Kwik, Easy, Laser like Health Strategies to Optimize and Energize You and Your Family

Line Up Your Life

Easy to Do Strategies to Relieve Suffering

At 59 yo, having done multiple strategies for my health, I can only do my best to minimize the ravages of aging. With our crazy, busy lifestyles, over the last 30 years in practice, I have discovered easy to implement optimization strategies to minimize pain, the suffering of disease & optimize energy and vitality!

Here are the recourses I encourage each of you to watch and read:


What’s Next After I’ve
Gone to So Many Doctors?

There is always Hope!!!!!!!

The first book on balancing the Vagus nerve is a powerful strategy but sometimes we need a little more experience and TLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed helping people go deeper with frustrating issues in their lives: unresolved suffering that have visits to many doctors, we have been able to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss any health concerns you have.

How do you know your supplements are working the way they should?


One of the realities that is difficult to understand is that not all supplements are created equal.   

The reason we use professional brands is science and results.   

Our supplements go Beyond GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certified. Only the best supplement companies exceed your expectations by doing comprehensive toxin testing.

We fully guarantee that our products are produced utilizing the highest standards of manufacturing. Each product is evaluated and monitored for quality throughout the manufacturing process. Specifically, we guarantee that every Body Intelligent nutritional supplement...

  • Contains only qualified, superior raw materials

  • Meets required specifications for quality and purity

  • Is evaluated and monitored for potential contaminants such as unspecified materials, heavy metals, pesticides, and microbiological organisms

  • Is analyzed to confirm the quantity of all dietary ingredients, thereby ensuring the consistency and accuracy of our label claims

  • Is manufactured at FDA inspected facilities with stringent internal quality control procedures and documentation systems that conform to one or more of these industry standards and/or certifications: NPA (Natural Products Association), NSF, OTC (Over the Counter Drug GMPs), TGA (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration), and the requirements of the FDA Dietary Supplement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

You and I know you get what you pay for.  Buy the best for your body and get the results your body deserves!


Top Six Things Contributing to Constipation

There are many things that can contribute to constipation. It can be miserable especially if you have a history of it.

The most important thing is figuring out what is causing the problem. There are multiple causes but I have found through clinical experience the top things below. Here are simple starting steps so you can flow and not be backed up:

1. Are you drinking enough water? Water is essential ingredient to life and makes up most of your body. So if you're not consuming proper amounts of water then you need to to do that. It has a serious effect on major health issues in the body. One patient called me and said she was feeling lousy. She was on my tailored Nutrition program to cleanse her body. I asked her if she was drinking enough water. She said no. Her symptoms cleared up once she hydrated herself. You want to drink up to 96 ounces per day depending on your body weight. I recommend drinking a quart of water for every 50 lb of body weight. 

2. Are you having 4 cups of Vegetables measured raw per day? Here is a link to measuring vegies so you know how much you are having:

3. Fill in the blank, 2 of the most common nutrients lacking in our diet are: _______________________

Answer: Magnesium and Vitamin C. I have found these nutrients helpful for overall health and bowel movements.

  • The Magnesium Citrate version is best for constipation. Start with dosage on the back and increase 1 serving daily till bowel tolerance (soft stools/diarrhea), then back up to the prior dosage. Do this for both supplements.

  • Quality brands are essential for this. We use Designs for health, Buffered Vitamin C and MagCitrate Powder.

  • There are 2 general categories of Magnesium:

    • Ones that absorb into your bloodstream and ones that don’t.

    • Magcitrate does not absorb as well into the blood steam and therefore goes out your colon and into your toilet. That is why it loosens your bowels.

    • Trimag supreme is one of the best for absorbing into your bloodstream so it can go into your cells!. It comes in the day and night version. Night is for better sleep. You need these versions even more because every cell needs Magnesium to be healthy!

    • If you cant swallow use Epson salt foot or body bath or Magnegel (Designs for Health). Magnegel gets rubbed into the skin over cramps or for general health. It gets directly absorbed into the blood stream so it can get into your cells!

    • You can buy these at

      • You will need to form a account first and then you will need a practitioner code: “paulkwik”. Then you can place your order. Free shipping with orders of at least $49 :).

