Hormone Balancing With Seeds = ANTI HORMONAL CANCERS

Imbalanced Hormones Can Reek Havoc on Your Body. More info

Balancing your hormones is imperative for our culture of stress and the SAD (Sad American Diet). Great for PMS and post menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, hormonal depression, insomnia etc.

Follow the moon calendar as described below to alternate the seeds if you are post menopausal or if you are a man.

Seed Cycling is for Hormone Balance in the realms of naturopathic nutrition and herbal medicine. Seed cycling for hormone balance has been shown to be a helpful and natural approach for hormone balance in both men and women. The seed cycling protocol uses specific seeds during specific times of the month in order to balance estrogen and progesterone. A pumpkin-and-flaxseed combo during the first two weeks after the new moon (for men) or following menstruation (for women) helps detoxify the extra estrogen that occurs this time of the month. A sunflower-and-sesame combo used in the second half of the twenty-eight day cycle is rich in selenium, which promotes progesterone production.

pdf link: download

Use the calendar shown above as a reference for which seeds you should be taking each day.

  • The blue dates = sunflower and sesame

  • The red dates = pumpkin and flax

Here’s how seed cycling works:

DAY 1 OF PERIOD to DAY 14:  Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (NEW MOON TO FULL MOON) 

  • Eat 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds and 1 tablespoon ground pumpkin seeds every day.

  • (Optional) Dr. Paul recommends adding fish oil on Days 1 through 14 [1200mg per day of high quality Omega-3 rich fish oil (Dr. Paul recommends a blend of DHA and EPA, from Designs for Health called OmegaAvail Synergy 1/d (up to 150 lbs), 2/d (150 lbs +).   

DAY 15 to DAY 28: Or… for Men or Post Menopausal Women (FULL MOON TO NEW MOON)

  • Eat 1 tablespoon ground sunflower seeds and 1 tablespoon ground sesame seeds every day.

  • (Optional) Dr. Paul recommends Gamma Linoleic Acid = GLA (2/d)  from Designs for Health to further help balance fatty acids. 

It’s recommended that the seeds are ground up so that the body can fully digest and consume all of their nutrients. They can be ground in a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or food processor and added to cold foods like smoothies or salads, or mixed with water.  

If you have a powerful blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec, you can skip the Mortar and pestle and put the seeds whole. I recommend investing in 1 of these blenders. It's very versatile and saves you a lot of time!