The Pros and Cons of Colonoscopies and CT scan Colonoscopies.

Please educate yourself on this.  Focus on Highlights like the one below to get a "Kwik" overview of this topic,  of course reading whole article will only take 5 minutes.


Yummy Healing Blueberry Smoothie


  1. 1 cup unsweetened organic gmo-free almond milk or coconut milk.

  2. One-quarter avocado

  3. one half cup frozen organic blueberries, I get mine at Costco.

  4. Several Drops  berry stevia to taste. I use Sweet Drops from Sweet Leaf

  5. High quality, gmo free, organic protein powder for healing, 1 scoop.  I use Pure Paleo Vanilla from Designs for Health, (available from my office).  

  6. Biodophilis FOS (1/4 tsp measured or as directed by Dr. Paul)

  7. 1 tsp Organic Coconut oil (I get mine at Costco).  Can remit if don't like flavor.

  8. Optional, I put supplements in there including the following, 

  9. Osteo B+ for detoxifying heavy metals (available from my office (Biotics).  

  10. Mg zyme (at night preferred for relaxing and detoxifying and improving sleep. (available from my office (Biotics).  

  11. Vitality C great for overall health and detoxifying. (available from my office).Note must have high powered blender to liquify supplements in tablet form. (I use vitamix)

  12. 1/2 tsp Premier Greens powder as a  multivitamin (available from my office)

  13. Add water if too thick to get to desired thickness.              

  14.  Serves 1 person

Can Digital Medicine Be the Future For Pain, Insomnia & Other Dis-Eases?

Prof. Luc Montagnier is a Nobel Prize recipient well respected for his discovery of the Aids virus has astounded the medical community by publicly supporting Homeopathy.  This video is the first ever televised proof could be the reason he believes in Homeopathy.  Could this theory change the face of medicine?

How can 1 drop be powerful for your body?   That is because less is better with Homeopathic remedies.  Its the opposite of medicine that more molecules = more power.   But medicine have side effects and if you take too much, you could die,  If you take the right amount of some medications,  you could still die.  But homeopathics Does Not!  It works and its safe!

Are You Informed about Root Canal Risk?

Having personally experienced alternative medicine now for 20y plus, I advise all my patients to read, read, read!  Is there a safe time to do root canals?  

Can I do other things to get out of tooth pain besides a root canal?

My patient, had tooth pain, I advised her to do detox remedies to the tooth that were directly applied to the tooth and did high power, soothing laser and anti inflammatory foods and her pain went away after one treatment.  

Please read this for more info and tips.

Great healthy french fry recipe

Celery Root French Fries - Super Bowl Recipe

Serves one person

1 celery root, cut French fry style
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
½ tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. grape seed oil
½ tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven at 450F, place the fries on a baking sheet and sprinkle seasonings on top, mix well. Place in oven for approximately 30 minutes in the oven, turning half way through. Once the fries are well cooked, drizzle with oil.

Ready to serve!

Fighting Osteoarthritis. How to Preserve My Joints for a Lifetime.

I had a mom and daughter struggling with weight issues come to me.   The mom was also battling "bad knees" from "Osteoarthritis".  I told her the great success I was having with a medical food called "Arthroben" for my patients with joint problems.  She tried it and a month later she comes to my office and says that she feels so much better taking the Arthroben. She says walking and going up and down stairs is so much better, so she came back to get more Arthroben from my office.

What is a Medical Food and how can Arthoben help Osteoarthritis?

Regarding arthroben,  it is a medical food with "osteoarthritis" on the label.  Notice that supplements are not allowed to have any "condition" on the label or the FDA police can stop them.   In this case the condition is osteoarthritis. A supplement anybody can obtain at a store for general health but will only have "general statements" like "supports immune health" or "joint health"

If the supplement does not say "a condition", i.e. a diagnosis like "osteoarthritis" than it's just a supplement.  