4. Are you Stressed on the toilet? If you are you won’t go. Stress = Bowel Constriction, Relaxation = Bowel opening up. Its like a kinking a water hose when you are stressed. Counteract stress with the following:

  • Deep breathing, drop those shoulders! You are not relaxed if your shoulders are up and ready for action.

  • Gargling with no liquid in your mouth. This stimulates the relaxation nerve (Vagus nerve) to relax your body. It is wierd but it works!

  • Side note: Sometimes putting a small stool underneath your feet can reposition your tailbone for easier elimination.

5. Environmental Toxins

  • My observation is that every patient that has walked in for my Nutritional Consult has had too much heavy metals in their body. This can cause constipation. See ncbi reference above and do your own research as well. Toxic exposure is only getting worse as time goes on. Heavy metals, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, other pharmaceuticals & even radioactive uranium are in the water we drink and the food we eat. Please make sure that the water is purified either through a reverse osmosis or Berkey filtration system. If you are using bottled water, I recommend using Aquafina or Dasani water because I know that those are filtered with reverse osmosis. You can check other types of water by calling the company and asking if they use reverse osmosis. Personally, I use the Berkey filtration system which is 2 cents a gallon for the main filters and six cents a gallon for the fluoride/arsenic filters. I believe its the most effective at toxin removal while being the most cost-effective. Additionally, reverse osmosis takes away all the essential nutrients while the Berkey retains those. Minerals are in the same “family” as heavy metals, they all talk to each other and help “transport” heavy metals out of your body. Just search it up online and you'll see how critical minerals are for thousands of chemical reactions in your body as well.

  • Antibiotics in water and food. What is the most abundant in your body? Can you count to 37 trillion? That is how many body cells you have. What outnumbers the cells in your body? Can you count to 100 trillion? That is how many good bacteria are in your body. Your Digestive system hosts a majority of them. Antibiotics kill them! It's in food and water and can have residual effects today even though you had them many years prior!

    • What does the good bacteria family do?

      • It helps with Depression by producing seritonin, the feel good chemical (

      • Helps with constipation (

      • Helps with a Host of other things as well.

      • The Bottom line; Filter your water, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buy properly fed & treated animals which have been allowed to graze. If tight on budget, wash your fruits and vegetables with a cleanser as well as eat hormone and antibiotic free animal food sources.

  • Are you on prescription medications? Some are notorious for causing constipation. Here are 8 common ones

    • Nsaids for pain

    • Antihistamines like Benedryl and Zyrtec for Allergies

    • Tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil and Pamelor

    • Iron supplements

    • Urinary incontinence meds like: Ditropan and Detrol

    • Pain Opioid Meds

    • Hypertension meds

    • Nausea meds like Zofran

  • Talk to your Doctor as well as a Natural health practitioner about alternative options for your health. Your medical doctor will give you a drug because of a diagnosis based on your symptoms. If we can help you get rid of those symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about getting off some of those drugs.

6. Body Work

  • Body work would involve movement of the body at home and sometimes getting professional help, if needed. The body works by communication just like human beings need to communicate. Your body communicates through the brain and sends signals to the rest of the body to tell it what it should do and the body responds by telling a signal back to the brain using a feedback mechanism. Your vital organs communicate automatically through the autonomic nervous system which controls your stress and relaxation systems but it works through the conscious mind when your lifting something using muscles. Both of those require communication.

  • There's another set of communication pathways that happens on the skin surface called meridians ( . Acupressure without needles, which we do at our office, are ways to unblock short circuits of these communication pathways. I liken it to an orchestra singing a beautiful song and all the players are in perfect tune and harmony. These short circuits on the surface of the skin (meridians) or blockages of the actual nervous system (brain/spinal cord/nerves) can be helped with home treatment or if necessary, chiropractic care, or acupressure. This movement, song or dance, if you will, of your body through the nerves of the body and the meridians can be short circuited and cause your colon to be constipated.


    One of my most recent patients was referred to by another patient. He was pretty much at death's door. After starting with me, the doctors said it was a miracle that he was still alive. He had been admitted to the hospital for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was in a coma for one month and by the time he got here he was at 30% heart function, severely constipated and on narcotic drugs for pain, he wasn't getting any sleep, he had lost 30 lbs, and diagnosed with cancer and liver failure. To say the least, his life was miserable!

