Skin Tags & HPV
/If you have ever been diagnosed with HPV and/or have skin tags, there are natural things you can do.
Skin tags may demonstrate alikeness to warts in appearance (Look up pix of warts online if you are unsure of what they look like) and are oftentimes confused as such. The exhibition of either of the two on one’s skin may find it’s cause in HPV (human pap virus) which nearly 100% of the population have. When your immune system is weakened, HPV may present itself in the form of common warts and/or less common skin tags due to the body’s weakened ability to supress/control the effects of HPV.
Action steps:
1. Research the above and contact us if HPV and/or warts resonates with you.
2. Something you can do immediately requires garlic and 1 drop of iodine (Call our office if you are unsure of where you can buy quality iodine).
3. Crush 1 clove of garlic, rub a qtip, all over on the garlic
4. Put 1 drop of the liq. iodine and rub on skin tags daily till they disappear.
(Could take a day, or up to several days)
If you’ve had HPV or warts in the past, you may need another more costly supplement. Contact our office about that.