The FDA regulates this and professional companies that primarily supply doctors offices must be very careful or can get hefty fines or even get shut down.  It's definitely not just a marketing gimmick.

Here is more info on medical foods from the fda:

This "medical food" has helped my patients with osteoarthritis tremendously.  

More info:

If you would like to talk to me personally whether this can help you, feel free to call me at no charge to you. 

To those of you interested in trying it out,  it is a medical food and must be obtained from a clinic,  I have a limited time offer to give you.   20% off your first bottle.   Its $60-63 for the bottle (3 varieties, unflavored ($60), green apple and lemon lime ($63).  You take it with water and it tastes good to most patients. Your first bottle lasts 2 wks and then after that,  1 bottle will last a month.  Your first bottle does not last as long because you take more the first 2 wks.

Offer expires on June 30, 2015 

To your Health, 

Dr. Paul

Is Your Sciatic Pain a Pain in the Butt?

Some Sciatic pain literally is from the gluteal/butt region originating from the piriformis muscle.

Common causes are inflammation from the following possibilities:   

1.  Acute injury

2.  One Leg is shorter than the other

3.  Foot problem (flat feet, forefoot varus (where the neutral position of the forefoot is inverted)

4. Other:

  • Abdominal infections

  • localized infections

  • Toxic overload from:   heavy metals, processed foods,  antibiotics, environmental toxins, etc

The first 3 above may respond to stretching, the last one would probably require a holistic approach and come in to our clinic to find the root cause.

Here is more detailed information and stretches you can do:

Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and not intended to replace a qualified assessment from a health care professional.   WARNING:  DO NOT DO THESE EXERCISES IF IT CAUSES MORE PAIN.

How to lose weight with a Reese's peanut butter smoothie

I am always concerned about false claims. So I want to put a caveat on this because you can't lose weight if you already are eating well and just started doing a smoothie like this in the morning. If you are eating well, other issues may be involved like thyroid, infection, adrenal stress, etc. But for the majority of people that over eat, research has shown that a meal replacement will help you to lose weight and or maintain. My experience with patients that lost close to 5000 lbs (as of April 2015) at our clinic is this:  Replace breakfast and lunch with smoothies or meal replacements and add 1 more protein snack (15 to 20 grams protein).  Doing a ideal protein meal replacement  or a smoothie like the one below to replace breakfast and lunch along with a sensible regular dinner with protein and vegetables is key.  You must have at least 6 glasses of water and 4 cups of vegies as well (measured uncooked).  Please do your research as doing a program like ideal protein at home requires specific supplementation to offset lost nutrients and it is normally medically supervised by a ideal protein clinic.

That being said, this smoothie actually came by accident. I have been putting pink salt in my morning smoothie every morning to get more trace minerals. I start however with 32 oz of water with Premier pink salt so I can get all my hydration in the morning.  One day, I put way too much salt in a glass of water. Instead of using the small pores of the salt bottle, it was the large opening where you put a teaspoon in so there went half the  bottle into the water.  Argh!  Well, I said.  I can save it.  I just let it soak in water in the frig. I didn't want to waste it so I actually have been putting a quarter cup in my smoothie every morning, well it made it taste mildly salty. Which I kind of liked actually.  Well, this morning I made this smoothie and it tasted like Reeses peanut buttercup! I asked Alivia to try it too and she goes "yeah!".

So here's the ingredients:

  • 5 cups water

  • 1 tablespoon rice bran that has antioxidants and multivitamins (optional) it is a superfood made by

  • Pure paleo protein chocolate flavor (Designs for health) 1 scoop and a half (use 2 if not using gamactopro below

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 cup frozen organic blueberries or mixed berries (Costco),

  • 1/2 tsp premier sea salt pink salt (or to taste)

  • 1 tablespoon Biotics mixed efa

  • 1 tbsp Smart Balance natural creamy peanut butter non GMO,

  • 1 scoop GamactaPro from Biotics (great for muscle and exercise recovery)

  • This feeds my family of 5.  2 adults 3 children ages 9 to 14.


