Is the Flu Vaccine Right for You?

Watch this short video and find out. I have witnessed my own immune system, my family and my patients ability to fight the flu turn around with scientific analysis of “why” your immune system is weak. No, I don’t feel it’s because you are too young or too old that you can’t fight the flu on your own. Would you not rather get to the cause of your immune system weakness? That way you can not only fight off the flu but cancer, auto-immune dis-ease, allergies and all other infections as well. I used to be miserable from allergies and coughing my brains out, green phlegm and “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired”. With patience, diligence and persistence, I let natural remedies, through Science based testing, help me get better. I am so grateful! I am a different person now with a much more robust health! Thank you God!

Save Money and Increase Efficiency in Organizing Supplements


Watch this video to see how I organize my supplements


Do you think that the fruits and vegetables and other wholesome food we have today are the same as 100 years ago?

Are agricultural practices the same!

Do we rotate our crops?

Do ever give our soil a rest?

Do we load our crops with GMO and pesticides?

Are our soils rich with nutrients anymore?

If we have to eat 20 servings of vegetables to get the same nutrition as 5 servings back then, do you think it would be wise to supplement our foods with vitamins etc.?

I think a resounding yes!

Autoimmune disease like Hashimotos, which has recently creeped into my health, Lupus, MS, Adhd, autism, allergies, asthma are all increasing!

All that to say, I’m on this health journey with you and yes I take a lot of supplements based on pre and post lab testing to know which ones I need to be on as well as the ones I don’t need anymore. Yes, it’s a lot at first but as you get healthier, you need less and less. See the video above to get insights to make it easier for you.