What are the Benefits of Taking Amino Acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and play a crucial role in many biological processes in the body. They are necessary for the synthesis of muscle tissue, enzymes, hormones, and other molecules that are essential for proper bodily function. Some of the potential benefits of taking amino acid supplements include:
Improved muscle growth and recovery: Amino acids are critical for the growth and repair of muscle tissue, making them a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders.
Increased energy levels: Amino acids can help to improve energy levels by increasing the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the primary source of energy for the body.
Enhanced cognitive function: Some amino acids, such as tyrosine and phenylalanine, can help to improve mental clarity and focus.
Reduced fatigue and soreness: Amino acids can help to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, allowing you to train harder and recover more quickly.
Improved immune function: Amino acids are necessary for the proper function of the immune system, helping to prevent illness and infection.
Improved digestion and nutrient absorption: Amino acids can help to improve digestion and nutrient absorption, allowing the body to better utilize the nutrients in food.
Some amino acid supplements, such as those in powdered or liquid form, may be absorbed more quickly than whole protein sources, as they are already in a broken-down form.
It's worth noting that the specific benefits of amino acids may vary depending on the type of amino acid and the individual's unique needs and health status. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
How to do the EZ detect Occult Blood stool test. No touching of stool :)
Healthy oils vs Killer oils
Watch this video: http://screencast.com/t/mmbERScXE
Please watch this with all those you care for.
These oils act to rejuvenate or to kill.
Get Pure olive oil I recommend.
You can buy 1 source I recommend: Click the following link to buy 100% certified organic olive oil that is not bastardized by cheaper oils, rancid and oxidized. Please note you must have a password to buy this: drkwik
Where do I Start My Biblical Journey toward Health? click here
2. How do I eat to promote faster healing? Click here
4. What is a good natural sweetener? I like using Stevia in my shakes and sometimes to enhance water flavor. Here is a link to questions about 1 of the brands I recommend: http://sweetleaf.com/about/faqs/
Click here to get this stevia.
5. What are good sources of Olive Oil that have not been damaged in the manufacturing processes?
1. Barianio. https://www.barianioliveoil.com
2. Omega nutrition, click below to buy Omega 32 oz pure olive oil that rebuilds your body rather than harming it.
6. Is Canola oil good for you?
The more I research, the more conflicting, confusing information there is. We are barraged by a torrent of “information” on the internet.
One of my goals is to simplify this for me and my patients.
Canola oil is controversial because different authorities say its good and some authorities say it’s bad. So who do you believe?
Before we ask this question, there are basic concepts I base all my health decisions on:
1. Common sense. God gave us a brain for a reason. The less man does to a food, the better.
2. Tailored approach for your unique body. You may need more Omega 3 and someone else may need more Omega 9 and 6.
3. Your body heals on its own, when you supply it with the proper ground work materials. I discuss this below.
In order to talk about Canola oil, we must take a look at the other health players as well, like proteins, good carbohydrates like vegetables and all the essential, vitamins and minerals. Suffice it to say, oils are essential for our health and play a foundational part.
The anatomy of food makes up our anatomy. So we must break down the parts that make up the whole. The caveat here is we have limited knowledge. For example, we have not discovered the thousands of power punching, anti aging antioxidants in various foods. So the moral of the story, eat a variety of fresh foods in balance so you get all the parts you need to make you a happy healthy you!
Your body has common sense. It understands the anatomy of “real” food which ideally should be as close to unprocessed as possible. Your body understands when it needs to attack environmental toxins when ingested or breathed in. This is my core health philosophy. When you allow the body to do this, all anatomy is well. Recognized and common medical practice, on the other hand, has a different point of view. Instead of looking at the cause of the ailment, they are trained to use drugs and surgery, and general food recommendations from the 2005 updated “food pyramid”.
But what are the facts? With heart disease, big pharmaceutical industries and general medicine historically believed that margarine was good for you. Now, you can see all over the grocery store, all the products that say, no “trans-fats”[1] because they have documented that this does contribute to not only heart disease but cancer. That’s what margarine and Crisco are plus all over heated vegetable oils. We will get into that a little later.