There you go enjoy!

Quick, impromptu Salad Dressing a Winner!

We had our third Daniel Plan/biblical foundations for health workshop and we made a healthy shake and dressing.   I forgot the lemon so I just made it up.   

I put it on organic spinach and let everybody try it.   YUMMY! One person said, "I'm going to make that one tonight when I get home".  It was already after 9 pm.  I just barely taste tested it and after everybody ate it, there was no more, so I had some at home as well.

Personally,  I don't like vegetables by themselves, especially raw cruciferous veggies like broccoli.  I sometimes force myself to eat it because its so healthy.  On the other hand, I have learned to almost make any veggie taste awesome, or for that matter, almost any food.  Recipes down below!

Secret tips:

I was sharing with a patient how to make a winning salad dressing.  She worked at the white house for years as the head chef.  She said that they got to hang out for several times with a world renowned chef.   Because it is not kosher to ask for the recipe, she just observed. After I told her my recipe,  her discoveries with this chef revealed a similar dressing.  See below for recipe.

My kids lick this off their plate because it's so good.  

Here is the foundational ingredients that you can build world class dressing with:

1 tsp dijon mustard smooth or grainy 2 tbsp plus 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp mixed efas (from my office) or expeller expressed flax oil. This is the base recipe. I replaced the raw wine vinegar with the apple cider vinegar. I triple the amounts so I can have enough for family of 5 to last longer. Add herbs, garlic or anything else to your hearts desire. Enjoy!

Here is the one I made in the Daniel Class:

Serves 10 people plus.

  1. 1/2 cup good quality extra virgin Olive oil.   Click here for good brands.

  2. 1/2 cup Mixed efa (Biotics brand carried at my office),  More info.

  3. 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar

  4. 3 cloves minced garlic cloves

  5. 2-3 tsp Premier Pink Sea Salt

  6. 1 tbl Dijon Mustard

  7. Enjoy!!!!


Here are materials to make dressing easier:  Immersion blender and Lemon extractor, both inexpensive to buy.

Here are convenient healthy foods we get a Costco that require less prep time.  Just add to smoothie or make a salad with it.  


Yes I put coconut oil directly in my smoothies!   Great for taste, anti-infection & even weight loss! 1 to 3 tbl per day per adult person.

 I use these mason jars for storage of all liquid items, like the above salad dressing and use it for my daily power drink.   Its a 32 oz size.  Get a bunch at any Walmart, etc.

I use this Grass fed butter because its healthy and tastes great!  Put over  vegies with Premier Pink Salt above. Yummy!

Tip:   Grass fed butter has tons better fats for you!  More info.

Carbs, Carbs, Carbs!    The woe of modern man.  Here are some healthy carbs at Costco, assuming you are not crazy gluten sensitive.  No gluten but still may inflame you if you are freaked by gluten.  Otherwise, its ok.  

Tip: Make sure that grains or starches are no more than 25% of your plate!

Waging war against obesity at $18/lb.

What will it cost you per lb to lose your weight?

We stopped counting the 4000 plus pounds we lost at our clinic but still praise our dieters for their commitment to themselves and beating diabetes, obesity and a poor self image.

CBS news compared the costs of major weight loss programs and we compared it to Ideal protein.   Please click here to see the comparison.  How does $18/lb sound?  Click here to see the results?

Get started today shedding those pounds!

What is the Best Medicine For All Your Ailments?

If you are struggling with weight, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, autoimmune condition or anything else,  do you know what the best medicine is?   You!  God has given your body natural chemicals to heal itself. But what drives your chemicals to do that?  We are now one of less than 25 clinics in the US using Field Control Therapy that focuses on homeopathics to help your body fight cancer, diabetes or any other chronic condition by deploying messengers in your body to heal.   Its a marvelous God designed technology!     Click here to Read more.....

