What I Do to Clean the Air from Covid Virus in My Home and Office

Since COVID, I've become more concerned about keeping my office and home virus-free. I discovered these valuable filtration methods that have been a game-changer in creating a healthier environment:

Simple Version With the Air Scrubber that I, Dr. Paul use:

  1. Ventilate: Open windows for fresh air, promoting better airflow.

  2. Indoor Plants: Bring in plants like spider plants for cleaner air.

  3. Patented Air Scrubber (For mild mold issues. For more severe mold issues, talk to me about the ozone version of this filter. Only available outside of California)

DIY Version (you implement all steps below)

  1. Ventilate: Open windows for fresh air, promoting better airflow.

  2. Indoor Plants: Bring in plants like spider plants for cleaner air.

  3. Essential Oils: Use diffusers with tea tree or eucalyptus oils for a pleasant, natural way to combat airborne germs.

  4. Salt Lamps: Consider Himalayan salt lamps for a soothing ambiance.

  5. Activated Charcoal: Place it strategically for cleaner air. (Research and find your own air filter. I personally use this Patented Air Filter at home.)

  6. Regular Cleaning: Dust and vacuum often for a fresh space.

  7. UV-C Light: Use air purifiers with UV-C light to neutralize germs. (Research and find your own air filter. I use this Patented Air Filter in my home and office.)

  8. Hydrogen Peroxide: Use cautiously for controlled disinfection. (Research and find your own air filter. This Patented Air Filter is part of my approach for a healthier space.)

Wishing you well-being and vitality!

Warm regards,

Dr. Paul at Body Intelligent Center