Success Agreement
To ensure the safety and efficacy of your Health protocol:
I commit to abstaining 100% from alcohol while on the Health protocol, understanding that reintroduction may occur later on in Maintenance
Why is this important? When we enter into nutritional ketosis, we must still maintain adequate levels of glucose in the blood to fuel the brain and other glucose-dependent tissues. But because we’re significantly reducing our main source of glucose (carbohydrates) in our diet during the Weight Loss phase (Phase 1), we become dependent on our liver to “make new glucose” in a process called gluconeogenesis. Alcohol, when consumed, travels to the liver where it is recognized as a toxin and its removal takes priority. In doing so, the liver stops all other processes – including making new glucose AND ketones. In little time, blood glucose levels fall and without ketone production may leave the brain entirely without fuel. This can lead to disorientation and even to a loss of consciousness – not from the alcohol directly, but from a fuel-deprived brain.
I commit to my weekly Healthy weigh ins
Why is this important? This is a medically designed and supervised health protocol. Your weigh ins are required to oversee your progress and are critical to your success. Missed weigh ins indicates a lack of commitment and readiness. Muscle loss is normal if you lose weight on this program. Our primary goal is Health! If you are Healthy, most symptoms including weight gain goes away! Your weekly Healthy weigh ins include calculation of muscle loss/rebuilding. Our goal is <25% muscle loss or >75% muscle rebuilding.
I commit to staying in communication with my Health coach
Connecting by text is included for questions or concerns and is vital! You will be required to fill out a brief weekly questionnaire so we can tailor your coaching.
I commit to following all instructions as directed (adequate food replacements (shakes or Ideal protein), adequate dinner protein portions (4-6 oz), 4 cups of vegetables/day (see vegetable list), 64-96 oz. water)
Why is this important? Failure to consume adequate protein may lead to muscle loss, which will impact long-term maintenance. Consuming adequate vegetables provide essential nutrients, fiber and satiety.
I commit to taking the Designs for health or other Dr. Kwik’s Micronutrition supplements daily as directed
Why is this important? Due to the restrictive nature of Phase 1, many essential nutrients found in a balanced diet are temporarily removed. This includes many B Complex vitamins, which are crucial for energy production. Why Designs for Health Brand? Our vitamins and minerals are formulated with our foods to provide the minimum daily requirements of essential nutrients necessary to optimize results.
I commit to an open and honest relationship with my Coach
Why is this important? Your Coach is your number 1 advocate in your success throughout this journey. He/she is NOT a judge or a jury. Without transparency in your communication, your Coach is unable to properly provide the right support at the right time.
Once my Health objective has been met, I am aware that transitioning on to the Stabilization phase for a minimum of 2 months is strongly recommended by my coach/clinic.
Why is this important? Weight loss triggers a “regain” response in the body. Our Stabilization process is designed to help you recognize your body’s efforts to regain and will teach you how to manage increased hunger, cravings and feeding cues by fine-tuning your diet and empowering you with knowledge and strategies.
I, by digitally signing below, understand that creating new and sustainable diet and lifestyle changes will take time, effort and commitment. I understand that the above agreed-upon terms are crucial to my success and to the safety and efficacy of the Ideal Protein protocol.