Yummy Paleo Recipe

paleo salad 1.jpg

If you're like me we don't have time to make good meals. I love healthy meals that are quick and easy! In the morning I start with a healthy vitamix shake that takes me 15 minutes for my whole family. For lunch this was an easy, fast paleo organic salad with yummy dressing and fermented foods for a healthy happy Flora population in your digestive system! I have found that gut health from proper bacterial an yeast colonies are critical to our health and happiness! I am happy and satisfied from this scrumptious meal.


4 cups organic mixed greens from taylor farms
2 tbl mediterranean garlic sauce. Click here for Recipe.
1 cup fermented foods including green peppers, fish, mushrooms. Thanks mom from Korea that help make these foods!
1 cup cucumbers

If you don't feel like eating sometimes or your tummy is not happy, Click here to see if you are toxic.

My kids lick this dressing off of their plate!

Lebanese garlic sauce

I love this sauce! The only complication with this is that once you refrigerate it, it gets hard because of the coconut oil that I use, but it still tastes great! Just let it melt on your plate and use it on whatever you want. It won't stay emulsified like it does in the restaurant, since I'm using healthy coconut oil to replace the vegetable oil, I don't think it can stay emulsified because of the melting at higher temperatures. The other way using rancid vegetable oil which is really unhealthy for you, helps it to stay in emulsified form. I typically use it with salads or you name it! I like it with organic corn chips gmo free with a special Kimchi my mom-in-law makes. Or with vegetables and with chicken.Be creative!


Historically you had to use a mortar and pestle, and it took 30-40 minutes to do this recipe. I want to save you time so this is my 15 minute version. The best way to do this is with a immersion blender. The ones that you stick inside a glass and just blend. I use the same 32 oz mason jar over and over again because garlic kills all the bugs:   viruses, parasites, fungus/mold, bacteria.   


Here is the recipe:

1 cup extra-virgin olive oil in tin container with expiration date (you can increase this amount if you want less solidifying from the coconut oil going in and out of refrigerator.

1 cup expeller pressed coconut oil (no flavor) (Less if you use more olive oil),  both oils = 2 cups total

1 bulb garlic

1 tbl Premier research Sea salt (processed without Nickel heavy metal that is toxic to your body)

1 cup Lemon juice


Chop garlic into small pieces,  put all into 32 oz mason jar,  use immersion blender and blend for 2 minutes,  ENJOY!  (I like with vegetables, chicken, salads, organic baked corn chips)

Please comment on how it went?

You can Prevent or Beat Cancer Workshop!

I'm having a free Cancer Workshop to show you how to boost your bodies ability to fight cancer.

Learn about your body's amazing built in God given doctor to beat any disease!

I use both western and non drug/surgery approaches to find the weakness in your body that make it prone to cancer.  

We all have cancer in our bodies but not all of us have it.   Why is that?  

Did you ever wonder why suddenly anybody develops Stage 4 cancer?  Did just magically appear?

Learn about how you can prevent and beat it!

I'm planning on a Saturday am.  between 10 and 11:30.    Let me know what Saturday works best and I'll plan on the day.

God Bless from Dr. Paul's Body Intelligent Center!

The Challenge of My Kids Hating My Smoothie

I am so happy that I made a healthy smoothie that my family likes.  It has been such a challenge that I almost gave up.   But I finally made 1 that they enjoyed!  :)  :)  :)


Here is the recipe for Tropical pineapple smoothie:  Feeds 4-5.  (Divide ingredient amounts accordingly if less than 5 people)


1.  5 cups pure water

2.  2 cups spinach

3.  3 scoops quality protein powder (I use Biotics chocolate whey protein isolate)

4.  1 scoop Nitro Greens (Super green food from Biotics)

5.  1 tbl (flaxeed oil - organic,  I use Mixed efas- Biotics- combination of  Walnut, apricot kernal, hazelnut and sesame seed- also great over salads)

6.  Taurine (2000 mg)  2 capsules-  Jarrow,  open capsules.  Taurine a overall great product for maintaining health and reducing stress.