    We did the foundational lab tests on him, analyzed what he needed from the lab tests and started creating a new story for him! After he started my program, here is what happened in 1 month:

  • Heart function improved from 30% to 50%

  • Gained 20 lbs

  • Pain gone

  • Constipation gone

  • Thankful to me because he was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Sleep improved 20%

    Not everybody is is at death's door when they come in. I'm hoping that you'll talk to me much sooner than that! It'll be easier for me and especially for you so that you don’t needlessly suffer.

What are Your Genes Saying About You?


The Science of Precision Genetic Medicine



Key Benefits:

  • Unlike any other DNA test on the market, Genomic Insight ® uses the most advanced artificial intelligence to allow me to more effectively help you

  • Uses the latest medical-literature databases to achieve your desired health results.

  • Comprehensive:  GenomicInsight ®reports on over 3,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in one comprehensive functional DNA test. 

  • Provides information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. 

  • Efficacy of select pharmaceuticals can be tailored to your unique genetic make-up.




GenomicInsight® Evaluates Over 12 Key Areas of Health

Including but not limited to:

• Methylation

• Detoxification

• Cognition

• Inflammation

• Anti-Aging

• Endocrine

• Structural

• Energy/Metabolism

• Estrogen Genomics

• Androgen Genomics

• Cardiometabolic

• Gastrointestinal


DNA Testing for Health Optimization

Research has shown that while some SNP’s may be beneficial to patient health, others carry significant health risks. GenomicInsight ® equips you and your patients with the data analysis and knowledge needed to optimize health on an individual level. By taking into account each patient’s unique genomics, practitioners can be proactive in preventing illness before it begins, and even influence some diseases already in progress.


Understanding DNA Testing


What Are SNPs?

Although most of the genome is virtually identical from person to person, up to 9% of the genome can vary among individuals. This variation contributes to individual differences in both disease susceptibility and therapeutic responses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), are an important type of genomic variation.

SNPs only make up a tiny portion of the human genome (0.4%), but because the genome is so enormous, this equals over 12 million locations. The differences or variations at these SNP locations contribute to differentiating us and making us unique.

 The Power of Epigenetics

While genes and SNPs themselves are virtually unchangeable, their impact on health can be influenced. The influence of environmental, lifestyle, and nutritional factors is referred to as epigenetics. Genomic Insight ® DNA test results offer dynamic opportunities to alter genetic expression – proving that genes do not equal destiny.

Patients and clinicians can work together to implement lifestyle changes that can positively influence the impact of risk-carrying SNPs. These highly-personalized treatment interventions can improve patient outcomes and change lives.

DNA Testing Advances the Application of Precision Medicine

Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, a patient has of developing a specific health condition. When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the GenomicInsight ® panel identifies.

GenomicInsight ® provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a patient’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.

The Genomic Insight ® DNA test fosters meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients. Enjoy powerful clinician/patient bonds as you work together to optimize wellness.


  1. Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, “Role of Epigenetics in Biology and Human Diseases,” 2016, (accessed November 19, 2018).


Please don’t grow weary in doing good for others and for yourself. It is important to be surrounded by loved ones as best as possible and find other companions to partner with you in this journey to uplift you and motivate you for prime results. This simple 3 phase program works if you follow it. Ideal Proteins genius has updated this system to make it even more effective and more delicious!

To book a consulting appointment for weight-loss with Dr. Paul, click here.

Vegetables, nuts, fruits

There is a batch of NEW FOODS being released frequently such as the popular Salted Caramel Chocolate Clusters, Konjac Spaghetti noodles, Thai Pork, and so much more! Click here to browse and/or purchase some of Ideal Protein’s old, but classy, and new foods from our Body Intelligent Center.

New Products Flyer-2021-01-12.jpg

What do former president Barack Obama, you and me have in common?

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We are all busy and need to be intentional about exercise. I'm 60 years and admittedly, lack of exercise is my greatest struggle. So, I developed what worked for me in the video and pix below. Do you know what the best exercise is? The ones you are going to do! Just move! It doesn't have to take too much extra time. For example, I run up 5 to 10 flights of stairs in 1 to 2 min every time I have to go to the bathroom at my office. Of course you are drinking your water right? If you don't you won't need to go urinate! If you don't use it, you _______ it! Lose!


