My kids lick this dressing off of their plate!

Lebanese garlic sauce

I love this sauce! The only complication with this is that once you refrigerate it, it gets hard because of the coconut oil that I use, but it still tastes great! Just let it melt on your plate and use it on whatever you want. It won't stay emulsified like it does in the restaurant, since I'm using healthy coconut oil to replace the vegetable oil, I don't think it can stay emulsified because of the melting at higher temperatures. The other way using rancid vegetable oil which is really unhealthy for you, helps it to stay in emulsified form. I typically use it with salads or you name it! I like it with organic corn chips gmo free with a special Kimchi my mom-in-law makes. Or with vegetables and with chicken.Be creative!


Historically you had to use a mortar and pestle, and it took 30-40 minutes to do this recipe. I want to save you time so this is my 15 minute version. The best way to do this is with a immersion blender. The ones that you stick inside a glass and just blend. I use the same 32 oz mason jar over and over again because garlic kills all the bugs:   viruses, parasites, fungus/mold, bacteria.   


Here is the recipe:

1 cup extra-virgin olive oil in tin container with expiration date (you can increase this amount if you want less solidifying from the coconut oil going in and out of refrigerator.

1 cup expeller pressed coconut oil (no flavor) (Less if you use more olive oil),  both oils = 2 cups total

1 bulb garlic

1 tbl Premier research Sea salt (processed without Nickel heavy metal that is toxic to your body)

1 cup Lemon juice


Chop garlic into small pieces,  put all into 32 oz mason jar,  use immersion blender and blend for 2 minutes,  ENJOY!  (I like with vegetables, chicken, salads, organic baked corn chips)

Please comment on how it went?