That is good; we need to learn from our mistakes. But I question the current medical paradigm in the treatment of heart disease. Which include the following:
1. The 2005 government food and exercise pyramid, oh yes that includes having good vegetable oils, such as canola. We’ll talk about the food pyramid in another discussion
2. Statin and blood pressure drugs
3. If the above does not work, surgery
The fact is, the incidence of heart disease is still getting worse.
The above is not working!
Do these answers make sense to you? More importantly, has it worked for you? An even deeper question, what scientific standards are you using to back up that it’s working? This is a whole separate discussion.
An interesting note is that if you look at the current government food pyramid, Do you see oils? It used to be a category and it’s not any more.
Common sense dictates, if heart disease is getting better, let’s keep doing the same thing. I seem to have heard somewhere: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." But health is not getting better and billions of out of pocket dollars are being spent by distressed health consumers at their wits end with drugs and surgery. They see functional doctors to really make a difference. Why? Because it works!
To learn more about the role of functional medicine doctors and how they use common sense and hard core science to help your suffering, see next question below.
I have spent over 20 years of my life studying natural treatments that don’t damage our body and actually let our bodies cure themselves. Hum? That’s a novel concept.
Let’s get back to canola oil:
Canola oil does have a healthy balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6. Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils are essential nutrients. This means these nutrients are required for normal human body function that either cannot be synthesized by the body at all, or cannot be synthesized in amounts adequate for good health, and thus must be obtained from a dietary source.
But there are other considerations.
In a nutshell, here are things you want to look for to get the most health promoting properties in a oil:
Find out whether the oil or any food for that matter has been overly heated, processed or chemically treated. In the case of Canola oil, the answer is a triple yes. Yes, they over heat it which what the essential omega fatty acids and creates cancer causing chemicals. Yes also to chemically extracted with toxic hexane which is highly toxic to your body. Many oils are extracted this way including vitamin D. We carry Biotics and premier research vit d because they do not use hexane[2][3]. And Yes harsh refining, bleaching, degumming with the addition of several chemicals butchers canola oil.
Smoke point is a good indicator of when you have overheated a oil. Keep in mind that when you reuse an oil it lowers the smoking point as well. Here is a good website of the smoke points of various oils. http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article/50/Smoke-Points-of-Various-Fats
Finally, look for oil in a dark container with an expiration date. Due to the volatility of oils, light is also a consideration and many oils are already slightly rancid when you have bought them with a clear container.
[1] It seemed Crisco had done the impossible and lived up to its own unbridled hype. But there was a dark side to all this purity. With cottonseed oil’s omega-6 to omega-3 ratio registering a magnitude 258 to 1, Crisco became the first ingredient to unleash unprecedented levels of linoleic acid—a polyunsaturated fat—into the American diet. Unknown to even the sharpest nutritionists of the day, Crisco had invited two killers into the American diet: trans fat resulting from partially hydrogenating oils and an astronomical intake of omega-6 fats—both now known to increase the risk of heart disease and cause inflammatory immune responses. It would be many decades before anyone realized what had gone so horribly wrong. In fact, the USDA would promote trans fats all the way up until 2005.
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexane#Safety n-Hexane is also used as a solvent in the extraction of oil from seeds (soybean, cottonseed, flaxseed, safflower seed, and others). It is sometimes used as a denaturant for alcohol, and as a cleaning agent in the textile, furniture, and leather industries. It is slowly being replaced with other less toxic solvents.[9]
[3] articles.mercola.com/herbal-oils/canola-oil.aspx The derivation of canola oil from seeds involved a combination of high temperature processes. Hexane is added to extract oil from the seeds, causing minute amounts of the dangerous gas byproduct to appear in cooking oils. Other methods included in canola oil processing are refining, bleaching, degumming, and the addition of several chemicals.
7. How Can a Functional Nutrition Doctor Help Me With My Chronic Condition?
Functional nutrition doctors can be medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors etc. We look at multiple things, like scientific data including blood work that traditional medical approaches may miss. We also use “out of the box” tools to get to the core of chronic issues. You may be thinking: “that does not make sense, medical doctors spends hundreds of thousands for their medical education. They should know about health. Well, that is partly true.