7.  Coral calcium legend (Premier research labs).   3/4 tsp

8.  1 banana

9.  Frozen pineapple chuncks (Samsclub)

10.  1/2 lemon (squeezed)

11.   1/2 tbl of bentonite (overall binder to toxins in the digestive tract)


Have fun and experiment on different variations.  Let me know your favorite recipes by commenting below.


Congratulations, we're almost at 3000 lbs lost!

We are so proud of our Ideal Protein dieters who have lost over 2900 pounds and 2200 inches off their bodies! All this achieved while improving health and feeling great at the same time.   The dieter who reaches the 3000th lb lost, will receive a free box of Ideal Protein food.  The hard work and commitment to your health is paying off - Keep it up!

What's up with aging?

What's up with aging?

It's not Botox my friends!

You're not 30 anymore, and what you took for granted in your younger years has been replaced by various aspects of change that you either see or feel as your physiology changes.

More importantly, is the need to ward off disease. No you are not exempt from this group, but you can take measures to enhance your health and provide your body with protective actions based upon your lifestyle behaviors and the science of an integrative approach to health care.


What should you be most concerned with?

While I could pick from an arsenal of tests based upon ones family history, current lifestyle habits and your individual complaints, there are some fundamental markers that must be examined in all of us, and these markers, known in medical science are termed biomarkers as they reflect our biology and what state they are in.

When you have your blood taken, each one of the tests prescribed represents a given biomarker. Of course it is the collective gathering of various biomarkers that allows us as doctors to understand the "bodies story", and what clinical actions to take to help you improve the quality of your health. But herein lies a critical issue. How your doctor was trained, thinks, and if he or she practices conventional medicine alone, or incorporates the emerging science of functional medicine, clinical nutrition and the role that epigenetic's plays in our lives can make all the difference.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine can be defined as both the way a doctor thinks (causation and mechanism based as opposed to symptom suppression or formulary based in many cases). Utilizes unique laboratory testing, as well as standard testing to help define your health issues; along with the use of natural medicines when applicable. Who said a pharmaceutical drug is the only way to treat an illness? Seriously think about this statement for a moment.

What is Epigenetic's?

Epigenetic's can be defined as all the things you bathe your cells in every day, (what surrounds our genes), such as your stress levels, what you eat, your weight, how much you exercise, the chemicals you are exposed to over time, etc.

One of the two most important biomarkers to keep a tight rein on, are your sugars, and inflammation.

A standard chemistry reports our glucose levels, but if we rely on this alone, it is not enough to tell the story. We must have a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and a fasting insulin level, as the HbA1c reflects where your sugars have averaged over 3 months.

Why is this so important?

In America currently 79 million people are pre diabetic, and 26 million are diabetic. Collectively this represents 105 million people with a sugar disorder, and we have approximately 300 million people in our country.  The profundity of this fact, and the fall out of high sugars in the blood stream are directly related to significant increased rates of cardiovascular disease (Still the # 1 killer), cancers, Alzheimer's disease and other vascular disorders that cost you either the loss of life or the quality of it, that you were born to maintain.

The real truth is while we have all been taught to watch our cholesterol levels, and everyone has bought into this as the end all do all to prevent disease of our cardiovascular system, it is our sugars and inflammation that take center stage, not cholesterol that we need to put our focus on.

The science supporting this statement is actually overwhelming, but the pharmaceutical companies choose to continue to push statin drugs over this science because the cash cow it has produced is so amazing that until an equally profitable drug for sugar and inflammation can replace it, it's here to stay. I know this is a painful reality, but you can't look away from the truth!

So how do I know if my inflammation markers are up?

We all know when we have a painful swollen joint. It's red, hot and it hurts.  That's not the inflammation I'm referring to. It is a chronic low grade inflammation that resides in your blood vessels and body that causes all the havoc over time.

There are 2 primary biomarkers we can assess easily on a blood test.

