Home Harmonizer
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This is the most important product for every home or space and the best Home Remediation product that exists. (It’s the first and most important product that we suggest, followed by the Cell Chip, then a Personal Device, then all other important things.)
All Homes, Condos, Apartments, and businesses should use this product (and not the Room Harmonizers) for every place that can access either the Electric (Smart) Meter or the Fuse Box (one which controls all rooms in the space).
This product remediates the EMF challenges coming from OUTSIDE of the home such as Cell Towers, 5G Satellites, Smart Meters, Powerlines, SCADA Poles, neighbors’ WI-Fi’s, etc.
This product also remediates the weaker EMF emitting devices from inside the home (like basic electrical devices and all types of lights). The stronger EMF devices, which are remediated by our products touching it (or are very close to it) will be improved with the Home Harmonizer but to fully remediate these properly it is necessary to use a Cell Chip, Laptop Chip, or Device Chip directly on them. These stronger Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices include Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Wi-Fi routers, Gaming Stations, and Bluetooth Baby Monitors. It is also important to use a Device Chip on all rotating electric motor devices - like fans, inside A/C units, air purifiers.
This product is installed normally outside next to the Electric Meter but can also be installed inside next to your fuse box. See Instructions below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Supply chain and pandemic issues means there are only 2 manufacturers in the USA that make the gray electrical boxes we put our proprietary natural material in. Both make boxes with small imperfect blemishes on them. Please understand these are all brand new and work perfectly, even if they look slightly imperfect.
If your home has extra EMF challenges you should also add a Booster Box . Extra challenges include a home:
With solar panels
Within 100 yds of a Cell Tower or SCADA Pole
Less than 25 yds from XL Powerlines or an Electric Transformer (on a pole or box in the ground)
Over 4,000 Square Feet
With a metal roof
If your home is a Condo or Apartment and if you do NOT have access to your Electric Meter (outside) AND YOU ALSO DO NOT have access to your Fuse Box (that controls all electric outlets in your entire home) then you should get multiple Room Harmonizers instead.
Dimensions: 4″ x 4″ x 4″
NOTE: This remediates entire home from EMF’s outside home, Smart Meter(s), cell towers, as well as TV’s, etc. BUT we recommend still getting Better ZZZ’s for your bed…as well as a device chip for any Wifi or fan located near a bed, desk, or couch.
IMPORTANT FYI - YOU MAY DETOX - PLEASE READ: About 20 percent of those who remediate their home and their EMF emitting devices (cell phones, laptops, etc) experience a DETOX for one day, a few days or in rare cases more. Those with current health issues such as auto-immune issues, or the elderly are often the most likely to detox. Although this is a super positive sign of good things happening, it can feel "icky". There are two things that you can do. First, slowly implement the products one at a time every 1 to 3 days. Or second, see the Detox Protocol (for advice on how to minimize or avoid this possibility of a detox)... just click here --> https://drkwik.com/blog/category/Detoxification
INSTALL RULE #1 – The Home Harmonizer should be placed in a spot where the electricity comes into your home, such as: next to or on top of your Electric (Smart) Meter outside, on the pipe nearest to your Electric Meter outside, or as a last resort by the Fuse box inside of the home. See short videos for best examples.
INSTALL RULE #2 – DO NOT sandwich the product between two electric or metal things for maximum effectiveness. For example, don’t place the Home Harmonizer Box (HH Box) on the electric pipe coming off of your Electric Meter in a spot where there’s another electric or metal pipe within 8 inches on the opposite side of the HH Box. See Diagrams below:
Helpful Hints:
1. QUANTITY: 1 HH Box for most houses…add a Booster Box for EMF-Challenged homes such as homes with Solar Panels, within ½ block from a Cell Tower, or about 50 feet from an Electric Transformer Barrel or Extra Large High-Voltage Powerlines.
2. YOU MAY DETOX - PLEASE READ: About 20 percent of those who remediate their home and their EMF emitting devices (cell phones, laptops, etc) experience a DETOX for a few days or so. Those with current health issues such as auto-immune issues are often the most likely to detox. Although this is a super positive sign of good things it can feel "icky". Please see the Detox Protocol (for advice on how to minimize or avoid this possibility) by going here --> https://drkwik.com/blog/category/Detoxification
To avoid feeling a “Detox” you can simply go very slow by installing or using one product at a time then introducing one more product every few days or so as you feel good. Most people do NOT need to do this, but those who are older, weaker, or sick may want to use this option.
3. Write with a permanent marker “Belongs to owner” &/or “Unit # XYZ” &/or your Phone # on the outside of the HH Box. That way if the Electric Company comes out and doesn’t know what it is they don’t throw it away by accident.