a chronic health issue. Please make sure to analyze the cost/benefit ratio when deciding on any treatment. The reductionist approach is the “standard of care” in the medical field.

On the other hand, taking a “comprehensive” view of your body is much different then the “reductionist” approach.  Analyzing all the aspects that contribute to health are essential to tipping the odds of health to your side.  This involves factors like diet, lifestyle, environmental and even emotional well being.  It strives to balance your body with the goal of not only minimizing symptoms but preventing disease.

There is a barrage of information on the internet and it can be confusing.  I love using a simple, evidence based approach by looking deeper for causes that show up much sooner in blood, hair and urine analysis (ex for toxic heavy metals).  Once we know the root issues, we guide you through a comprehensive plan to get you healthy, and then retest periodically to check for progress.  This process has worked with hundreds of doctors who have helped thousands of patients over 30 years.  Confusion is eliminated.

“Remember, growing a beautiful flower, tree or healthy body for that matter takes time.  Persistence, discipline and following my recommendations will reap its rewards over your seasons of life”

Please don’t Procrastinate

I hope that you don’t have to go to a funeral or suffer unnecessarily with a disease to start getting healthy now.  I'm here to give you perspective. I see patients every day that gives me perspective everyday. This helps me to stay motivated and on track. I've also suffered with prior health issues that make me motivated as well. What's going to make you motivated? Is my coaching enough? You are ultimately the one that decides and I believe it starts with education. I have many articles on drkwik.com/blog to help you get started. Did you know that most of the people that follow a comprehensive approach are more educated? This is kind of dramatic but I think it brings home the point.  When I’m old, I don't want to have Alzheimer’s and forget my children or have them change my diapers while I’m drooling on my bed. I want to be active and alive, enjoying my kids and grandkids.  Is that possible? I believe it is.


Case Study on Beating Breast Cancer

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Case Study

In Just 2 weeks:

  • Tumor marker dropped 106.9 points

  • Patient refused Chemo & Radiation therapy due to outstanding results

  • Blood pressure shows improvement

  • Update: CA 27.29 has dropped to 19.5

Contact us now to get a get a free 15 min phone Consult to show you how.

*This case report showcases a real patient’s results using the Science Based Nutrition™ system of analysis, which takes into account hundreds of numeric data and their roles, combinations and inter-relationships as related to disease diagnosis. This patient is/was under the care of Dr. Van D. Merkle, creator and founder of Science Based Nutrition™, Inc. and is meant to serve as an example of results achieved using Science Based Nutrition™. Contact Dr. Paul Kwik to provide you with information on the Science Based Nutrition™ approach. Results will vary based on patient ability/willingness to follow the recommended nutritional protocols, among many other factors. Any suggested nutritional advice or dietary advice is not intended as a primary treatment and/or therapy for any disease or particular bodily symptom. Nutritional counseling, vitamin recommendations, nutritional advice, and the adjunctive schedule of nutrition is provided solely to upgrade the quality of foods in the patient’s diet in order to supply good nutrition supporting the physiological and biomechanical process of the human body.

Are You Willing to Do What it Takes to Beat Diabetes and Obesity?

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Diabetes is a growing epidemic problem. In 2016 a recent study showed that our life expectancy is actually declining in the United States. Heart disease was number one cause of mortality, cancer was the number two cause and they determined through this study that diabetes is the number 3 cause. It's startling that the American diabetic Association says one out of every two Americans is either pre-diabetic or has diabetes. You can do something about it! Start by learning! Start by being frustrated enough that you're willing to create a new chapter in your life! Watch these videos below to learn more.

Top Six Things Contributing to Constipation


There are many things that can contribute to constipation. It can be miserable especially if you have a history of it.

The most important thing is figuring out what is causing the problem. There are multiple causes but I have found through clinical experience the top things below. Here are simple starting steps so you can flow and not be backed up:

1. Are you drinking enough water? Water is essential ingredient to life and makes up most of your body. So if you're not consuming proper amounts of water then you need to to do that. It has a serious effect on major health issues in the body. One patient called me and said she was feeling lousy. She was on my tailored Nutrition program to cleanse her body. I asked her if she was drinking enough water. She said no. Her symptoms cleared up once she hydrated herself. You want to drink up to 96 ounces per day depending on your body weight. I recommend drinking a quart of water for every 50 lb of body weight. 

2. Are you having 4 cups of Vegetables measured raw per day? Here is a link to measuring vegies so you know how much you are having:

3. Fill in the blank, 2 of the most common nutrients lacking in our diet are: _______________________

Answer: Magnesium and Vitamin C. I have found these nutrients helpful for overall health and bowel movements. The Magnesium Citrate version is best for constipation. Start with dosage on the back and increase 1 serving daily till bowel tolerance (soft stools/diarrhea), then back up to the prior dosage. Do this for both supplements. Quality brands are essential for this. We use Designs for health, Stellar C and MagCitrate Powder.

4. Are you Stressed on the toilet? If you are you won’t go. Stress = Bowel Constriction, Relaxation = Bowel opening up. Its like a kinking a water hose when you are stressed. Counteract stress with the following:

  • Deep breathing

  • Gargling with no liquid in your mouth. This stimulates the relaxation nerve (Vagus nerve) to relax your body. It is wierd but it works!

  • Side note: Sometimes putting a small stool underneath your feet can reposition your tailbone for easier elimination.

