Future medicine will be based on controlling energy in the body.
— Professor William Tiller, Stanford University

Functional Health Testing/Anti-Aging

I'm in concert with Dr. Mark Hyman's Functional Medicine Drug-less approach to fatigue, lack of sleep, gall bladder issues, weight gain, hormones, pain.  You are not a diagnoses! That is just a label for a set of symptoms.  Symptoms from the following can go away because we treat the cause of the symptoms and give you hope again --  Obesity,  fibromyalgia, pms, hot flashes, mood issues, brain issues, dizziness, vertigo, and many other symptoms.  We bridge conventional, western and alternative approaches to solve your concerns.

When you come, a minimum 1 to 1.5 hour consult is necessary to determine how your foundational habits are doing.  How you manage stress, eating, sleeping and bowel habits are big deals when you are not balanced in these areas. 

We need to go over any blood work or other tests that you have done and determine what was not done to get to the core of your health.  


Body Intelligent Center specializes in treatment of chronic and acute pain and injuries  through the use of Dr. Paul Kwik's own Accumotion Release Technique and high power therapeutic class IV laser therapy.

Weight Loss

Want to get rid of that fat and learn how to keep it off?  Our patients have already lost over 6000 pounds and are loving their new lease on life.