How to stay thin and look healthy
Aim to have a carb-poor meal for lunch, manage carb intake during lunch as low as possible, consider protein an important part of the diet and having good fats like olive oil or grape seed oil as salad dressing. Have about the size of your palm in each portion with each meal. No, that does NOT include luncheon meats. Just remember whatever protein you use, it needs to be the thickness of a chicken breast, e.g. 3 eggs.
Add organic coconut oil, grass fed butter. You can also add raw nuts, however if they'resprouted, there is increased phytic acid which can block certain minerals in the body from being absorbed. These minerals are essential to electrolyte balance for health. Please do not ignore foundational effect that minerals have on the body.
For dinner, a good rule of thumb is to focus more on carbs than fats. Always keep vegetables in mind, you can have them raw or steam. One great way to have your vegetables is in soup. One of the benefits of soup and fits in well for dinner, when you have warm food in your stomach it starts your digestive process and the warm fluid getting into your stomach also limits your hunger. The rest of the meal, you are not tempted to over eat. You can have good complex carbs such us rice, pasta, potatoes, beans or quinoa that you can build in your plate. Avoid recipes that use a lot of fat, you can have fat but use 1 tsp or less per serving. Remember, you are also going to have fat from your natural protein source like fish, poultry or meat. At night, even while your body is in a fasting mode, it’s regenerating itself and needs fuel. While you sleep, your body will burn the complex carbs you ate for dinner the night before.
Stay tuned for further insights. Stay Healthy!
True of False? A good sweetener in place of sugar is Agave Nectar.
True or False? If you consume less calories then you burn, you will lose weight
True or False? Fructose from Fruits rarely contributes to Diabetes.
The Real Reason People Gain Weight
If your answer to the above 3 questions is True or you are Unsure. Keep reading.
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If you are tired of the way you are doing things and want a new result. You are at the right place.
Most people understand that eating Big Macs, pasta, baked potatoes covered in sour cream, chocolate cake, or sugary candy is going to cause them to gain weight. On the other hand, some people don’t understand why they work out daily and eat a pretty healthy diet, but still can’t lose weight. The type and quantity of food one eats affects the body positively or negatively. But what do different types of foods actually do to our bodies at a deeper, cellular level?
Is Fruit the Culprit?
Did you know that eating too much fruit can cause weight gain?
Our culture is dominant with myths regarding fruit. If you strongly believe we should learn from our past mistakes and successes then read on. Their has never been a culture that eats fruits throughout the year with the exception of tropical peoples. Tropical cultures, have more warmth and more calories burned and therefore more need for calories from carbs like fruits. In God's wisdom the need for fruit is necessary throughout the year, thus growing in all seasons. If you are not in a tropical region and don't get the food from harvesting the land, thus burning more calories from the hard work, then fruit throughout the year can be a weight gainer for you.
Unfortunately, our agricultural system makes fruits readily available in all seasons.
Is Your Pancreas burnt out?
The pancreas is an organ which directly affects weight gain or weight loss. This is how it works: the pancreas secretes two hormones called insulin and glucagon. The one we’ll be focusing on is insulin, which helps balance blood sugar and regulate fat metabolism. The amount of insulin which is secreted by the pancreas is directly related to how many saturated fats, sugars, and carbs are consumed. It is important to note here that when I say “sugar”, I’m not necessarily talking bout a Snicker’s bar. Some complex carbohydrates and any simple carbohydrate like bread, pasta, fruit, or juice is quickly turned into sugar by the body. After a meal high in carbs and sugar, insulin secretion rises greatly. When insulin is present, it tells cells in the body to take in fat from the blood and not let it be used as energy. It locks the fat in the cell! Too much insulin can cause someone to be hypoglycemic, which causes them to crave sugar.
So, when someone eats sugar, insulin is produced. Insulin causes fat storage in the body. Then, the high level of insulin in your body makes you crave more sugar. So you eat sugar which signals more insulin production and more fat storage, and the whole thing starts over again. With such a downward spiral, of course your pancreas will eventually burn out.
Please Give My Pancreas a Needed Rest!
Believe it or not, there is actually a positive side to this! Since we know how insulin works and how it affects weight gain, we also know how to control it. Monitoring what goes in the body allows us to manipulate insulin production to our advantage. This is where a scientifically proven protein based diet is essential.
A protein diet protocol should be designed in such a way that it gives the pancreas a break from having to constantly produce high levels of insulin. It does this by replacing the bad foods that most people eat with a healthy supply of protein and vegetables. Once the pancreas realizes that the body is not taking in so much sugar, it stops producing high levels of insulin. Without insulin around, fat is no longer locked into our cells and the body can easily access it to use as energy. That said, fat must be restricted as well so the body now burns body fat rather than fat from food. Thus, fat is burned and pounds and inches come off!
To learn more about our Body Intelligent Center's protein diet protocol, watch the two videos located here or Click here to read more.
For those not quite ready for our protein diet protocol -- for whatever reason -- our Healing Diet* can help give your pancreas its needed rest as well as help bring relief to any gastrointestinal issues and that mid-afternoon fatigue that always hits right when the day starts getting busiest.
*Available to patients only.