Personal Card XXL
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We suggest XXL Strength (which is still not as strong as the XL Band but more convenient for some)
Remediates EMF’s wherever you go! (On an Airplane. At the store. Near WIFI in public, etc.) Size of a credit card…strength of an Elephant!
IT IS BETTER TO WEAR 2 CARDS (see XXL) – versus one Band plus one Card. It is more synergistic and will work better to wear two of the same thing (2 Cards or 2 Bands). The XXL is the best 2 Card option.
FYI – The Regular Strength Card = is only for kids who won't wear a Band (which is stronger than the Reg Card)…OR for those who have significant health issues (call us for advice if this describes you but this card is a way to ease into remediation).
PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW & FOLLOW THE RULES – because wearing XL or Combo Cards backwards will result in the device not working. The rules are very simple but read them.
**Most convenient Personal EMF Protection Device for men or people who wear pockets or carry a wallet daily.**
ALL CARDS (Regular, XL, & XXL):
DO NOT USE TOUCHING METAL OBJECTS such as keys, coins, a cell phone, etc. (I.E. Ideal to not put Personal Card in same pocket as your keys. It is best to wear it with nothing else in the same pocket. Some metal may already be in product so more metal could throw off the balance of the product making it less effective or even stronger than ideal for you!)
Best worn IN SHORTS OR PANTS POCKET. The XL and XXL Cards have a super weak magnet in it, so weak it should never affect a credit card for example. It is said that magnets should not be kept around your heart, especially near pace-makers.
Must be <1/4 inch from the body to work. > 2 inch from the body does Not work to protect you. Ex Thick jackets, etc.
DO NOT BEND TOO MUCH, PUNCTURE IT, WASH IT OR GET IT WET. If it does go through the Washing Machine it will still work but it could come apart in one to ten washes.
SUPER IMPORTANT = the XL Card MUST be on top of the Regular Card. If you switch these two it will NOT WORK properly! See picture on Product Page for XXL Card to see which is on top.
TO ADHERE THE TWO CARDS TOGETHER = we suggest using Packing Tape or Clear Tape around each edge. Every once in awhile you might want to put replace this tape to keep it new looking and well secured
KEEP STICKER SIDE FACING AWAY FROM BODY FOR XXL & XL Cards (not needed for the “Regular” Card) – see front of card
KEEP STICKER SIDE FACING AWAY FROM BODY FOR XXL & XL Cards (not needed for the “Regular” Card) – see front of card
GOOD FOR SMALLER KIDS WHO DO NOT WANT TO OR WHO CAN’T WEAR A REGULAR OR XL BAND - because you can wear this one facing either direction.
USUALLY ITS OK TO HAVE METAL ITEMS IN SAME POCKET as the Card is in. For example, if a kid (or adult) accidentally puts metal keys or change in their pocket it almost always still works well. But ideally still do not put a Cell Phone in the same pocket.
Another Precaution: If you puncture product just tape it to keep crushed earth materials inside product. This will keep it working effectively.
ONE-YEAR WARRANTY: If for any reason the Personal Card rips or breaks we will replace it one time free of charge for the first year. (DETAILS: For replacement product you pay shipping only. Also you must mail back the broken product to EMF Solutions first before replacement is sent. Proof of purchase from EMF Solutions or other is required…OR you can email us at info@emfsol.com to request a replacement.)