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NEW PRODUCT - Over 2.5 times stronger yet the same price as previous version
Absolutely the best personal remediation product anywhere
Remediate EMF’s wherever you go! (At the store, in the classroom, anywhere in public)
Looks like a Cell Watch (so you can tell people what you have or stay incognito)
Fits Wrists 3.75 to 8.0 inch in diameter (virtually all kids and adults)
Now more durable than previous Bands
ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS are hand-crafted and use a special plant based resin (so they can be healthier than the normal chemical-filled resin products), therefore you will see some imperfections on our resin-using products (all Chips which are used in: Cell, Laptop, Device Chips plus Regular & XL Bands)
These guidelines take into account growing 5G concerns and the fact that each year EMF’s get substantially worse.
Kids or adults over 100 lbs likely do best with the EMF Band XL
People under 100 lbs are great with either band (EMF Band or EMF Band XL)
If you prefer a necklace - you can purchase (separately) a case which hangs the chip inside of this band from Amazon or other places for $11 to $24. Just search for the product "Apple Watch Pendent" and choose a Silicone face to be sure it fits our chip inside.
Previous Kid Band should be effective for those under 60 lbs for a while longer (we hope)
NOTE - the band does NOT need batteries or to be powered on. It's properties always work and increase automatically around EMFs
The chip may be removed from the band and worn in your pocket as well, although be careful kids don’t lose the chip this way.
*Must be <1/4 inch from the body to work. > 2inch from the body does Not work to protect you. Ex Thick jackets, etc.