We all know we need to move. Sitting is one of the worst things we can do except when resting. If you are like me, I will find ways to procrastinate exercise, I’ll make up excuses; “I’m too busy” “I don’t feel like it” “Takes too much time”. Well now I don’t have any excuses, I love this 4 minute exercise routine to help keep me young. I hope you do too!

Protect Yourself From EMF/Cellphone/5G

This is for informational purposes only. Please go to your doctor for a proper exam and diagnoses.

How to Calm Your Home From an Epidemic of Chaotic EMF’s

One of 40 countries, France Creates Law Prohibiting Wifi

France, One of 40 countries, Creates Law Prohibiting Wifi

“How cell phones can cause brain tumors acoustic nerve and salivary gland tumors, infertility, headaches, learning and memory problems, hearing problems, behavior and sleep disturbances.” Reference

Discover the Facts for Yourself?

  • Over 40 countries are federally banning WiFi in Schools, nurseries and much more. Such as France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Germany, Austria, India, Finland, Cyprus Israel, & more!

  • One country, Brussels, was the first city to ban 5G for health reasons (April 2019).

  • Many authorities say this problem is an epidemic of Biblical proportion. If you don't do anything about it now, you and most importantly, your future generations, will suffer!

  • Maryland’s agency and New Jersey Education Assoc warns of EMF/Wi-Fi risks to its schools and the public.

  • 2018 —> Kevin Mottus - 1st US Senate Candidate to run solely on anti-5G Cell towers platform.

  • Over 4000 Research Articles!

Dangers to Kids and Infertility Due to EMF’s. Physicist and former microwave weapons expert, Barry Trower

In Depth Interview from Del Bigtree with EMF Protection Developer

  • How do EMF Solutions’ Products work?

    1. Operating like magnets, nature has specific natural elements that harmonizes the EMFs. had developed a proprietary technology to render those EMFs harmless. They do not block the EMF’s but they do filter the bad affect it has on our bodies. They prevent the EMF’s from opening the Ca channels on our cells.  The EMF protectors harmonizes those signals, resulting in protecting our cells from damage.

98 to 99% of Raw Materials Fail to Protect our Bodies!

2021 Independant Lab Test Proving the Cause of EMF Harm is Fixed! The Biggest EMF Breakthrough Ever!

Other Scientific Tests Proving Our Products Work!

  1. Microscopy Testing (see below)

  2. Thermal Image Testing

  3. Acugraph Testing

  4. Mold Testing

  5. Muscle Testing (Done by Dr. Kwik at his office or your home)

  6. Testimonials (over 70 % who fix their home notice a difference!)

Blood Microscopy Testing

Testimonials (over half who fix their home notice a difference ASAP!)

FAQ: I’m confused about all the EMF products out there. Which works? Which don’t work? See video below:

FAQ: Do Stetzerizers work?

FAQ: What Can I Do Right Now to Protect Myself?

It is near impossible to avoid EMF’s in today’s modern society so we suggest remediation with products that work! But here are ways to help avoid EMF’s:

For Those Who Do NOT Have Products That Are Proven On Human Cells To Work… They Might Want To Follow These Helpful Guidelines To Achieve Digital Well-Being: 

  1. Try to switch off your devices at night and when not in use: mobile phones, laptops, wifi routers, Bluetooth, etc. 

  2. Increase distance: for example, sit at arm’s length from your computer or re-position electric alarm clocks farther away from your body while in bed. If you are using the ROOM HARMONIZER by your bed or computer this should help greatly. Hold your cell phone away from your body at least 1 inch or more, especially when in use. (Read Cell Phone instructions and warnings and you’ll see most advise this already yet almost nobody reads these suggestions of course.) Fans produce huge Electromagnetic Fields so keep these FAR from where you sit or sleep and AVOID ceiling fans altogether! Or call us for advice on how to remediate these with a DEVICE CHIP.

  3. Set your personal digital well-being goals. Install apps to monitor and control and reduce screen time to prevent over-usage and disable the devices the rest of the time.

  4. If you have the ability to go outside and spend 20 to 30 minutes+ in bare feet or non-rubber soled shoes on the grass or ground to get rid of excess charges that can make things worse.