One is called C-reactive protein or CRP, the other is called Cardio CRP or sensitive CRP. 

CRP alone is a general inflammation marker for your whole body; Cardio CRP is specific to inflammation in your blood vessels. If your cardio CRP is elevated, your risk of stroke or a heart attack is greatly increased.

While there are many factors that influence CRP's, a primary driver is insulin resistance or elevated sugars! This biomarker when elevated can actually cause the plaque in your blood vessels to break loose and throw a clot. So when you actually look at the mechanism behind this part of your physiology, you begin to understand its importance.

How do I know if these biomarkers are okay and if I'm healthy?

-One of the best ways to remain healthy is to take an interest and become more proactive about your health.

-Make sure to ask your doctor to run these critical tests I have outlined for you, if he or she has not already done so. 

-If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you. 

Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is still and will always be the elephant in the room. No pill, potion or lotion can ever take its place, despite your hopes for science to save you from a fundamental of life.-

If you want a second opinion or interpretation, call me and I will be happy to read these tests for you.  

As we age, without exercise our body composition changes. We lose muscle mass, and its replaced with fatty tissue. This is without weight gain, so if you add weight gain to this equation, your body composition starts taking on a whole new picture, and it's not favorable!  Over time this equates to a dreaded state we observe in many of our aging parents or the elderly, and if we could put one word to best describe it, it could be best stated as frailty. 

Oh it's just fat, and I'm getting older. Isn't that just part of aging?


The truth is that, the awareness of your health is your responsibility to yourself.

If you want to reduce your propensity to disease, you need to be mindful of what your body requires to keep your Ferrari a well oiled machine.

The quality, quantity and types of food you eat daily is the fuel you feed that Ferrari.

As the old adage goes- "Garbage in garbage out".

The science on diet, lifestyle and disease prevention is not coming. It's here, and always has been. The food industry is driven by profits, not your health. Keep reading quality information such as the recently published study on the Mediterranean diet.

So successful were the results of this Meta analysis study, proving its cardiovascular health benefits that even the American Heart Association's diet now must acknowledge its recommendations were wrong. (In high probability it will just adopt these new guidelines, but who cares as long as people are taught to eat foods that actually promote health and longevity).

Take fish oils daily, eat nuts seeds and legumes. Consume more lean proteins like fish and increase your use of olive oil.

Increase salads, vegetables and fruits, especially berries and DO NOT EAT A LOW FAT DIET! The theory on low fat diets has unequivocally been proven wrong. It is the types of fat that we consume, that makes all the difference.

Low fat diets promote high carbohydrate intake, and this directly drives insulin resistance and diabetes. The American epidemic of obesity has in part been driven by disseminating the wrong information, despite its good intentions.

I would also urge you to make sure your Vitamin D status is optimal as well, so your doctor needs to run this chemistry every 6 months.

Optimal vitamin D levels are associated with healthy bone density, lowered inflammation, improved immune surveillance and cancer reduction, as well as lowered mortality rates across the board in the elderly.

While the reference range is 30-100, the institute for functional medicine advises a level of 50-80 for optimal wellness, and I concur completely.  Most patients require 2000-4000 iu. Vitamin D3 per day to attain this goal. The institute of medicine in my opinion is way off the mark with its recommendations of 600 iu. of vitamin D a day when the literature clearly favors higher levels for optimal health.

Eat healthy, stay active; maintain a flexible spine and healthy nervous system through chiropractic care and exercise.  Have a great physical every year with a cutting edge doctor, and instead of fearing what your doctor may tell you, based upon lifestyle habits that you know are not conducive to good health- impress your doctor by showing him or her that you took proactive measures in your own hands, and be proud of your personal accomplishments.

​Credit to this article goes to Dr. Loren Marks,  New York, NY.   

How to Check Yourself for Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is in epidemic proportions in the United States. The consequences of vitamin D deficiency are broad and affect every part of our health. Please check you and your family with this free simple test.