5. Environmental Toxins https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2551954.

  • My observation is that every patient that has walked in for my Nutritional Consult has had too much heavy metals in their body. This can cause constipation. See ncbi reference above and do your own research as well. Toxic exposure is only getting worse as time goes on. Heavy metals, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, other pharmaceuticals & even radioactive uranium are in the water we drink and the food we eat. Please make sure that the water is purified either through a reverse osmosis or Berkey filtration system. If you are using bottled water, I recommend using Aquafina or Dasani water because I know that those are filtered with reverse osmosis. You can check other types of water by calling the company and asking if they use reverse osmosis. Personally, I use the Berkey filtration system which is 2 cents a gallon for the main filters and six cents a gallon for the fluoride/arsenic filters. I believe its the most effective at toxin removal while being the most cost-effective. Additionally, reverse osmosis takes away all the essential nutrients while the Berkey retains those. Minerals are in the same “family” as heavy metals, they all talk to each other and help “transport” heavy metals out of your body. Just search it up online and you'll see how critical minerals are for thousands of chemical reactions in your body as well.

  • Antibiotics in water and food. What is the most abundant in your body? Can you count to 37 trillion? That is how many body cells you have. What outnumbers the cells in your body? Can you count to 100 trillion? That is how many good bacteria are in your body. Your Digestive system hosts a majority of them. Antibiotics kill them! It's in food and water and can have residual effects today even though you had them many years prior! What does the good bacteria family do?

  • Helps with Depression by producing seritonin, the feel good chemical (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393509/).

  • Helps with constipation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4951383/).

  • Host of other things as well.

The Bottom line; Filter your water, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buy properly fed & treated animals which have been allowed to graze. If tight on budget, wash your fruits and vegetables with a cleanser as well as eat hormone and antibiotic free animal food sources.

6. Body Work

  • Body work would involve movement of the body at home and sometimes getting professional help, if needed. The body works by communication just like human beings need to communicate. Your body communicates through the brain and sends signals to the rest of the body to tell it what it should do and the body responds by telling a signal back to the brain using a feedback mechanism. Your vital organs communicate automatically through the autonomic nervous system which controls your stress and relaxation systems but it works through the conscious mind when your lifting something using muscles. Both of those require communication.

  • There's another set of communication pathways that happens on the skin surface called meridians (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25206574) . Acupressure without needles, which we do at our office, are ways to unblock short circuits of these communication pathways. I liken it to an orchestra singing a beautiful song and all the players are in perfect tune and harmony. These short circuits on the surface of the skin (meridians) or blockages of the actual nervous system (brain/spinal cord/nerves) can be helped with home treatment or if necessary, chiropractic care, or acupressure. This movement, song or dance, if you will, of your body through the nerves of the body and the meridians can be short circuited and cause your colon to be constipated.


    One of my most recent patients was referred to by another patient. He was pretty much at death's door. After starting with me, the doctors said it was a miracle that he was still alive. He had been admitted to the hospital for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was in a coma for one month and by the time he got here he was at 30% heart function, severely constipated and on narcotic drugs for pain, he wasn't getting any sleep, he had lost 30 lbs, and diagnosed with cancer and liver failure. To say the least, his life was miserable!

    We did the foundational lab tests on him, analyzed what he needed from the lab tests and started creating a new story for him! After he started my program, here is what happened in 1 month:

  • Heart function improved from 30% to 50%

  • Gained 20 lbs

  • Pain gone

  • Constipation gone

  • Thankful to me because he was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Sleep improved 20%

    Not everybody is is at death's door when they come in. I'm hoping that you'll talk to me much sooner than that! It'll be easier for me and especially for you so that you don’t needlessly suffer.

    So those are the top things associated with constipation I hope you got benefit from this.

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Neuropathy/Nerve Symptoms

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1. Metabolic Testing Baseline:

    • cancer

    • autoimmune

    • inflammatory

    • heavy metals

  • 2.  Lifestyle:

      • sedentary

      • sitting

      • pedometer

      • FitBit

      • swimming

      • whole body vibration

 ·        3.  Dietary

  • alcohol

  • caffeine

  • high glycemic grains

  • artificial sweeteners

  • balance of omega-3 fats (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega-9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados); avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.

  • olive oil, coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil at low heat.

  • high quality protein at every meal

  • Snack on vegetables, anti-inflammatory berries and small amounts of raw nuts, olives or avocado

  • PaleoBarsTM are also acceptable snacks for diabetics.

  • PaleoFiber®

  • healthy protein shakes


 ·        4.  Supplement Recommendations:

  • ·In addition to the core multivitamin/mineral Metabolic SynergyTM, 3 capsules two times per day:

  • ·PS 150 Brain Health (the ultimate Nerve) [1] 2 capsules per day

  • ·Acetyl-L-Carnitine (Memory [2] and Neuropathy) 2 capsules with breakfast and 1 with lunch (total of 3 per day)

  • · GLA 240[3] 1 softgel with breakfast, lunch and dinner (total of 3 per day)


  • 5.  Getting professional help

      • Cranial work

      • Chiropractic (Kineosio taping for Carpal tunnel, See below)

      • Acupressure

      • reflexology

[1] Ann Neurol. 1979 Mar;5(3):245-52.

[2] Diabetes Care. 2005 Jan;28(1):89-94.

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=gamma+lineleic+acid+and+neuropathy