  5. Sleep with your cell phone on either airplane mode or as far away as possible.

  6. Keep Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices OUT of the bedroom, such as baby monitors, Alexa or Google Home, Routers, Gaming Stations, Smart TVs (although when these are “off” they stop emitting microwaves), etc.

  7. Avoid (or remediate) Google Home, Alexa, X-Box or Play Station along with all bluetooth headsets and quite frankly anything bluetooth or Wi-Fi that isn’t remediated correctly.

  8. Do not sleep on an adjustable bed or any other bed that plugs into an outlet.

  9. Most do not know but don’t fans or ceiling fans, or at least keep the fans very far from the bed. Avoid them unless you have a DEVICE CHIP on it and even then you should still keep these over 6 feet from the edge of your bed. Surprisingly they produce large, disruptive EMF fields around them which produce “Front & Back” EMF’s.

  10. Limit your time with tech and spend more time with your family and friends or people you enjoy. Spending time with loved ones and close to nature can be an efficient way to minimize digital distractions

  11. As harmful radiation emitted by these devices is one of the biggest threats to humans: make sure to place your home WiFi router at a safe distance from where you and your family spend the most time and some even replace the wireless network with a hardwired internet connection wherever possible (especially in places equipped with multiple devices such as computer labs)

  12. “Disable” the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on as many devices as you can. For example, EMF Solutions Representative, Dr. Paul uses corded earphones and puts wireless devices like Health watches on Airplane mode so it does not emit Microwave Radiation. You can also do this for Wi-Fi printers that you use cords with, etc.

  13. Avoid living near powerlines, transformers (on powerline poles), large outdoor electrical boxes, cell phone towers or antennas, or other common sense sources of EMF exposure. If you already do then call us. If you are in the San Diego area we’ll likely give you a free estimate for remediating your entire house or apartment and from ALL of these devices around your home.

  14. Repair faulty wiring which may be generating higher than usual EMF.

  15. Get something to help remediate your automobile, especially if you spend a lot of time driving. (Automobiles can be one of the worst places for EMF exposure so don’t forget this important spot! Our product, the Appliance Harmonizer, is one of the only in the world addressing automobile issues.)

  16. Do not use or at least turn off electric blankets before getting into bed.

  17. Do NOT leave your cell phone close to your head, plugged in, or sitting on your bed while sleeping UNLESS you are using the EMF Cell Chip product. Iphone 12 or newer requires different cell protection chip than ALL other cell phones.

EMF health products come in various forms to suit your needs and work on all low-frequency EMFs including 5G. These products include the XL Band, Personal Cards, Room and Car harmonizers, Device Chips, and much more. These EMF protection products are easy to use and nearly completely eliminate radiation risk. EMF Solutions makes EMF remediation products for your cell phone, wireless devices, entire home, office, car, and body when on the go. Based on proven bio-energetic technology, EMF protection products are super unique in that they address the root cause of EMF issues and protect you from harmful radiation.

And EMF Solutions products are the only ones in the world to ever show that the cellular changes caused by EMFs are completely normalized… or fixed by using EMF Solutions’ products. See more on this on tabs called “EMF Education” and “How the Products Work” at

Digital wellness is the need of the hour, and EMF radiation protection is the only way forward.

*** Disclaimer: All of these products are earth based and were tested extensively using Proprietary advanced equipment, independent lab testing, blood testing, mold testing, thermography and Kinesiology testing by a number of professional holistic practitioners all of which have concluded the same or similar results against WIFI, A/C, power lines, automobile EMF’s, electrical appliances, cell phones, cell towers, and computers and laptops. Also there are numerous clients using the products who have made these claims. These products DO NOT reduce EMF’s but rather harmonize them by using proprietary products which filter the EMF

How your Neck and Back Pain Can Come from tight Hamstrings

For as long as I can remember, since I've grown to have such long legs, my hamstrings have been tight! After examining a patient today, her symptoms were mid back and neck pain, but she also had tight hamstrings. So I showed her some stretches for the hamstrings. I believe it can make a big difference to the neck and back. It's all connected through meridians which are acupressure Pathways that are like electrical roads going up and down the body. When it's blocked in the hamstrings, and can be blocked and cause pain in the mid back and neck. So why don't you try these stretches out because some of the best stretches for my chronic hamstrings were some yoga poses. There are 100’s of ways to stretch. Do you know the ones that work the best? …. The ones you are going to do! Check it out Stretch #12! Its the one most effective for my hamstrings.