The medical approach is excellent at “acute” lifesaving, emergency care, when something really goes bad in your bodies. Drugs and surgery are what they are good at. But are drugs and surgery curing chronic heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia, diabetes, etc? Just go the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and see the skyrocketing increase of statistical chronic debilitating disease going up. With the facts above, would you want to go to a medical doctor and be dependent on drugs for the rest of your life? On top of that, drugs only Band-Aid the wound temporarily. They only cover symptoms and miserably produce dastardly collateral damage to your body. For me, if I had an acute emergency, I would definitely not go to me to fix it. I would go to the emergency room.
I have found contagious parasites on a 7 year old suffering with an itchy tongue and diffuse lower extremity joint pains. I prescribed the stool test, it came back positive and I referred her out to get antibiotics from her medical doctor. Problem solved. There are other unique situations which may require a drug or surgery, but in my opinion, most of these can be avoided with a proper prophylactic functional, complimentary approach.
Moral of the story: Let’s work together as a team. Let’s head to the hospital for acute life saving issues and run to your functional medicine practitioners for the chronic ailments.
8. Why are professional supplements more expensive?
I'll answer this first with a question. When you go to the gas station which gas is best for your car? Will that gas work for a rocket? Obviously no. A simple answer is, you get what you pay for.
In the case of Biotics, They are a company driven to produce results oriented supplements. There is no regulation requirements on supplements. When you go to the Health food store you are limited by your research only. Based on that, you pick what you think you need. So, you must research the quality of the supplements.
Things to look for when choosing supplements:
1. Are they GMP certified? FDA is becoming more stringent with supplement companies. Those companies that don't abide, will close up shop! GMP Certification (Good manufacturing Practices) was started in 2007. GMP is the minimum that you should look for in a supplement. It’s important to understand that GMP certification by itself may not ensure that the vitamin or mineral supplement you take will provide the benefits you’ve seen or heard advertised. But it can help to make sure that you are getting what you pay for in the bottle, and that it’s been handled in a manner that attempts to ensure your safety. A study was done by Consumer labs (www.consumerlab.com) did a study on Valerian for 10 companies. 5 had the amount of Valerian it said on the label. 5 did not. One had Zero Valerian! Getting what it says on the label is where GMP is critical.
2. Is the company testing for break down and absorption of the supplement? This is not a FDA GMP requirement. This is something that Biotics goes the extra mile for. They have found poor quality supplements whole in the stool! An example of your money "going down the drain".
9. Why is there a Prop 65 Warning Label on this product?
1. Proposition 65 is a California law that requires a warning on any products containing qualifying
levels of over 800 substances, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and even Vitamin A at certain
2. The reason some of our products contain this warning is due to the presence of lead above .5 mcg
per recommended daily dose or per serving. This affects less than 15% of our products.
NOTE: The highest per serving lead level found in any Designs for Health product is less than
you might find in a 4 oz. serving of lettuce.
3. We use the purest ingredients available, but lead is everywhere in our environment and is
impossible to avoid in many natural, plant-based ingredients. That’s because lead is found in the
soil where the plants are grown and, therefore, it is present in virtually all plant-based foods.
Examples of lead content of common foods as reported by U.S. FDA
(These foods would require a Prop 65 warning if they were dietary supplements)
Median Highest found
Food mcg/serving mcg/serving
Lettuce, leaf, raw 0.57 1.59 4 oz. serving
Spinach, fresh/frozen, boiled 1.47 7.03 4 oz. serving
Bread, cracked wheat 0.68 2.38 6 oz. serving
Sweet potatoes, fresh, baked 1.59 7.26 4 oz. serving
Fruit juice blend (100% juice) 0.85 2.38 6 oz. serving
Data from US Food & Drug Administration
Total Diet Study - Market Baskets 2006-1 through 2008-4; Market Baskets 1991-3 through 2005-4
The fact is – most foods found in the produce section of the grocery store, along with many other
healthy foods such as nuts, fish, wine, and many others – would require a Prop 65 warning label if the
law was uniformly enforced.