DIY Shoulder Pain Treatment

Found this great exercise for the shoulder. Especially if you have frozen shoulder or any other type of chronic pain and lack of motion. This is NOT for acute, traumatic shoulder injury.

Set yourself up on a comfortable firm bed by looking at the picture on this article on follow the directions on what to do.

As always foundational practices are critical for you in your journey of healing.

Hope! I Have Not Seen a Better Scientific Understanding of Covid! Please Watch!

Wow! Thank you Dr. Bush! You have given me perspective, intelligence on how to beat this virus and most of all, hope!
— Dr. Paul Kwik

The interview with Dr. Bush was last 1.5 hours of the video. I was so educated and inspired by the last 30 min of the video.

How to Relieve Neck Pain

Here is great neck routine I give to many of my patients.

I have treated a lot of neck pain over the last 30 years and developed the Body Intelligent Technique to help resolve it. These exercises along with Body Intelligent Body Technique using Arthosoothe works great the majority of the time. That along with foundational strategies goes a long way to not only relieve the neck pain but prevent it from coming back.

Good News from Two Medical Doctors in the Front Line.

Rock on Dr. Brownstein and Ng! I have been telling my patients similar things! I have lived with sickness in the past and now have a rock hard immune system. Please protect yourself outwardly but also just important, inwardly. Increase your body’s ability to fight and heal! Watch this video on how to do that!

How to Fix Your Gall Bladder

GB Gallery.jpg

Learn from the expert. Been there, done that. I almost lost my gallbladder several years ago, and after diligence self treating it, I still have my gallbladder today and still enjoy going to In and Out every once in awhile! Learn these tips and tricks that will help save you from having your gallbladder removed because you do need your gallbladder regardless of what your medical doctor says.

See the Video for Gallbladder.

Lifestyle and supplement recommendations.




Not All Supplements Are Created Equal

There are 100's of products that people ask me about. I can't vouch for the quality of any other product except for the ones I have vetted.   Lower quality = lower results and potential  harm.    I stick to the brands I use because of quality, reduced toxicity and the resulting effectiveness on your health.   Feel free however to research quality on your own if you choose your own products: As long as they are the same quality and ingredients then you can use them but I can only coach you on the ones from our clinic because I don't have time to research other products.  

Watch this and learn more about how to protect yourself so that you can have optimum wellness, energy and vitality!

Lower quality supplements = lower results and potential  harm
— Dr. Paul Kwik

Emerson Ecologic’s on Supplement Quality:



Fibroids are actually not fibrous at all but actually growths of smooth muscle and connective tissue. They're usually found on the walls of the uterus. They are not cancerous and usually harmless. They generally occur more in the African or Caribbean descent.

What are symptoms associated with fibroids?

Many don't have symptoms at all and they are found on a routine exam or ultrasound.

However when they do have symptoms, it can cause:

·      Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, bleeding in between periods. as a result anemia can develop. Important note: if you need to change your pads more than once per hour, please see a health specialist.

·      Pain during intercourse

·      Swelling and or pain in the lower abdomen can occur as well as frequent urge to urinate, back pain.

·      Constipation can happen as well.

Root causes

·      Estrogen dominance which basically is an imbalance of estrogen vs. Progesterone, this can be caused from many factors including-- environmental estrogens or xenoestrogens which is rampant in our environment. Chemicals herbicides pesticides Etc., are the Usual Suspects in this arena

·      Obesity

·      Hypothyroid

·      Peri-menopause

·      Diet

·      Hereditary and age and race

·      High blood pressure

·      Early menstruation

·      Oral contraceptives what other birth control methods


Blood, urine, heavy metal testing, stool testing, are common ways to determine the root causes of fibroids.

Treatment options

Testing is critical to finding the root causes, there are many treatment options including

Changing diet, avoiding certain foods, detoxification, homeopathy, PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic Fields) acupressure all factor in to reaching your health goals with fibroids. Finding the right tailored program for you is ideal for reaching your goals.

Last modified: 5:27 PM