10. Does a Prop 65 warning mean the product is unsafe?
1. No. As the State of California’s own Proposition 65 website states, “A Proposition 65 warning
does not necessarily mean a product is in violation of any product-safety standards or
2. The FDA’s Recommended Safe and Tolerable Daily Diet Lead Intake for adults is 75 mcg.
• This is 150 times the amount that requires a Prop 65 warning, and yet is considered safe by
the U.S. FDA
3. The FDA has established 750 mcg as the amount of lead that is known to cause health problems.
• This is 1,500 times the amount that requires a Prop 65 warning
An Industry-Wide Issue
This issue affects all companies that make nutritional supplements. The fact that some companies
selling in California are not adding warning labels to their products does not mean their products are
free of lead. Some companies may not be aware of the law; some have apparently chosen not to
comply; still others have been sued or are currently in litigation with the state of California regarding
their failure to comply with the law.
Since consumers have the right to be informed, and even practitioners are subject to the law and
subject to fines for failure to comply, DFH has chosen to add warning labels to any affected products,
thereby informing consumers and protecting all parties involved.
980 South St. Suffield, CT 06078 n Phone (800) 847-8302 n Fax (860) 627-0661 www.designsforhealth.com
When Biotics Research began manufacturing dietary supplements in the mid 1970′s, their mission was to do something that no other company in the industry to date has achieved; manufacture a dietary supplement under the strict quality control measures required by pharmaceutical companies. Below are just some of the quality control measures:
Raw material testing - raw materials and finished products are assayed for purity, potency, and xenobiotics/heavy metals/contaminants.
Dissolution testing - ensuring that any tablet/capsule that you intake will be digested and absorbed.
Stability testing - Through experience and access to the most advanced laboratory testing equipment available, Biotics Research is able to develop products that meet or exceed their label claim past the expiration date. Unlike some other manufacturers, Biotics Research has never been cited for marketing a product that did not meet or exceed label claim up to and beyond the expiration date.
12. How is the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method different from other protein diets on the market?
The Ideal Protein weight loss method treats weight issues at its source. By the time you reach your weight loss goal, you will have transformed your body's ability to metabolize sugar by reeducating your pancreas to produce only the right amount of insulin needed, no more.
The Ideal Diet aims at reducing carbohydrates and fats, not protein. In so doing, it preserves muscle tissue and protects vital organs to secure their proper function. In other words, you will lose fat not muscle.
The Ideal Protein weight loss method features up to a whopping 20 grams of protein per portion, twice as much as most of the competition.
The Ideal Protein weight loss method features a high biological protein, complete with eight (8) essential amino acids, that recreates 100% of the biological value of the complete protein for maximum assimilation and absorption.
The Ideal Protein weight loss method is less toxic than other protein diets because it features less saturated fats, no trans fats, no aspartame, no Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and no Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMO's).
13. What is the Whey Protein source of Ideal Protein products? Is it from cows which are not given Bovine Growth Hormones (BGH) and are the cows grass fed/organic?
The milk used in processing Ideal Protein whey isolates comes from cows raised on small European farms, grass fed and with no hormones. Ideal Protein cannot claim "organic" as the process of extracting the isolates precludes this nomenclature. That being said, the person must understand that an "isolate" is just the pure protein fractions of the total whey, these are issued with a "Certificate of Analysis" showing any traces of heavy metals, hormones, pesticides or any other chemical. The lot is PLACED IN QUARANTINE (i.e. Not even brought into lab) until they do their own mass spec assay of the product. If Ideal Protein's own analysis does not "jive" with the "Certificate of Analysis" from European company the product is rejected and returned.
14. What is a Medical Food and how can Arthoben help Osteoarthritis?
Regarding arthroben, it is a medical food with "osteoarthritis" on the label. This means it is used by practitioners to treat a specific condition and must be supervised by one. In this case the condition is osteoarthritis. Whereas a supplement anybody can obtain at a store for general health.
If the supplement does not say "a condition", i.e. a diagnosis like "osteoarthritis" than it's just a supplement.
The FDA regulates this and professional companies that primarily supply doctors offices must be very careful or can get hefty fines or even get shut down. It's definitely not just a marketing gimmick.
Here is more info on medical foods from the fda: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/MedicalFoods/UCM362995.pdf
This "medical food" has helped my patients with osteoarthritis tremendously.
More info: